Posted: May 24th, 2018, 8:13 am
Do any of you make a conscious adjustment for any kind of asymmetry in your erging?
Since getting back into serious erg workouts, I have developed significant callouses on the palm of my right hand at the base of the middle and left of middle fingers with lesser ones below the first joints up from the palm on the same two fingers. By contrast, I have none on my left palm but a matching pair below the corresponding joints on the corresponding fingers.
I am right handed for all sports and I assume that I pull significantly harder on that side when erging.
I have also tended to feel twinges in my left knee when doing very heavy leg presses. ( So I don't do much of that.) My left leg is generally a bit weaker than the right.
I feel that there is something 'not quite right' about the relative contributions from right and left legs when erging and wondered if anyone makes any adjustments to attempt to compensate for a real or perceived asymmetry. We are all supposed to have legs of slightly different lengths, some so pronounced that shoe differences are used for compensation. Fifteen years ago, when I got to 'my peak' on the erg, I used to put a loose stick on sole under my right foot on the model C that I used then. I felt that it was beneficial then but I must have had a clearer idea of why that worked then than I do now. I wonder if a hole difference on the flexifeet might be a worthwhile change but which way?
Any thoughts or experience out there?
Since getting back into serious erg workouts, I have developed significant callouses on the palm of my right hand at the base of the middle and left of middle fingers with lesser ones below the first joints up from the palm on the same two fingers. By contrast, I have none on my left palm but a matching pair below the corresponding joints on the corresponding fingers.
I am right handed for all sports and I assume that I pull significantly harder on that side when erging.
I have also tended to feel twinges in my left knee when doing very heavy leg presses. ( So I don't do much of that.) My left leg is generally a bit weaker than the right.
I feel that there is something 'not quite right' about the relative contributions from right and left legs when erging and wondered if anyone makes any adjustments to attempt to compensate for a real or perceived asymmetry. We are all supposed to have legs of slightly different lengths, some so pronounced that shoe differences are used for compensation. Fifteen years ago, when I got to 'my peak' on the erg, I used to put a loose stick on sole under my right foot on the model C that I used then. I felt that it was beneficial then but I must have had a clearer idea of why that worked then than I do now. I wonder if a hole difference on the flexifeet might be a worthwhile change but which way?
Any thoughts or experience out there?