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martial arts and rowing....

Posted: April 4th, 2007, 4:53 pm
by dohlicious
I recently got my very first rower. (and I love it!) I was wondering if anybody out there in the community could recommend any routines that might help out with my martial arts training(Systema). Anything that could help with wrestling? endurance? thanx. I'm guessing that interval training would probably be best, any thoughts?

Posted: April 4th, 2007, 7:20 pm
by RR1 Kirk
Design your intervals to imitate the rhythm of your matches. In judo there is usually a strong effort followed by the ref standing you back up where you get a brief rest. Matches last 5 minutes (or 4 in masters classes) and are separated by as little as 10 minutes.

To mimic these sessions I would row hard for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and repeat as many times as necessary to add up to 1 full match. ie. 10 x 30 seconds on 15 sec, rest or 8 x 30 seconds on 15 sec. rest.

Then you repeat 10 minutes later.


Posted: April 4th, 2007, 7:23 pm
by bscastro
Very interesting post...

I do Jeet Kune Do and Filipino martial arts, which include similar aspects to Systema (both striking and grappling). I think improving your muscular endurance with intervals is a great way to condition yourself for grappling. As RR1 Kirk mentioned, develop it in accordance to any specific competition you do. But I think longer intervals (5x1k) is good to for grappling specifically, as the shorter intervals will emphasize power more (which is also important).


Posted: April 4th, 2007, 7:41 pm
by RR1 Kirk
As Bryan mentions the longer intervals, up to 1000m, will greatly help with the grappling parts of your bout. They are indeed necessary!

As well as developing power the shorter intervals, because of minimal recovery time, will teach your body and mind to deal with lactic acid build up and the anaerobic conditions met as a match progresses.


Posted: April 5th, 2007, 1:49 pm
by dohlicious
thanks alot...I'll defintely try some of those ideas out. will post the results later.


Posted: April 5th, 2007, 5:45 pm
by baguaman
Given that Systema is based on very fluid relaxed smooth power usage
i would think that longer rows with short burst of power then settling back
into long smooth strokes would be serve well. are you studing directly
from Vladamire or a student of his? systema is a interesting blend of
many styles, the style that i used to teach(Baguazhang) has much in
common with the way that your style is used.

Good luck with your journey and enjoy learning.

Posted: April 7th, 2007, 5:30 pm
by dohlicious
I study with Kevin Secours in Montreal. He's one of vlad's senior instructors and a damn cool guy. Here our school's

happy easter everyone!


Posted: April 7th, 2007, 6:53 pm
by baguaman
Hello dohlicious,

I had neglected to ask if you were indeed Canadian but i realy just
assumed that this was the case,glad to here that you have found a
teacher so close to the person whom opened this style up to non -
soviet students. good luck in your studies one of the things that i
like most about this style is that it builds on your personal natural
reactions to threats rather than trying to train against your nature,
though it is still a difficult road it can seem more easily taken in.

what do you make of the psychic defense instruction contained in

and a happy easter to all.

Posted: April 8th, 2007, 3:35 pm
by dohlicious
I love systema. I've made more strides and progress in a few months of systema than I ever thought was possible. The intuitive approach definitely works for me.

As far as the psychic training goes... I have Mikhail's Ryabko's "Beyond the Physical" Dvd and I could say that I do "believe". However, there's nothing particularly psychic or mysterious about it. In the dvd, he explains that it's based mainly on biomechanics and breath synchronicity. Being honest, humble and aware of breath seems to be the key. There's alot more to this, but I'm just a beginner. (who is looking forward to many years of discovery!)

Mikhail is quite the interesting man. I'm looking forward to meeting him and experiencing a "psychic" strike. In october, I will be going to russia to train with him. I can't wait.

I don't know much about bagua, I hear that it's similar to kung fu with a taste of tai chi? or is it the other way?


Posted: April 8th, 2007, 5:14 pm
by baguaman
Bagua is indeed Kung-fu but then kung-fu is a common term that is
used with any chinese style martial art or learned skill of any kind
that requires much work and time to master. just as bagua uses
flowing movements,circular power that is smooth and yet because
of the biomechanichs of propper alignment from the ground up the
level of force generated is quite dramatic. the correct use of the
breath is key to maintaining relaxation and the building of striking
power which all goes back to ballance of body giving the ability to
change direction and issue power as is needed at any given time.

Bagua is said to be the highest level of the chinese internal styles of
which the major schools are Bagua,T'ai-chi,Hsin-yi but there are
some lesser known soft styles.

Posted: April 9th, 2007, 9:03 am
by kipkeino68
This weeks Sports Illustrated has a picture of UFC champion Chuck Liddell on a C2 erg. He does 6 X 800M under 2:30, rolls onto the mat and wrestles from on his back to the top for 2:30 minutes, then takes a 1 minute rest .