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How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 3:58 am
by rhyszoe
I have always thought that I seemed to sweat more than most people, so today, as an experiment I weighed myself before an erg workout at my local gym - 206 lbs or 93.6kg. I then threw myself into a solid 60 minute effort, with a 10 minute slower cool down at the end. I didn't have my foot right to the floor during the 60 minutes, but still felt at the end as if I had been working hard (300 metres short of a PB). Had a sip only from the waterbottle, jumped back on the same scales; result 201.5 pounds (91.6kg). My gym is not airconditioned, but we are not yet into our Australian summer yet. The temperature in the gym would have been around 74F (about 23C). Does this sound about right for a 63 year old?
When we get days up over the 30C mark, I reckon I will leave a big puddle on the floor if I attempt something similar!

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 7:55 am
by Tinus
It is the first time I've heard about a sweat rate close to 2 liters/hours. I've always considered 1.5 a maximum. I would say you are sweating a lot. I don't know if it is not right (as in wrong).

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 9:36 am
by chgoss
rhyszoe wrote:I have always thought that I seemed to sweat more than most people .
I've never actually measured it, but I regularly leave 2 trails where sweat runs off my elbows :D :D

74F with no fan is pretty warm.. I definately do 10x better when it's <65F

As long as you dont have trouble with electrolytes, I dont think its a big deal. Lots of professional athletes do the same..

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 11:41 am
by row dude
You ever find around the 30 min mark or around the 50 min of a long piece, sweat will start to burn your eyes? Damn it sucks and I hate wearing headbands. I think I'll start wearing those wrist cloth things to wipe my eyes with that basketball players use.


Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 12:07 pm
by Bob S.
row dude wrote:You ever find around the 30 min mark or around the 50 min of a long piece, sweat will start to burn your eyes? Damn it sucks and I hate wearing headbands. I think I'll start wearing those wrist cloth things to wipe my eyes with that basketball players use.

I don't like headbands either, but they are are lot better than having that burn in my eyes. So I put up with them for the long pieces, especially since I am (more or less) doing longer and longer rows each workout in preparation for a marathon.

Bob S.

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 12:42 pm
by luckylindy
row dude wrote:You ever find around the 30 min mark or around the 50 min of a long piece, sweat will start to burn your eyes? Damn it sucks and I hate wearing headbands. I think I'll start wearing those wrist cloth things to wipe my eyes with that basketball players use.

Shower cap. Extra tight. Will hold up to 2 hours of sweat in an easily dispensable unit. If it's good enough for snoop dogg ...



Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 12:51 pm
by row dude
I saw that picture and actually laughed for about 10 min. Nice guys. Well done :)

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 4:30 pm
by Carl Watts
I wear a bandana. Fold into a triange and then roll it up and tie it around your head. It's a must for me as the sweat in my eyes stings like crazy. It is saturated after a 60 min row. If I was doing a FM I would need to change it at the halfway point.

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 5:58 pm
by row dude
Just Finished my 1hr piece with 16min bike. I found that the basketball cuff thing I bought at Sport Check was fairly decent but it was pretty drenched and only half effective by the end. Also noticed I started to lean about 1 degree towards the side the arm band was during my recovery (Bad Dave! hahaha). About 60% sure I'll keep using it. :D

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 8:32 pm
by David Pomerantz
I don't do the pieces that most of you guys do. I can do 2min/500m for 30min or so. I usually row on the only erg in a massive gym. There must easily be 200 people present at peak hours. Im sure I generate more sweat than the other 199 added together. Most people act like they have never seen a drenched t-shirt. And they are astounded at the two parallel lines of sweat tracks on either side of the rail. Standard procedure with the crowd on this forum though! :)


Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 3:14 am
by breccia
I weigh 185 and generally lose 5 lbs during a hard row. I found washing my face before working outs helps with the stinging in the eyes and a head gasket is a must. :D ... Check=true

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 1:22 pm
by Cyclist2
I wear a headband, always have, and now especially since I'm bald - the water just runs down into my eyes if I don't. Since I started using slides, I set up a fan to blow on me (too cheap to buy a C-Breeze, and already had the fan), which helps a lot. On really long rows I wear one of those high-tech T-shirts to wick the water away and evaporate quickly. Of course, when I'm using the erg in the garage, I bundle up until I warm up and even then wear more clothes, brrr. :D

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 7:12 pm
by Atorrante
row dude wrote:You ever find around the 30 min mark or around the 50 min of a long piece, sweat will start to burn your eyes? Damn it sucks and I hate wearing headbands. I think I'll start wearing those wrist cloth things to wipe my eyes with that basketball players use.

I had the same problem and was tempted to use a headband, but now i rarely row 30' or more, so the problem is no more an issue. I tend to do 6k's as my base workout 3 to 4 times a week, complimented by 4 miles running and 40 miles at the bike, so drenching on a rower is no longer desirable.

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 4:18 pm
by row dude
Definately found that wiping down my face before an erg helps. I'm no grease ball by any stretch (2 showers a day), but it helped. I've since retired the wrist band.

What also helped is adjusting the anlge of my my trusty fan at my face/Torso.

You know what's the best thing in the world? A half glass of cold water 20 min before a hard piece. It does wonders, seriously.

Stay classy Sandeigo.

Re: How much do you sweat?

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 4:39 pm
by aharmer
I wear a running hat (they have sweatband material inside and pores to let heat escape the top) backward. Once the inside band is soaked any sweat that comes off runs off the brim behind me and doesn't bother me in the least. Hats really bother some people but if you're not one of them it's worth a shot.