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Setting Tabata intervals

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 6:29 pm
by MarkyG
Hi As a noob to the forum, and only three months into my indoor rowing, I am keen to know how to set the number of intervals to suit a standard Tabata set.

I use a PM3 at home and at the gym, and have worked out a custom setting to allow the correct 20 on and 10 off timing, but how can a user set the intervals to 8? The screen shows 10 - is this a default / non-adjustable setting?

Cheers in advance.

Re: Setting Tabata intervals

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 6:56 pm
by Citroen
You can row 30 reps for any interval workout, Intervals: Distance, Intervals: Time, or Intervals: Variable.

Make sure you're setting the rest time in the right place (it's the bottom half of each screen where you program a repetition) and not as a seperate rep. ... wtouse.asp
  1. On the PM Main Menu, choose Select Workout.
  2. Select New Workout.
  3. Select Intervals: Distance.
  4. On the Intervals: Distance window, set the distance for the work interval, and the time for the rest interval:
    • Choose plus or minus to increment/decrement the values as needed.
    • Choose the right and left arrows to navigate through the various digits.
    Use the same buttons to set the optional PaceBoat, if desired.
  5. Select the checkmark icon to save the workout.
    • If you are using a LogCard, the PM will prompt you to save the workout as a favorite. This is a good idea if it's a workout you row frequently. Select Yes to save the workout. Then, select the favorite you'd like to replace with the new workout.
    • If you do not want to save the workout, select No.
  6. Begin rowing!

Re: Setting Tabata intervals

Posted: May 18th, 2011, 9:10 am
by MarkyG

From your weblink I chose the variable intervals menu, and then ensured that the erg would only go to eight intervals... A test run showed that this works... four mins on the dot; and no metres measured during rests - excellent. Here's to weekly tabata blasts...

