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New new new

Posted: January 23rd, 2013, 5:49 pm
by Godtoh
Hi there... so I'm new like the title says.

I'm Gijsbert 26 years old from the Netherlands. ATM I'm around 79kg and 1.80m.
I've recently bought a Concept2 Model C PM2, condition of the rower is quite good, got new chain, new elastics and a new pulley. So all parts which wear are changed for new items :D

Around 8 years ago I'd rowed for several weeks in the gym. That was quite nice and it reminded me to do it some day.

Because I didn't work out, train, sport that often I want a good trainings program to follow, I found those 2: ... ma&act=url

I tried the first one, but honestly, it's too much for the start. I've tried rowing for 5K, I could make it with 3 brakes during the 5K. My average 500m time (including brake stops) was 3:02.9. Pace around 22-23. Yeah quite rubbish, without brakes I think I can do 500m in around 2:50 during 5K.

Right, what would you advise to start with? I think thepeteplan is quite an overkill, maybe you have some other schedules???

Let me know, thanks :)

Re: New new new

Posted: January 23rd, 2013, 8:37 pm
by Blaze
Welcome. Perhaps to start, you could just focus on pushing a bit more each workout to build a fitness base. For instance, it sounds like you can probably finish a 2K at 3:00 pace within the next few workouts. From there, you can steadily add 100M per workout. As you continue, your pace will probably quicken on its own.

Soon you'll be able to knock out a 5K in one sitting, and then you can decide if you want to focus on improving pace, distance, or both -- others will make excellent suggestions for programming. Naturally, you'll want to make the effort to develop a sound technique to improve more quickly and avoid injury.

Keep at it, and enjoy the new (to you) rower.

Re: New new new

Posted: January 27th, 2013, 10:00 pm
by j1huegel
Hello Gijsbert, welcome (back) to rowing!

I am also kind of new. I have been rowing 9 months now. I have a really nice Model E in my house, nearing 1M meters.

A few months ago I adopted the UK interactive training program at
It starts you at lower intensity then increases the distance and heart rate progressively.
Later in the program it adds the highest intensity levels at lower distances.
It's a 16 week program to get you ready to race 2K, but you don't have to do that if you are not inclined to race.
I found that it was very useful to keep me motivated and improving. I went from 7:39 2K to 7:10 2k at the end. I have my first race in two weeks!

Using a heart rate monitor is necessary in this program(me).
