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Need Help//Suggest on my workout plan
Posted: July 14th, 2006, 12:30 am
by Strana
've been trying to train for the upcoming crew season. I found a few workouts to follow most of them consist of rowing for very long periods of time... such as 10k etc. I just get plan Bored just erging for 45 minutes straight its not one of the greatest things to do...By the times im around 3-4k left im pretty much tired and dien , usealy just want to quit to save myself time and not going crazy staring at some damn widow and other people run for 45minutes..
Therfore i wanted to try out a new plan-
First thing i do is a 1500k rest for 5 minutes , do a 500m sprint
Then lift , pretty much working out my abbs , chest , arms , calfs , and upper leg , and shoulders , and lower back.
After that i do a 10 minutes run keep around a 180stride and the last 2 minutes go up to a 200-210 stride..Then i leave...and ride my bike home at a very slow sluggish pace which is 7 blocks or more from home....thats my work out and what i been starting to do lol. Because im just so tired of all the long boring and killing yourself erg workouts.
ONly thing is when im lifting i dont really know how many reps i should do...and to put it at what weight...
SHould i put it at a low weight and do like 2 sets of 15-20 reps
or go high and do 2 sets of 8 . But when i do sets should my muscles be burning after each set?
So far when i lift , i have been doing 2 sets of 12 for like medium weights i guess. But i dont really feel a burn. I tend to feel it at around the 11 or 12 rep. And its like a slight burn.
Also before i leave i wanted to state that i been trying to decide if i should go witha protien shake...somthing like Whey Or Muscle Milk Cuz of its great tasting , but only thing is i dont really know much of any of these products i tried researching them but they both have same statments.." Wow i gain so much muscle mass Blah blah buy this NOW!!"
If you have any suggestions at all please say so any help can do.
Posted: July 14th, 2006, 2:26 pm
by jjpisano
Do you have any goals?
You are 15 years old. You are blessed with youth. You have years of peak athletic performance ahead of you. If you can get some motivatition and drop the bored with training attitude, you could do well.
One way to get some motivation is to think about your goals. Define your goals very precisely. If your goals are easy to achieve then the effort won't be too demanding. If set your goals high, then the effort may be all consuming.
So Strana. What are your goals? Do you have one highest goal? Do you have a specific performance goal? Do you want to make a certain boat in your crew? Is your crew very competitive?
Regarding your rowing workouts in particular, is there any chance that you can get in a real boat this summer? Or are you only able to use a rowing machine? Rowing in a real boat is one simple way to stay motivated.
Posted: July 14th, 2006, 4:17 pm
by arakawa
jjpisano wrote:Do you have any goals?
You are 15 years old. You are blessed with youth. You have years of peak athletic performance ahead of you. If you can get some motivatition and drop the bored with training attitude, you could do well.
So Strana. What are your goals? Do you have one highest goal? Do you have a specific performance goal? Do you want to make a certain boat in your crew? Is your crew very competitive?
I have to agree with jjpisano. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to do well, be prepared to do the work. To quote a very successful indoor rower:
If the goal is to win, the price can't be negotiated. The only thing that can be negotiated is the goal.
jjpisano wrote:Regarding your rowing workouts in particular, is there any chance that you can get in a real boat this summer? Or are you only able to use a rowing machine? Rowing in a real boat is one simple way to stay motivated.
To quote the same very successful indoor rower:
A second very important concept is the Specificity Principle. This means an athlete must perform the greatest portion of her training doing the actual activity in which she competes – in this case, rowing. While occasional workouts doing cardiovascular activities such as running, biking, swimming, or stairclimbing can supplement your basic training or provide a break from the monotony of rowing exclusively, we must recognize the limitations of cross-training.
While lifting weights has its benefits to rowing, that time and effort may be better used actually rowing. A
study conducted by Concept2 showed that, after a 10-week training period, "maximal ergometer average power and absolute V02 max favored the rowing only group" (the other two groups adding either free weights or the use of the Concept2 DYNO).
This forum is replete with training plans. I suggest you peruse them and the discussion on them. We'll be happy to answer new questions.
Posted: July 14th, 2006, 5:16 pm
by Strana
jjpisano wrote:Strana:
Do you have any goals?
You are 15 years old. You are blessed with youth. You have years of peak athletic performance ahead of you. If you can get some motivatition and drop the bored with training attitude, you could do well.
One way to get some motivation is to think about your goals. Define your goals very precisely. If your goals are easy to achieve then the effort won't be too demanding. If set your goals high, then the effort may be all consuming.
So Strana. What are your goals? Do you have one highest goal? Do you have a specific performance goal? Do you want to make a certain boat in your crew? Is your crew very competitive?
Regarding your rowing workouts in particular, is there any chance that you can get in a real boat this summer? Or are you only able to use a rowing machine? Rowing in a real boat is one simple way to stay motivated.
My goals; Interesting questions , i pretty much want to get into top peek performance in order for my to do well this season i have to improve during the off season , such as the summer now. For my 2k's i've been pulling about 1;52-53 . Inorder for my to do well and make it on a good boat thise season i need to be in the 1:48's. I know i can do it , during the rowing season i was erging around 1:49 but now im all sluggish and outa shape. I have really good rowing tecqniue that isnt my problem power and strength is.
Regarding your rowing workouts in particular, is there any chance that you can get in a real boat this summer? Or are you only able to use a rowing machine? Rowing in a real boat is one simple way to stay motivated.
No i was going to join a camp but i dont have few hundred dollars to throw around. Therfore im forced to use this messed up concept 2 erg at my gym.
Posted: July 14th, 2006, 7:53 pm
by Strana
Okay just got back form Gym Here is what i did-
4 500m sprints with 3:30 rests
lift 1 set of 20 rest for 30secs and do 1 set of 10
Then before i leave i do a 5-10 minute run? hows does that sound.
i felt pretty pleased I really wasnt bored when i was working out i felt comfortable and was zooming threw my work out cuz i knew what to do and how many reps etc.
Posted: July 14th, 2006, 10:57 pm
by jbell
Do you work out with someone or by yourself?? That was also my problem. I would feel like an idiot rowing for 30+ minutes by myself. No I started to work out with one of my crew friends, and it is much easier. Does your school have you do 2k's or 5/6k's in the fall?
Posted: July 14th, 2006, 11:41 pm
by Strana
i Erg by myself cuz one of the crew friends that i go to the gym with says he doesnt feel like doing all the erging ; cuz its just boring and pointless since we will be doing plenty of it in the begining of the year. Therfore he just sticks to lifting and doing the jackobs ladder.Me and him are the only ones that have been me i've asked everyone on my team, they say they have work and to busy to do anything..
No , my ... hes a very interesting coach...funny guy. Pretty much what he told us on our last race , was for if u plan on trainning which you's should during the summer season. Is either run if you need some endurance , or lift for strenght ( cuz it will help u pull harder and gain more strenght+endurance cuz you'll have bigger muscles , therfore you will not be as tired for race's and we will be able to run more than 1 race without dieing.
Therfore i stick to the 2k's by splitting them up in 4 cuz they are quick and easy to do, with only taking about 20minuts or so to complete.