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Stages of a 2km Erg

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 4:46 am
by mattflint49
Hey guys,

I absolutely love learning about like the "physics" per say behind what I do and im really wondering like what happens in the body as i do a 2km. what i wanna know is why for example steady state training on bike or erg or swimming or heart rate training how does this benefit my 2km. like... during a 2km does it require muscle endurance (cycling) or like really deep breaths which cause the lung burning experience and what training will increase this endurance?

sorry i worded this horribly, im just wondering how the training we do (long SS) helps our 2km times.


Re: Stages of a 2km Erg

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 11:40 am
by jackarabit
Common estimate of energy system use is 70% aerobic, 30% anaerobic. Max sustainable effort for 1800m followed by a sprint on will and fumes.

"I ust eveyting I got! --Sylvester Stallone as Cobra

Re: Stages of a 2km Erg

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 12:03 pm
by hjs
The more oxigion you can process, the more energy you can burn, the more work you can do. Its also helps anaerobic work, lactac can be used via the aerobe process. So very fit people recover faster and can stay longer just on the edge, lactate levels stay just managable.

Re: Stages of a 2km Erg

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 3:40 pm
by jamesg
Training has all sorts of effects.

Some of those needed in endurance events are improved waste product removal rate, increased efficiency, strength, and coordination under long-term stress.

Rowing a 2k involves pulling a handle hard, about 200 times, so the training includes lots of this. I wouldn't worry too much about the details, just do it. If it's too hard, take a longer rest between strokes; no one can complain if the boat is still going fast.