Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

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Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

Post by aclark » September 2nd, 2016, 1:31 pm

ive recently purchased the fr630 and have been unsuccessful with pairing it with a pm4. I have tried linking it on the 'pairing watch/smartphone etc' and also pairing it as a ANT FE+ device.

Can anyone help???

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Re: Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

Post by Pie Man » September 2nd, 2016, 4:29 pm

I have a garmin vivioactive and I couldn't get that to pair with a pm4, however I have a TICKR Heart Rate Monitor which as long as I wait about 15 seconds when on the strap pairing screen pairs fine with the pm4 at my gym. Have you tried pairing the HRM with the PM4?
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Re: Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

Post by aclark » September 2nd, 2016, 4:39 pm

Yeah I've tried unlinking my HRM strap from my garmin fr630 then pairing it, still it does not pair. However my older garmin strap does pair. I don't know why as they both say to have ANT+ connectivity.

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Re: Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

Post by aclark » September 3rd, 2016, 7:03 am

Temporary solution - i've linked my older garmin fr60 strap with my new fr630 and the strap connects to the erg. If anyone has experience with linking the watch itself to the pm4 or how i can link the newer garmin HRM run strap to the pm4 please help :)

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Re: Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

Post by aussieluke » September 3rd, 2016, 8:13 am

I'm sure you are already but I've found some straps will and some won't connect to my pm4 unless the pads are wet. My Garmin strap connects ok without but my wahoo tickr doesn't.

Not sure if you actually can connect the watch to the pm can you? I thought the OK was only set to receive data but not send it. Could be wrong. I think you could use a Garmin 235 for example with the built in wrist HR sensor (which is crap for rowing anyway I've heard) but not the 630.
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Re: Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

Post by aclark » September 3rd, 2016, 8:17 am

I've tried wetting the strap and it still doesn't recognise it. It is possible to pair ANT FE devices with the pm4 by going more options>link>then link (watch,smartphone or tablet) however nothing appears for me, has anyone got any experience link a garmin with the pm4?

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Re: Pairing Garmin forerunner 630/HRM run strap with PM4

Post by mzielinskim » November 9th, 2016, 6:09 am

I have the same problem with a HRM-Run from a Garmin Forerunner 620.
And also transmitting the Heartrate from the optical Sensor of the Garmin Fenix doesnt show up in the PM4

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