2k help needed!

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2k help needed!

Post by Wolkies » December 12th, 2007, 6:17 pm

Im currently a sophmore at my high school, and I joined the team about 8 months ago. We just took a 6k test last week, and i pulled a a 26:55.8 (Ltwt girl). I pretty much knew what to do and how to break down the 6k, but for this 2k test I have soon, I dont know when I should sprint, or what rates, or splits.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!

(Rower for 8 month, 26:55.8 6k, 130 lbs, Sophmore)

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Post by philrow » December 12th, 2007, 7:28 pm

Disclaimer: I don't know much about rowing for girls, and I don't know what kind of training you do or what your coaches are like. So, this is just my opinion based on what I know from my friends in high school in the lightweight women's 4+. For what it's worth, they did make it to finals at Canadian Nationals this year, and may have even medaled. I don't remember. It was hot and sunny. :-p

A 6k at 26:55 would be an average split of ~2:15. I believe that's a pretty decent time, especially for a sophomore. Again, not knowing anything at all, and assuming that was an all-out effort on the 6k, I would estimate that you are capable of a +/- 2:07 average for a 2k, and potentially more. If this is your first 2k, I'd recommend going at a pace that challenges you but still will allow you to finish the piece well.

The girls in my high school lwt 4+ were mentored by a former Princeton lightweight girls coach. He couldn't stress enough that stroke ratings in high school girls were "much lower than they could or should be." Thereafter, the girls rowed very successfully at a 36-38 for the body of the race, which I think is pretty incredible. Stroke ratings depend on a lot on your "style" of rowing, which takes into account your size and body composition. Again in high school, the kid that stroked the novice 4+ and now strokes the varsity lwt 4+ after I left likes to keep things at about 39 spm, with 40/41 for the sprint. He rushes though -- don't do that. The point: you'll need to try things out to find a "comfortable" stroke rating. I'd say maybe ~32-34 for your 2k. You'll most likely adjust. My first legitimate 2k was at 26spm, and gradually ended up at 28spm by the end of the season. That's because I was more power-based than endurance-based at the time. Boy, did that change! As lightweights, we can only add on so much muscle. Hence, there can typically be a greater reliance on good technique and endurance in lightweights, as we can't power through pieces all the time. So, lightweights tend to have higher stroke ratings. I'm 6'2 and 165lbs, which I guess is big for a lightweight, so I have a lower stroke around 31-32spm. As a general rule, increasing spm means decreasing splits. It's more a matter of being able to maintain a certain spm than anything.

So, again given that I'm only making observations knowing little about your situation and whatever, I'd say:

Average total 2:07/500m, average 34spm
first 500m: 2:08
second 500m: 2:07
third 500m: 2:07
final 500m: 2:06 or better -- sprint it out, empty it entirely. I usually start the actual sprint at around 350 or 300 after working up to it slowly, and then start a full out burst, at which point I usually stop thinking and just keep erging, and trying not to let the extreme pain of over six minutes of lactic acid buildup overcome me and force me to pass out in glorious agony. :lol: I usually end up at 36spm and a good few seconds under my desired average split. I love erging :-D

The best thing to do would be to ask your coaches. They know you and they should know what you're capable of. If they don't give you specifics, they should at least give you a target time.

Good luck!
19, 86kg, 155cm


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Re: 2k help needed!

Post by Nosmo » December 13th, 2007, 1:13 am

When are you doing your 2K? The suggestion of 2:07 is a good guess but if you have time you should do some tests to learn what you can do. Doing a 2K can really wipe you out for a good long time, so you want to test yourself without doing a full 2K. You can try a 4x 1000 all at a 2:07. IF that goes well then try it at a 2:06 three days later. I think you should be able to do a 2K, 1 or 2 seconds slower pace then a 4x1000. You could also try 1500m at 2:07. IF it hurts a lot but you still have something left then that is reasonable pace to shoot for.

Ideally there is no sprint in a 2K. You want to go at constant speed the whole way. However, it is much safer and easier to go steady and increase it at the end. You will just have to judge for yourself how much faster you can go at the end. If you feel good, just bring up the pace very gradually starting at maybe 800m to go, bring it up by a second or so. IF you still feel OK at 500 bring it up another second. At 300 to go you should have only about 30 strokes left so start thinking about giving it everything you have left.

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Post by Wolkies » December 13th, 2007, 3:02 pm

thanks for the advice.
2:07 sounds reasonable
and i will definitely ask my coach what i should be pulling

thanks again,

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