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Basic Technique Question, very basic !

Posted: January 14th, 2015, 7:09 am
by drjay9051
Question relates to the drive. I have been advised to do one of two forms

1. pull arms to chest, than input a slight body lean to say 10=11 o clock. Recover by first bringing torso to upright then straighten arms

2. after the drive with legs, before full pull with arms input the torso lean to 11 o clock then and only then bring arms to chest

So is one of these the "absolute" method

Do I lean or bring arms to chest first? Or do I do the two motions simultaneously?

I of course assume the recovery will be the exact reverse order of the drive.

Help please

Re: Basic Technique Question, very basic !

Posted: January 14th, 2015, 7:36 am
by Citroen
Sequence is: legs then body then arms then hands away then arms then body and finally legs

Re: Basic Technique Question, very basic !

Posted: January 14th, 2015, 7:49 am
by drjay9051
Citroen wrote:Sequence is: legs then body then arms then hands away then arms then body and finally legs
So during the drive (power) phase it is body swing before arms and reverse for recovery ? Thank you. After speaking with several "accomplished" rowers i received differing opinions regarding the body swing/arm sequence.

Re: Basic Technique Question, very basic !

Posted: January 14th, 2015, 10:28 am
by jamesg
Seeing is believing, one hopes: