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Help me break 7 and get to 6:45

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 8:47 pm
by 1984
Hey all, I'm 17, 65Kg, 176cm.

Current erg time is 7:14.8, which is my season best, I did that yesterday.
Best erg time was 7:03.8 at the end of last season about 6 or 7 months ago, when I was 63Kg

As part of school rowing we train 6 days a week, normally two sessions a day, sometimes three, sometimes one, but it comes out on average about 12 sessions a week.

They are not highly physically demanding, normally only very technical, long distance pieces.
About 3 times a week we do resistance training in the gym.
We have ergs maybe 2 or 3 times a week, normally UT1/AT intervals such as 2x15' or 3x12'

I have about 7 weeks to break 7. The first 3 weeks, I will still have school rowing so I probably can't train as hard.
The last 4 weeks are mine to do whatever training I want.

For the next 3 weeks I was thinking I would do tabata every night 6 times a week just as an extra bit of training. I do it with a 10kg squat bag and jump, or on the erg.

Is this a good idea/does anyone have a better alternative?

And what sort of workouts should I be doing during the 4 weeks of my own time? This is where I will be free and have a lot of time so I would like to get most of my training done in this time.
Some workouts I was thinking was 8x2:30 at 2k pace with equal rest; 4x4' with 4' rest, but each 4' work is a tabata set.
And I don't really have much else at the moment. I'm looking for performance workouts that will make me faster, i am not looking to lose weight or anything.

The reason for wanting to do a lot of work is because I want to break 6:45 before the season is out. That will be about 7 or 8 weeks after the 4 week period, so about 15-16 weeks from now.

Cheers guys

Re: Help me break 7 and get to 6:45

Posted: November 25th, 2013, 4:32 am
by hjs
You do plenty, proberly to much, not training will make you faster, but recovery from that training. The best what could happen is getting a Growthspurt. Eat well, sleep well, forget doing extra 12 sessions a week is a lot. If yo ould want yo buid a peak those sessions should come in place of the current, not on top.

Re: Help me break 7 and get to 6:45

Posted: November 25th, 2013, 6:31 am
by Carl Watts
As above, not to be negative but you need more height and more muscle mass to get to 6:45 and thats only going to come naturally with age, hopefully before the age of 45 ! :lol:

Re: Help me break 7 and get to 6:45

Posted: November 25th, 2013, 10:50 am
by ArmandoChavezUNC
Not sure getting to 6:45 will be possible in the near future, that's a lofty goal at your current weight and based on your current times.

From what you posted, it sounds to me like you may not be getting much quality work. I think for HS practicing 3 times a day is complete overkill. Even two sessions a day, depending on what you do on each one, may be too much.

I would suggest lots long and slow, with 1-2 high-intensity sessions per week.

I wouldn't suggest doing 6 extra ergs on top of the 12 practices you already have with school. You are going to burn out very quickly and quite possible overtrain.