5k time and 2k time

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5k time and 2k time

Post by GUROWER » November 9th, 2007, 2:25 pm

Just wondering if there was some type of general rule to calulate your 2k time with you 5k split? If i remember correctly wasnt substract 10sec from your split? Any help would be nice.


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Post by Nosmo » November 9th, 2007, 3:14 pm

There are a number of ways of doing it. The simplist is to take your 5k time and subtract 6 seconds from the pace. Do a search on this forum for Paul's Law. That 6 seconds though can vary by quite a bit depending on how balanced the training is between endurance and anaerobic work.

Other methods involve interpolating to extrapolating from other distances.
Plot your pace vs distance on a semi log scale (log of distance) and fit the best straight line through 2K point and that should work very well if you've got 500, 1000 and 5K. IF you've only got say 5K and 10K it will not be as good.

take a look at the Wolverine plan and the posts by Mike Caviston: http://www.c2forum.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... erine+plan
He has good predictions based on sets of intervals like 8x500 or 4x1000. This is probably the most accurate.

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Re: 5k time and 2k time

Post by PaulS » November 9th, 2007, 4:42 pm

GUROWER wrote:Just wondering if there was some type of general rule to calulate your 2k time with you 5k split? If i remember correctly wasnt substract 10sec from your split? Any help would be nice.

A 'good' difference would be 6.25 seconds. A 10 second difference would indicate that you really need to improve your endurance. Though, if you are not concerned too much with head racing, it may not be a big deal, but any improvements of endurance would likely improve your 2k also.
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Post by chgoss » November 11th, 2007, 6:46 pm

Check this out:

http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/conten ... -predictor

When I plugged in October's 4 min cross team challenge and a recent 6k season best, it predicted a 6:58.9 2k. I did a baseline 2k test this afternoon at 6:58.7... so I would say it's pretty darn accurate :-)
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Re: 5k time and 2k time

Post by DNA_Rower » August 8th, 2017, 9:06 am

Replying to this as the above link is out of date and I always find this thread first when searching Google for the pace calculator: http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/forum/ ... -predictor
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Re: 5k time and 2k time

Post by hjs » August 8th, 2017, 12:38 pm

GUROWER wrote:Just wondering if there was some type of general rule to calulate your 2k time with you 5k split? If i remember correctly wasnt substract 10sec from your split? Any help would be nice.

6/7 seconds difference on the av.
