Row Like Swimming

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Row Like Swimming

Post by Recess » March 6th, 2022, 6:53 am

Row Like Swimming - RowAlong workout:

Use a common Swimming training session to improve your rowing in this hard, powerful rowing machine workout.

4 minute warmup first - then:

❗ ROW AS FAR AS YOU CAN in 30 seconds at 24 strokes per minute (FULL POWER!!) - note down the distance. ❗

You then have 45 seconds to row that distance at that stroke rate again, before you need to do it again...

16 times.
Rest 3 minutes.

The idea here, is that as you go through this row, it'll get tougher to row the same distance in 30 seconds. So you can either slow down, and rob yourself of recovery - or you can push through in order to get as much recovery as possible.

❗❗❗ The VITAL part of this is making sure you're honest about your 30 second baseline row, where you set the distance you need to hit. If you go too easy on it - you'll not get the right training from this session. You should be really pushing it hard all the way through to get to your distance. If it's easy - you didn't go fast enough. And remember to hold good technique while doing this. For power / efficiency and injury prevention. ❗❗❗

🚥Either use Ergzone to pre-program your Concept2 monitor (search for RowAlong, and under the RA icon, pick RowAlong Like Swimming) or set your monitor to 27 minutes with splits set to 45 seconds and your monitor set to show SPLIT METERS 🚥


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