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my erg times

Posted: April 13th, 2006, 1:21 pm
by moose
could someone let me know if my times are good or not? please and thankyou.

1k - 3 minutes 17.2 seconds
2k - 6 minutes 47.4 seconds

and im 15 years old and i dont know my weight exactly right now, but its like 90kg. ive been rowing for like a month and a half now, so ya.

Re: my erg times

Posted: April 13th, 2006, 1:32 pm
by hjs
moose wrote:could someone let me know if my times are good or not? please and thankyou.

1k - 3 minutes 17.2 seconds
2k - 6 minutes 47.4 seconds

and im 15 years old and i dont know my weight exactly right now, but its like 90kg. ive been rowing for like a month and a half now, so ya.
very good!

look at the rankings.

15 and 90 kg. you must be big

Posted: April 13th, 2006, 1:33 pm
by RowtheRockies

Pretty good times for only rowing 45 days. Your 2K time ranks you 28 out of 111 on the ranking board for 15 year olds. Keep rowing and in 6 months you could improve your placing significantly.


Posted: April 14th, 2006, 12:57 am
by eyespliced
jeezum, a month and a half you say? wow! I've been rowing like 6 months and my 2k is barily (ahh spelling) than yours and i weight more than you. awesome job!!!! just a curiosity, how tall are you? (and i would think that your coach (assuing that you are in some sort of rowing program) would be all over you.

Posted: April 14th, 2006, 8:03 am
by Ben Rea
yikes, thats pretty good for a month and a half, how tall are you?

btw, i am 15 been rowing for almost 2 yearrs and your 2k is a whole minute better than mine! :shock:

Re: my erg times

Posted: April 14th, 2006, 11:32 am
by jbell
moose wrote:could someone let me know if my times are good or not? please and thankyou.

1k - 3 minutes 17.2 seconds
2k - 6 minutes 47.4 seconds

and im 15 years old and i dont know my weight exactly right now, but its like 90kg. ive been rowing for like a month and a half now, so ya.
Those are some very good times moose. How tall are you?? I'm 6ft, 167lbs (~76kg) and pull a 6:54.9. Thats after 2yrs of rowing also.

Posted: April 14th, 2006, 7:10 pm
by Neb154
Thats a great time but everyone should remember that everyone can throw their weight around on the erg, but that doesn't translate to OTW rowing. Sill, great time regardless.

Posted: April 15th, 2006, 2:40 am
by johnnybike
Bit negative Neb. Moose did not actually say that he was interested in OTW (although it is a fair assumption)

However if someone could show me how to throw my weight around and improve my 2K PB by 15 seconds I would be happy.

Posted: April 15th, 2006, 12:33 pm
by moose
oh, im 6'5'' (so im pretty tall=)

and also i took that 2k time when i was 14, (i just turned 15 like 2 weeks ago, so i have another year to row as a 15 year old :D)

Posted: April 20th, 2006, 1:25 am
by hwt_sculler
Well, like everyone else has pretty much told you, you did a very good job!

Re: my erg times

Posted: October 11th, 2018, 11:08 pm
by CamBro
Hey is my erg time considered ok for my age being 13?
For a 10 minute peice I now average a split of 2:07 at a 26-28. Also any advice, I’ve been working to bring up my cardio!!! A week ago I was pulling 2:10.9 at a 19 avg. stroke rate so I have been working on it.