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6k workouts/training??

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 9:25 am
by gnu
What's more efficient doing 6xday training period is it better to do one L1 and one 6k pace work like 10x3min 30 sec rest or doing two 6k pace type training intervals in achieving a faster 6k. Also anyone have any good 6k pace workouts or around 6k zone training?


Re: 6k workouts/training??

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 12:08 pm
by sheehc
Some workouts to play with:
2 sets of 20 x 1:40on/20" off, done around 6k pace or a bit slower. Take up to 10' rest. Open rating (most people start low and pick up as needed). As the season progresses and your fitness builds, you can make this into 40 straight reps.

2-3 sets of 15-20 x 45"on/15"off around 6k pace, up to 10' rest. Rate open.

3-4 sets of 3-4x 4'on/1'off, around 6k pace, rate 24-26, rest up to 8' between sets

3x10', 1x7'; rate for each set is 24, 26, 28, open; pace is around 6k and then open for the last one; rest is like 5' I think

2 x 20', rest up to 10', rate 24-26, pace is 6k+2-4

A weird one is: 2 sets of 7'on/4'off, 5'on/3'off, 3'on/2'off, 1'on/1'off; the 1' off is your rest between sets; rate starts at 22-24 and builds 2 beats for each new "on" interval (of course, resetting in second set)......I honestly forget the pacing as I haven't done it in years (too many changes for my liking), but start around 6k and get faster as the intervals get shorter.

Probably the best workout though is 90-120' SS.

Re: 6k workouts/training??

Posted: August 15th, 2011, 2:52 pm
by gnu
Sheehc Thank you for all the workouts, I already tried out the 20x140 on 20 off. Great workout! Thanks again!