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Pete's Plan - Beginner - bass ackwards?

Posted: February 22nd, 2015, 3:56 pm
by Myopic Squirrel
Decided on the Beginners Pete's Plan to continue my training. I plan to row every other day for 40 mins (excluding warmups & cool downs). Since I've been erging for a month, today decided to row for 40 mins at 20 SPM and 2:30 splits, and the distance would determine what week I would jump into PP - B. 8011 meters put me at PP Wk 7. As the next exercise is 7 x 500 with 2 minutes between, am I correct assuming that is to be at a higher rate? Since his Beginner Program doesn't specify rates, would a 10% - 15% rate (22, 23) be appropriate? Thank you in advance!

Re: Pete's Plan - Beginner - bass ackwards?

Posted: February 22nd, 2015, 5:32 pm
by hjs
Myopic Squirrel wrote:Decided on the Beginners Pete's Plan to continue my training. I plan to row every other day for 40 mins (excluding warmups & cool downs). Since I've been erging for a month, today decided to row for 40 mins at 20 SPM and 2:30 splits, and the distance would determine what week I would jump into PP - B. 8011 meters put me at PP Wk 7. As the next exercise is 7 x 500 with 2 minutes between, am I correct assuming that is to be at a higher rate? Since his Beginner Program doesn't specify rates, would a 10% - 15% rate (22, 23) be appropriate? Thank you in advance!
Yes higher rate, use what feels good, don,t be overly strict, try to make full strokes.

Re: Pete's Plan - Beginner - bass ackwards?

Posted: February 22nd, 2015, 10:41 pm
by dnf0929
Pete Plan 500's are designed as a speed workout meant to get you used to a 2k race pace. Everybody has a "sweet spot" in terms of rate. I'm a 6'2" HWT and I do them at 32-34spm sometimes even a bit higher.

Re: Pete's Plan - Beginner - bass ackwards?

Posted: February 23rd, 2015, 4:51 am
by jamesg
7 x 500 with 2 minutes rest
I think you'd do much better to make sure you have a solid endurance base first. It's never enough.

In any case if you do short sharp and nasty intervals like 7 x ½, your plan won't let you off the hook right away, there'll be plenty more like that. So just move off slow, warm up and ease into a comfortable pace, at say 10% to 15% higher Watts and rating than your long pieces; then in the last 3 or 4 bits you can cruise, you'll have found your sweet spot. Next week, a little faster... another serious problem in rowing, next time we have to go faster still, so take it easy this time. Getting fit can't be rushed, it's a growth process.

Most training plans, and especially the Interactives, allow for a very wide variety of work; this leaves us guessing as to how to do it and consequently gain plenty of experience and knowledge of ourselves, what we can do and what we can't. The "problem" is simple if you base your work on math and a little engineering (Watts, kg, rating, Work etc). Just pull reasonably hard once warm, full length every single one, using rating and HR control to stay within safe but useful limits.

I've noticed that when I do (or did..) anything real, such as climb a mountain or swim a mile out to sea, or kayak round a lake, it was endurance that came in handy. One has to get back home for lunch. But the last time I sprinted was to catch a train about 20 years ago. Never again. Last rant: remember Aesop too, the tortoise won.

Re: Pete's Plan - Beginner - bass ackwards?

Posted: February 25th, 2015, 7:25 pm
by Myopic Squirrel
James, your advice was even more 'spot on' after I finished Tuesday's row. I was really pumped up after Sunday's piece, thinking I was ready for 'the next step'. Imagine, only my 2nd 40 min piece, and now I'm ready for the 'next step'. This is exactly the type of enthusiasm that gets me in trouble! I could only hold 20 SPM to keep a 2:30 for only the first 33 mins. I then had to increase to 21/22 to hold the 2:30. A great reality check! I'm staying with the low SS until I can consistently maintain the 2:30. Once I can do that, may work on dropping the split time at the 20 SPM. Again, thank you!