Training Timing

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Joined: June 15th, 2007, 5:03 pm

Training Timing

Post by ODB » July 5th, 2007, 1:38 am

I will begin the 3 weeks program for fat loss within the next 2 weeks. I am also going to do a 4 week complexes for fat loss routine.

I work 3-4 days a week, 12 hour shifts. Off days I can lift or row in either the AM or PM, meaning lift in the AM, row in the PM. I can not do that on work days.

Would it be better to lift weights first than row? Or row than lift? The complexes I do now only take about 30 mins to complete.

Lifting will probaly take more out of me.

Thanks, really need advice.

the routine I will try out can be seen here-

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