Broken little toe...

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Broken little toe...

Post by Alissa » March 31st, 2006, 6:40 pm

Well, I managed to break my little toe Wed. night. I've done it before and I always feel like a real klutz wrapping my toe around a corner, or the leg of a sofa. I know to tape it to the next toe, and to ice at night, etc. So I'm limping around a little and won't be wearing any high heels for a while. But I've never tried to continue exercising on a broken toe before.



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Post by MomofJBN » March 31st, 2006, 10:06 pm

Ouch! Sorry about your injury. I would give it a few days, of rest, elevation, etc. Then if the pain is gone, you could try some short erging, I would think. After all, you wouldn't be standing on it.

That's my thought, but I'm not a professional. :wink:

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Post by torpedo » March 31st, 2006, 11:00 pm

Wrap two layers of bubble wrap around every hazardous couch leg in your path, drink two gin & tonics and erg when you run out of gin...
On second thought forget that. I have had too much gin to advise anyone.

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Post by Sasha » March 31st, 2006, 11:03 pm

Heh, I do this too. I have learned that I can do anything as long as I am wearing Tevas. The soles protect the toe. The nylon band across the foot keeps the toe from bending inappropriately. And the structure of the shoe prevents the toe from bending from compression. (I don't know if I described that well but ...) I'd give it a shot, but I'm not sure I'd strap my feet down.
First row 3/13/06

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