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Posted: April 8th, 2006, 4:37 pm
by eyespliced
Ok, here is the deal I am currently sick (fever 100.8) and I have an infection in my lungs/sinus. ( I think that this was triggered by my overexertion on the last 2k that I did)

I also have a 2k erg test next friday. can I expect my time to get worse because I was sick?

thanks a lot

Posted: April 9th, 2006, 8:37 am
by mumbles
How many 2k tests have you done previously, if that was your first then you will probably improve again even when not feeling 100%, obviously this all depends on how sick you are :roll:


Posted: April 9th, 2006, 10:23 am
by eyespliced
mumbles wrote:How many 2k tests have you done previously, if that was your first then you will probably improve again even when not feeling 100%, obviously this all depends on how sick you are :roll:

had one on this last wed. we usually have a 2k erg test every 2-3 weeks

Posted: April 9th, 2006, 10:59 am
by Adrenaline
every 2 weeks?? thats a lot
we have one every 4 weeks or so and our last one is wednesday

Posted: April 14th, 2006, 7:57 pm
by fender128
I'm no doctor nor do I know about anything on the medical side of this, but I can tell you that I've killed myself on a erg and haven't felt sick afterwards, just tired.

and by kill i mean sprinting a lot of 1500s.

I don't think thats the reason why you have a fever.

Posted: April 16th, 2006, 2:35 pm
by Carl Henrik
A hard training session reuduces you protection against infections. Therefore it's more common to become sick after those than after a recovery session. Training don't make you sick though, you need to be exposed to something before your immuno system has recovered enough.

Having a fever can be extremely detrimental your fitness. If well enough avoid just lying in bed for days in a row. Sit, stand or walk regularly and drink much water.

Posted: April 16th, 2006, 3:48 pm
by eyespliced
Well, i'm mostly better now. I know that it was not the 2k that 'made' me sick it just pushed along a nice sinus/lung infection.
I was totally stupid before that practice, i went feeling sick and almost did not do the 2k because of it :!:
heh, i learned my lesson the hard way (no fun over spring break)