The Road to Boston 2007

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Post by Yankeerunner » January 18th, 2007, 9:54 am

5 X 12' UT1 (3'r)

12' 3008m 1:59.7 22spm 140hr (recovered to 78hr during rest)
12' 3014m 1:59.4 22spm 144hr (rec. to 79hr)
12' 3022m 1:59.1 23spm 146hr (rec. to 91hr)
12' 3028m 1:58.9 23spm 147hr (rec. to 86hr)
12' 3033m 1:58.7 23spm 147hr (rec. to 89hr)

1033m c/d in 5'

126df, 47degrees, 49rhr. Better than the same workout from last Sunday, 0.2sec/500m faster with a lower heart rate and a less achy lower back. It occurred to me that I'm using a different form of heart rate training lately. Workouts have been feeling like drudgery and I get tempted to quit them. But when I see my heart rate staying reasonable, and even more important recovering quickly during the rest intervals, I realize that it's probably mostly in my head and I continue on and finish the whole thing. Got to get my head back on straight. :?


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Post by TomR » January 18th, 2007, 10:10 am

The combination of winter and tough sessions seems to be wearing on our merry band. I expect that getting enough rest is as important as grinding it out at this point in the training cycle.

Carla--Your 4x5 sounds good to me. I don't think there are many who can do this session at the fastest TR pace. Mike Caviston does 4x1k, which is shorter, at race pace, and he uses approx 6 min recovery. You were smart to go to 5 min recoveries. I will be doing the session w/ 6 mins recovery, and I will set out at about current 2k+3.5.

Will--get well.

Is Anne in CA working on her tan?


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Post by Bob S. » January 18th, 2007, 10:47 am

TomR wrote:T
Is Anne in CA working on her tan?
Not likely. Quote from the L.A. Times:

It's winter for a day as snow dusts parts of L.A.
A surprise storm coats areas in the Valley, drops hail on Westside lawns and closes I-5.
By Sharon Bernstein and Martha Groves, Times Staff Writers
January 18, 2007

It wasn't exactly a snow day.

But Southern California's six-day cold snap took a surreal turn Wednesday as a rare snowstorm brought snowplows to the canyons above Malibu, left parts of the San Fernando Valley with a white dusting and shut down Interstate 5.

The snow levels plunged well below 1,000 feet in some areas, blanketing the Santa Monica Mountains with snow and leaving streets and lawns in Venice, Westwood and elsewhere on the Westside covered with ice from pea-sized hail.
end quote.

Here on the east side of the state it is much colder, of course, but the snow is eluding us. Mammoth has been getting a fair amount, but we have a real drought going here further south.

Bob S.

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Post by Anne » January 18th, 2007, 2:24 pm

My tan??? HA! Bob's weather forecast was accurate.....had I gone to Southern California for the weather I would have been disappointed.....

However....getting the chance to work with Xeno and meet the people at his studio was FANTASTIC :lol: :lol: My expectations were high and they were surpassed! I arrived at the GOROW gym at about 9:15am (after 2 hours of rush hour traffic!) and was warmly greeted by Val who led the group rowing session. It was an absolute blast---my first time on slides and I am a convert now! About 9 of us rowed together (Val was on one side of me and Xeno on the other) and while we were rowing, they helped me with technique....pointing out small things to work on. Many drills were included in the workout (one leg, arms alone....the things that are on Xeno's DVD) and there were Power 10s as well as slower pieces (where we talked). It was really fun and instructional. About midway in the group session I realized that I'd hit 3 million meters (over the past 2+ years), so I stopped, jumped off the erg and took some photos (I am a tourist, after all :wink: ).

After the group session, I had a private video assessment/ coaching session with Xeno and it was even more helpful. What impressed me was how he was able to offer practical drills and methods to correct the problems in my stroke.....methods that will work for me and were suited to my learning style. (I've had private golf lessons to work on my swing and it is a unique coach who can sufficiently explain how to remedy a glitch in the swing a way I can apply---)Plus, I have a DVD of Xeno teaching me (it is 60 minutes of me on the erg)...which of course, I will use to bore my children and husband...and anyone else who would care to watch it! And, if people aren't interested in the DVD, I can show them the still photos I took! :roll:

So, it was a tremendously valuable morning, very encouraging and renewed my enthusiasm for the sport.....After work today I am meeting my husband at the gym to practice and show him what I learned. :roll: I think today I am slated for a TR workout...but we may do a long UT1 piece just to work on form.

