6k training

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6k training

Post by togacrew77 » July 22nd, 2007, 7:05 pm

What workouts are best to get your 6k down? I know steady state is important, but besides that. Thanks in advance.
500m - 1:32.2
2k - 6:49.6
6k - 22:41
10k - 38:09.1
Weight: 164 lb
Height: 6'1"
Age: 16
Saratoga Rowing Association

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Re: 6k training

Post by PaulS » July 22nd, 2007, 7:51 pm

togacrew77 wrote:What workouts are best to get your 6k down? I know steady state is important, but besides that. Thanks in advance.
8k, Negative split by 2k, 2k Targets 1:59, 1:58, 1:57, 1:56. (reasonable place to start based on your 2k and 6k paces)

If you make that, take 1 second off each of the target paces for the next go at it. You can do these on consecutive days, but no more than 5 days in a row. When restarting the series, begin with targets 1 second faster than the slowest of the previous series. When you make the 1:55, 54, 53, 52 series you are ready for a new 6k PB.
Erg on,
Paul Smith
www.ps-sport.net Your source for Useful Rowing Accessories and Training Assistance.
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Post by togacrew77 » July 22nd, 2007, 11:41 pm

Thanks... around what SPM should I be rowing these at?
500m - 1:32.2
2k - 6:49.6
6k - 22:41
10k - 38:09.1
Weight: 164 lb
Height: 6'1"
Age: 16
Saratoga Rowing Association

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Post by almostflipped » July 23rd, 2007, 9:57 am

You have one of the best coaches in the country sitting in your boathouse. Why the heck are you asking this type of question here? Hit him up for info before he completely retires.

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Post by PaulS » July 23rd, 2007, 10:16 am

togacrew77 wrote:Thanks... around what SPM should I be rowing these at?
Well, it says here that you've got a great coach right in your boathouse, I'd recommend asking them as opinions on that will vary considerably. I'd suggest that you go strapless while on the Erg and regulate stroke rate by covering 10m per stroke (S10PS), which would go from 25-26 during the 1:59-1:56 targets. Strapless, because on the Erg we have a bungee pulling us back up the slide and if the straps are keeping you from leaving the footplate there is input being wasted, and it would cause jerkiness in a boat. Presumably you are more interested in moving a boat quickly than spinning a flywheel quickly. While they are not completely exclusive, some things one might do to maximize their Erg performance would never work in a boat, so always focus on the technique that you will want to use when in the boat.

Also, if you plan on being in fast boats, lower the DF to provide a similar handle speed.
Erg on,
Paul Smith
www.ps-sport.net Your source for Useful Rowing Accessories and Training Assistance.
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