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Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 26th, 2016, 7:43 pm
by G-dub
Make us proud.

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 26th, 2016, 11:33 pm
by Shawn Baker
2nd that- everyone kick butt!!

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 3:34 am
by Papy
Ditto !

..and here is the link to the webcast for Sunday : ... d-irc/live

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 5:21 am
by Balkan boy
I'll be following for the first time.
What's the structure of the event?
How many runs do they have to do to get to the finals?
Do people compete in more then one category?

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 5:46 am
by Papy
here is the race schedule :

Heat Schedule:
Adaptive (FES) 08:55 AM
Adaptive 09:00 AM
Adaptive 09:15 AM
Adaptive 09:25 AM
Lightweight Veteran Men 09:50 AM
Lightweight Veteran Women (Age 60+) 09:50 AM
Lightweight Veteran Women (Age 50-59) 10:10 AM
Veteran Women (Age 65+) 10:10 AM
Veteran Men (Age 70+) 10:10 AM
Veteran Men (Age 60-64) 10:30 AM
Veteran Women (Age 50-54) 10:30 AM
Veteran Women (Age 55-59) 10:30 AM
Veteran Women (Age 60-64) 10:30 AM
Veteran Men (Age 55-59) 10:50 AM
Veteran Men (Age 60-64) 10:50 AM
Veteran Men (Age 65-69) 10:50 AM
Veteran Men (Age 50-54) 11:10 AM
Senior Master Men 11:30 AM
Senior Master Women 11:30 AM
Lightweight Senior Master Men 11:45 AM
Senior Master Men 11:45 AM
Lightweight Master Men 12:00 PM
Lightweight Master Women 12:00 PM
Lightweight Open Men 12:00 PM
Lightweight Senior Master Women 12:00 PM
Lightweight Open Men 12:15 PM
Lightweight Open Women 12:15 PM
Youth – Boys 12:30 PM
Youth – Girls 12:30 PM
Bullpen 12:45 PM
Lightweight Junior Women 01:00 PM
Lightweight Junior Men 01:15 PM
Lightweight Junior Women 01:15 PM
Lightweight Open Women 01:15 PM
Lightweight Junior Men 01:30 PM
Lightweight Open Men 01:30 PM
Lightweight Junior Men 01:45 PM
Lightweight Junior Men 02:00 PM
Lightweight Open Men 02:00 PM
Junior Men 02:15 PM
Open Men 02:15 PM
Junior Men 02:30 PM
Open Men 02:30 PM
Junior Men 02:45 PM
Junior Women 02:45 PM
Junior Men 03:00 PM
Junior Women 03:00 PM
Junior Women 03:15 PM
Junior Women 03:30 PM
Open Women 03:30 PM
Junior Women 03:45 PM
Master Women 03:45 PM
Open Men 03:45 PM
Master Men 04:00 PM
Open Men 04:00 PM
Open Men 04:15 PM
Open Women 04:15 PM
Open Men 04:30 PM
Open Women 04:45 PM
Team Event 1000 m 05:00 PM

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 6:11 am
by lindsayh
Balkan boy wrote:I'll be following for the first time.
What's the structure of the event?
How many runs do they have to do to get to the finals?
Do people compete in more then one category?
One race for the day as the above list - no heats just "finals" with each age group grouped together.
The top seeds on times are lined up on one flight.
(there were heats and finals a long time ago I understand back in the 2500m days)
There may be more than one age/weight group running at the same time.
The machines for each group are linked together and display positions.
There are many machines being used at the one time for different heats (I think 4 lots of 40) in the one arena.
It is possible to do the Open and Age but few would really chose to do that seriously. (although some did at some of the UK races last year)

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 6:59 am
by lindsayh
If anyone meets Peter Beare MHWT 65+ please say Hi to my erg buddy from Adelaide - really nice guy aiming for the 6:5x low - he is sitting with some fast guys though.

(and don't miss Andy Benko and Graham Benton et al in the 40+ MHWT - that is an amazing heat)

unfortunately it all happens in the middle of Sunday night here.

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 7:13 am
by Cyclingman1
What I have not seen is any sort of schedule for the entire weekend. Are either Concept2 or Crash-B doing non-racing things on Sat or is everything confined to the Arena on Sun?

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 8:23 am
by ArmandoChavezUNC
It's a one day event. No racing Saturday.

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 11:47 am
by Bob S.
A couple of decades ago, it used to be 2 days, but that because they were using heats. I guess that it was an old holdover from OTW races where heats are necessary. Conditions OTW change so much that times cannot be compared. No such problem with the erg. With the heats dropped, the event can be done in one looong day.

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 27th, 2016, 5:06 pm
by Eric308
Best wishes to Andy Benko...Senior HW.....starts at 11:45 heat 11, erg 6....hope he breaks 6:00

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 28th, 2016, 11:19 am
by jackarabit
No live tracker?

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 28th, 2016, 12:26 pm
by bloomp
Cureton Richard 09:50:00 5 53 Unaffiliated (USA) Lightweight Veteran Men (Age 65-69) L
Did he actually show up and race this year?

EDIT: No, no he did not. Classic Ranger.

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 28th, 2016, 1:54 pm
by Bob S.
bloomp wrote:
Cureton Richard 09:50:00 5 53 Unaffiliated (USA) Lightweight Veteran Men (Age 65-69) L
Did he actually show up and race this year?

EDIT: No, no he did not. Classic Ranger.
Wow! A blast from the past! Except for one post in '13, you have been off the boards for a long time. Actually, even mentioning the name is taboo on the forum nowadays. These posts may well get deleted.

Re: Best wishes to those rowing this weekend in Boston

Posted: February 28th, 2016, 4:29 pm
by Alissa
Bob S. wrote:
bloomp wrote:
Cureton Richard 09:50:00 5 53 Unaffiliated (USA) Lightweight Veteran Men (Age 65-69) L
Did he actually show up and race this year?

EDIT: No, no he did not. Classic Ranger.
Wow! A blast from the past! Except for one post in '13, you have been off the boards for a long time. Actually, even mentioning the name is taboo on the forum nowadays. These posts may well get deleted.
Our very own "Voldemort" (he who shall not be named...)
jackarabit wrote:No live tracker?
Not sure, but there is a video feed... But not from the CRASH-B web site. It's from the C2 site "here."

