2k Goal

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2k Goal

Post by ctp16 » September 23rd, 2007, 8:45 pm

Currently my 2k is at 6:44. I'm 16 and a Junior in HS and want to get my 2k down below 6:30 and as near as 6:20 as possible before I graduate. I haven't tested again recently but I am positive that I'm stronger than before. I just wanted some people that have a 2k in the range that I'm shooting for to share their experience with me and how they got it down into that range.

If it helps at all my height is 6'2.

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Post by comictimes » October 23rd, 2007, 8:22 pm

Yea I'm in about the same situation, only I'm a sophomore in college (just started crew last year), and just under 6'4". The last time I did a 2k test was in April last year I believe, and at the time I got a 6:40, but I thought I could have done better then.

Now I'm sure I can do better since the last 6k test we had I got a 20:58, and was told by others that based on how I paced myself I could have gotten a 20:50 if I had paced it better, but our next 2k test isn't for another 3 weeks or so.

My goal is to get as close to 6:30 as possible on the next test, preferably well under, but I can't decide if it would be better training to find a split under my target and just go as far as I can at that split, increasing the distance each day, or to practice doing full 2k's... This is of course in addition to lifting and doing regular practice with my team.

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Post by chgoss » October 23rd, 2007, 9:20 pm

Nothing to offer either one of ya except best wishes! Cheers and good luck :-)
52 M 6'2" 200 lbs 2k-7:03.9
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

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Post by Nosmo » October 24th, 2007, 1:37 pm

comictimes wrote: My goal is to get as close to 6:30 as possible on the next test, preferably well under, but I can't decide if it would be better training to find a split under my target and just go as far as I can at that split, increasing the distance each day, or to practice doing full 2k's...
Neither. I wouldn't do full 2k tests more then once a week--and even that is a lot. As for doing a split under you target and increasing the distance-- that involves very intense effort every day. You don't want to do that.

My advice is to read all of the info on the Wolverine Plan, or at least all of the posts by Mike Caviston ( www.c2forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=4190 )
Then read what yo can about the Pete Plan on the C2 UK web site, and check out the training manual and interactive plan also at the C2 UK web site. This is also good: http://home.hia.no/~stephens/interval.htm

From the Pete Plan and Wolverine Plan, you will have a good idea what you could do for the 2k tests. Even if you don't follow these plans, you will learn a lot about principles of training and can put together you own plan.

Also talk to your coach!

For the Tests make sure you pace your self well (i.e. don't go out too fast you want even splits or get slightly faster as the piece progresses.).

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Post by Rowan11088 » October 24th, 2007, 5:24 pm

Well unfortunately there aren't any "quick fixes" for 2k, which is part of the reason people are so proud of good scores. I'm in about the same range as you two guys, 6:36 at the end of last winter and haven't tested since (I'm a college senior, 6'0).

What I will say is that if your team practices are challenging and well-designed, then it's not smart to do intense, 2k-style work on your own the same day as a practice. What you can do is early in the year (i.e. now and during summer months), do lots of extra steady state and/or targeted weight lifting, depending on where your weakness lies. This shouldn't affect your performance during practice too much, and will give you a much broader fitness base to grow from later on, when your team practices should include AT, anaerobic and lactic acid training. You'll make faster progress during the winter and early spring, and that should help you hit your 2k goals. See ya in the 6:30 club :)

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Post by ctp16 » November 1st, 2007, 8:39 pm

As for the actual 2k plan I did some research and I may do it in either one or two methods.

1) 2000 - 1200m @ 1:41, 1200-800 @ 1:40, 800-600 @ 1:39, 600-200 @ 138 and 200-0 at balls out sprint. I may even do these at one second lower ie starting at 1:40 depending on how my training goes.

2) Just do a start at the beginning and pull a steady 1:38/1:37 the whole piece until the sprint.

We did 1ks recently during practice and I got a personal best of 3:07.9 (1:33.9 split) and my coach said to add four seconds to it and do it for a 2k, so that's a 1:38 split average.

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Post by Rowan11088 » November 1st, 2007, 11:13 pm

Well I would advise you to go after the steady 1:38 approach, at least until you find a plan that works better for you. It's physically more efficient to pull even-ish splits for the first 1500, but you have to consider what's mentally easier for you too. If you start off a little lighter, it may give you the courage to really gun the last 1000. But even if you PR that way, you'll have to live with knowing you could probably do better with even pacing, as hard as that is to pull off.

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Post by ctp16 » November 2nd, 2007, 5:09 pm

WOOHOO today I pulled a 6:39.1 using a combo between negative splitting and steady!

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Post by Nosmo » November 2nd, 2007, 5:39 pm

ctp16 wrote:WOOHOO today I pulled a 6:39.1 using a combo between negative splitting and steady!
Great job. what were your splits?
How did you feel? Could you stand up afterwards?

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Post by ctp16 » November 2nd, 2007, 9:18 pm

I feel like I could've started my sprint a little earlier. Splits were as follows


I had a hard time around 800 but then after 500 to go I knew I was almost done. I had spaghetti legs afterwards. Fell off the erg and laid down for a bit. I did not get '2k throat' though. My breathing was much better this time and I didn't have as much pain in that respect. I feel like I was able to utilize my oxygen better than ever and I fully believe this is because I didn't do fly and die and start off with holding a power 20 in the low 1:20s.

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Post by Rowan11088 » November 3rd, 2007, 2:55 pm

Nice job ctp16, we're almost tied for 2k right now (1:39.0 for me last year). You look like you could really use some endurance and AT work though, you've got an awesome low pull, better than mine, but your 6k isn't so hot compared to your 2k. You could make some amazing gains I bet from some intermediate distance training.
Low Pull: 1:15, 500: 1:26, 2k: 6:36, 6k: 21:24, 10k: 36:58

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Post by ctp16 » November 3rd, 2007, 9:30 pm

I definitely agree with you on that. My last 6k was (oddly enough) recorded at the end of the last spring season around April so I don't really know where I am. My coach also suggests doing longer pieces. Do you have any specific work outs you would recommend to improve endurance? My goal is to bring my 6k below 21:30 and my 2k into the 6:20s or lower before the end of senior year (so I have over a year for that). For 2k, I want to get nicely under 6:35 before January 26th. Thanks.

I'm really, really, trying to help get myself possibly recruited to college (i know there's a whole lot of other factors with that) and have Junior Nationals as one of my goals. Any of you have any experience with recruiting and/or Junior Nationals?

I know I need to bring my times down a little bit more for all of that and I really think I can.

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