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Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 24th, 2021, 7:49 pm
by fun4stuff
Thanks! ... fkevorkian

Note: i was going a little slower here focusing on form and i have a knee injury so im really just trying to work on form at this point.

Re: Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 24th, 2021, 9:23 pm
by mitchel674
I never heard of RowerUp. When I click your link it asks me to sign in.

Best for you to take a video from a side view and post it at a site we could all view. I'm sure many of the experienced rowers her would be happy to offer critique and suggestions.

Re: Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 24th, 2021, 9:57 pm
by fun4stuff
Oh i didn’t realize You’d have to login. RowerUp allows you to upload a video ads a computer analyzes your form. Only problem is I don’t understand the results…. Maybe because I’m new to rowing.
Here’s the video.

I’m going slow here. I actually don’t think I’ll be doing much normal rowing until my knee heals. It hurts today after rowing 15 mins yesterday.

Re: Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 24th, 2021, 10:19 pm
by max_ratcliffe
It looks okay but it is of course difficult to judge when you're having to protect your injured knee.

I think you may be sitting a little too far back in your back pockets which is robbing you of some hip drive as well as causing a bit more lumbar flexion than is ideal. You want imo a bit less posterior pelvic tilt. This will also allow you to rock over a bit earlier in your recovery which is supposed to result in a stronger catch position.

Obviously a more powerful leg drive is needed too, but that will have to wait until you've recovered.

Re: Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 24th, 2021, 10:22 pm
by fun4stuff
Great thank you! Yes, I’m realizing that i think I’m on hold a bit longer.

Re: Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 25th, 2021, 2:33 am
by jamesg
See: ... que-videos

Note the action sequences in rowing and the recovery-pull speed ratio. But while your knees can't let you to do any substantial legwork, suggest you stay on the backstop. Using a lowish drag factor, say 100, and rating between 30 and 40, can allow up to 100W. With a straight back, use arms and swing only so that the legs act as struts.

When legs allow, use the arms-swing-slide recovery sequence to bring power to about 200W at rating 20. This will take time since it implies an average handle force of about 50kg as seen in ergdata: 50g x 1.2 x 20 / 60 = 200W, where 1.2 is the net stroke length.

The ratio Watt/Rating is the Work in each stroke. This index shows us what we are doing.

Re: Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 25th, 2021, 7:43 am
by Dangerscouse
I agree with Max. This is a good technique for a newbie, and we all have idiosyncrasies that can be beneficial, whilst not being exactly correct.

Rest your knee, and attack it again when you feel better

Re: Can anyone critique my rowing form and help interpret RowerUp results?

Posted: September 25th, 2021, 4:19 pm
by mitchel674
I think you look quite good. Thanks for posting the video.

Take care to not bring your shin past vertical at that catch. This could strain your knee and really does not add power to your drive.