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Queston on PM3 built-in workouts...

Posted: July 11th, 2011, 9:48 am
by napoleon1815
Hello! I've been doing a straight 7,000 meter row daily for a long time and finally decided to mix it up a bit as I couldn't take the same workout anymore. Today I did one of the built in workouts on the PM3 which was:

2,500m, 3min rest
1,500m, 3min rest
1,000m, 3min rest
500m, 3min rest

During the rest period I did not stop but rowed slow. That being said, is there anyway to tell how many net calories I burned on this workout? I was hoping when I was done it would show me, but all I could see what the calories burned from the last 3min rest (which was ~49 calories or so). I looked around on the logcard a bit to see but couldn't find anything.

The calorie count is important to my strategy. I did notice that my net meters were 7,762, so I did more than my usual 7,000 meter row (on my usual 7,000 meter row I was burning around 650 calories based on the website calculator).


Re: Queston on PM3 built-in workouts...

Posted: July 11th, 2011, 10:30 am
by Citroen
Main menu --> More options --> Memory
or (with a logcard inserted)
Main menu --> More options --> LogCard

Once you find the workout data press [CHANGE UNITS] until it shows calories (which are an obscure estimation and mostly useless unless you use 300(k)cal/hour doing nothing, weigh 80Kg and metabolise food to energy at exactly 25%).

When you're done press [CHANGE UNITS] back to pace (time needed for 500m) so you can compare your workouts to the others that folks post on here - most folks don't use calories (due to the crazy formula used to calculate them).

Re: Queston on PM3 built-in workouts...

Posted: July 11th, 2011, 11:26 am
by napoleon1815
Thanks I'll try this when I get home. I agree with the calorie count which is why I am glad you can "recalcuate" it from this website with your actual weight, etc. I ASSUME this is accurate?

Re: Queston on PM3 built-in workouts...

Posted: July 11th, 2011, 12:53 pm
by JimmyL
napoleon1815 wrote:Thanks I'll try this when I get home. I agree with the calorie count which is why I am glad you can "recalcuate" it from this website with your actual weight, etc. I ASSUME this is accurate?
It'd still be an estimate, as every person has their own metabolism. But I'm guessing it'd be more accurate than the generalized version