12 Rows of Christmas:
10 Power Fives
Do a 30 minute row - but every 3 minutes, take 5 Power Strokes.

A BOTTOM INTENSITY WORKOUT on the Intensity Pyramid
➔Pace Guide: Most of the row: 18spm at 2K+20 pace (see below for 2K pace info)
➔Effort = 5-6/10
➔Speech = Comfortable

Hold 18 Strokes Per minute the whole way through this row - and stick to the low intensity 2K+20 pace. But every 3 miinutes, take 5 power storkes - push as hard as you can with your legs, and see if you can get the pace a lot faster. If your legs are feeling it after Row 9 - that's ok, just get a couple of seconds faster. But if you're quite fresh - push hard, and see if you can get 10 seconds faster pace through these power strokes.
At the end of the row, while I say goodbye, I've put up the basic stretches that I do when I've finished rowing.

You can use Ergzone to program your Concept 2 PM5 monitor, look for 12 Rows - Day 10 under the RowAlong track which has the main session pre-programmed. I've not programmed in the Warmup and Cooldown however, so you'll need to add them in yourself (I have some on the track, with the label "Bookmark These" so you can just bookmark them for future use)
00:00 Introduction
02:16 Warmup
07:46 Main Session
39:39 Cooldown then stretching