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Rowing while keeping legs straight--input needed

Posted: November 18th, 2006, 12:53 am
by Jack_Canada

I've been using the Concept2 Rower for some time; however, due to my hip problems, I keep my legs straight--I just use my arms.

Do you have any tips, recommendations or comments regading my particular situation? I'd appreciate any input.



Re: Rowing while keeping legs straight--input needed

Posted: November 18th, 2006, 2:14 am
by Bob S.
Jack_Canada wrote:Hello,

I've been using the Concept2 Rower for some time; however, due to my hip problems, I keep my legs straight--I just use my arms.

Do you have any tips, recommendations or comments regading my particular situation? I'd appreciate any input.


Check out the website itself. Under Motivation and Community, you'll find a heading for adaptive rowing. Perhaps you can find some useful information there.

Bob S.

Posted: November 18th, 2006, 8:58 pm
by Byron Drachman
Hi Jack,

A standard warmup drill is the pick drill. You can do it on the water or on the ergometer. The first part is arms only: you sit up straight or at the finish position with legs straight and do arms only, then add in the body swing. The drill continues but if you just do arms and body swing, you would be at the second part of the pick drill. Xeno Muller demonstrates it on his training DVD's. If the body swing is out of the question because of your hips, then I guess you would do just arms only. Have you ever considered an Irish Mail? ... hmail.html


Posted: November 18th, 2006, 9:45 pm
by johnlvs2run
As you are keeping your legs straight, then I'd fix the seat so it stays in place and is not able to move back and forth.

Posted: November 19th, 2006, 1:35 pm
by grams
If you can find an erg set up with slides give it a try. I believe Xeno has his erg on slides.



Posted: November 26th, 2006, 7:41 pm
by Jack_Canada
Thanks for your comments.

I will take a look at Xeno Muller's DVDs. Since I train at a club, I don't think it would be possible to fix the seat--although I realize it would be quite useful. As to the Irish Mail--yes, it's certainly something interesting, as only my arms get the workout. We don't have it in the club, but I will look around, perhaps I would be even willing to buy one.

Once again, thanks!


Posted: November 26th, 2006, 9:28 pm
by gorow9
You can reduce the motion of the seat by using bungee cords infront of the seat (maybe even behind too,) just wrap it tightly around the slide, it may not completly stop the motion but it will help. I've seen this technique used by people who slide up too far.
Good Luck!

Re: Rowing while keeping legs straight--input needed

Posted: November 27th, 2006, 12:42 am
by anomad
Hi Jack,
Do you allow any movement of the hips at all?
I had great success recovering from major knee surgery using very limited involvement of the legs. They moved with some of the rowing motion, but didn't apply any appreciable force.

One of the managers at my workplace uses a hand cycle due to a degenerative muscular disease. I want to get him rowing because he's one helluva'n athlete, despite lack of cooperation from the legs. Anyway, use what strength and mobility exists with your hips and go from there.

Hope that helps.
Jack_Canada wrote:Hello,

I've been using the Concept2 Rower for some time; however, due to my hip problems, I keep my legs straight--I just use my arms.

Do you have any tips, recommendations or comments regading my particular situation? I'd appreciate any input.

