Contrary to what the subject line might indicate, this is meant as serious discussion concerning an alternative training method. In case there are still doubts I solemly swear that I am not John Rupp, having gained access to Carl Henrik's account.
Consider an erg tilted so that the flywheel and display end of the erg is lifted about 10 to 15 cm:s or 4 to 6 inches. This is known as "erg jacking" and the example is a rather large such.
A resonable assumption is that erging in this way will detract from the energy used driving with the legs, very slightly in that of driving with the back, and not notably in the arms, perhaps it even increases.
There are two (2) hypotheses I now present.
1) The negative effects
As a consequence of the balance shift in where energy is being used, people with different builds will perform differently. People built like canoers for example will be greatly aided. This type of training will not be very helpful in developing the ability to apply stroke power in an unjacked erg where legdrive is more important.
2) The positive effects
Since you have to work quite a bit to get your body weight up to the catch you will spread the energy consumption both over time and muscle volume. This in term will lead to that you can maintain over time a larger average whole body energy consumption because there are less phyologically deterrent consumption peaks, this allows your heart to be more challenged over a longer period of time and as a result your central fitness will develop more than with an unjacked erg. For crosstraining purposes this is therefore a great training method. In particular you can even use this as crosstraining for erging and rowing! It also better mimics on water rowing/sculling because of this higher load on the recovery.
I hold a reservation for not having been to detailed in the description of my reasoning. If you feel there is an obvious error based on an assumption you have made about how I thought, please ask me to express that part with more detail.
Let the discussion begin