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Step up on Tuesday

Posted: March 8th, 2022, 12:06 am
by Cdub
If you haven’t signed up for Tuesday’s International Women’s Day CHARITY Challenge, please do so!
If you do a 5k Tuesday C2 will donate $$ to a women's charity. If you are rowing anyway for the Mudder you only have to modify your routine slightly (see below)
The Details
Row, ski or ride on March 8.
You must row or ski exactly 5000m (RowErg or SkiErg) or ride 10,000m (BikeErg). For help on setting the monitor for this exact distance, see Setting Up A Single Distance Workout.
Sign up on the Logbook home page to show you're taking part.
This is an individual challenge. (You do not need to belong to a team to participate.)
Meters must be entered online.

Let’s hit the full $15’000

Re: Step up on Tuesday

Posted: March 8th, 2022, 2:05 am
by Sakly
Would like to get into it, but unfortunately I am in a covid break... 🥴
Hopefully many will participate ✊🏻✊🏻

Re: Step up on Tuesday

Posted: March 8th, 2022, 4:30 pm
by chan_va
Argh, I did a long row of over 10k today. I just realized that the row needs to be exactly 5k or 10k to count. They should count any row over 5k and 10k today to contribute toward the charity. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and do an exact 5k.

Re: Step up on Tuesday

Posted: March 8th, 2022, 5:25 pm
by KeithT
The exact 5K thing doesn't make sense - I may row an exact 5K and then do another to get the meters in I want.

Re: Step up on Tuesday

Posted: March 8th, 2022, 6:08 pm
by edward.jamer
An individual challenge to anyone reading this:

Concept 2 are amazing for donating so much to the Women’s Sports Foundation and Women Sport International charities... but if you've completed the rowing challenge, then I dare you to match (or exceed) that $5 donation they would make thanks to your effort. If you have the money and the opportunity, why not support either a local woman's shelter or a larger cause like the ones C2 selected? What a difference it would make if we all gave a little bit extra!

I chose to donate to a local transition house for women (and children) escaping abusive situation.
I respectfully hope that many others choose something similar, if they are lucky enough to be in a position where such a donation is possible.