Next week is the race here...I won't be sporting a great tan for it and am not sure I can incorporate the changes by that time ---plus taper. But, regardless, the trip was well worth it!

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Post by seat5 » January 18th, 2007, 8:01 pm

Hey Anne,
I've been waiting for you to post about your Xeno visit! Sounds like it was great. It is amazing how one on one coaching, in person, can really help improve your stroke and your times will improve, too. The slides are great. I now use them for all long stuff, UT1, UT2, sometimes AT, but TR and AN on standard erg, and CTC pieces or other competitions standard as well. It does feel weird if you ever try to warm up on the slides and then do a hard piece on the std. erg but switching from day to day is fine.

Tom, I didn't realize that about MC's 4 x 1K but it surely was evident to me after the first go that I could not do the 4 x 5' at race pace at all and especially with only 3 min rests; I can almost hit race pace if I do 30 spm but can't keep up 30 spm for all 4 pieces. The first one was 2K - 0.2; the second one 2K + 1.3; the third, 2K + 2; and the last one 2K +0.2
In any case that was no fun and I hope I don' t have to do it again soon.

Today is supposed to be 3 x 10 AT; (1:58/26) but I may sub a 30 r 20 for the ELM challenge of the month, which I should be able to do at 1:59. Close enough for govt. work anyway.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by TomR » January 18th, 2007, 10:06 pm

4x5' TR/6' recovery

2k pace: 1.50.1
target pace: 1.53ish
actual pace: 1.53.2

1.53.2/29/171--highest HR during IP training to this point
1.53.1/29/173--highest HR during entire IP training

Judging by HR, it was a workout.

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Post by Anne » January 18th, 2007, 11:09 pm

Tom, Where was your HR during the recoveries/ rests?

But when I see my heart rate staying reasonable, and even more important recovering quickly during the rest intervals, I realize that it's probably mostly in my head
Rick, what do you consider a reasonable recovery?

Here I am 22 weeks of faithfully following the IP plan and I am still trying to figure out the HR part. Since my HR doesn't really cooperate during the work part of the pieces...I am wondering if I am in range on the rests?

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Post by TomR » January 19th, 2007, 12:18 am


I don't know for sure. I don't record HR at the end of recovery, but usually I take a peek. Today it was coming down reasonably when I glanced, but I didn't notice the exact HR at the end of the recovery. I expect it got below 120.

One standard for full recovery is 2x resting HR (I think). For me, that would be approx 100. Mine didn't go that low, but I didn't feel as though I needed more time between intervals.


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Post by Yankeerunner » January 19th, 2007, 10:08 am

The dreaded 8 X 4' TR (4'ar)

2677m w/u in 12'

4' 1083m 1:50.8 31spm 144hr
4' 1085m 1:50.6 32spm 149hr
4' 1087m 1:50.4 33spm 151hr
4' 1082m 1:50.9 33spm 152hr
4' 1064m 1:52.7 32spm 149hr
4' 1066m 1:52.5 32spm 152hr
4' 1067m 1:52.4 32spm 150hr
4' 1076m 1:51.5 32spm 151hr

1419m c/d in 7'

114df, 52degrees, 47rhr, listening to the Dropkick Murphys CD "Blackout." This didn't go as well as the 7 X 4' TR from three weeks ago, and was also slower than the 8 X 4' from the last racing cycle. It was probably the slowest average time (1:51.4) that I've ever done for this workout, although to be fair I rarely finish the whole thing.

The intent had been to start at 1:50.8 for the first piece then lower it by 0.2 each rep until the end. That would have given me a 1:50.3 average to just nip the 1:50.4 average from the 7 X 4'. Unfortunately I had to cry uncle during the fourth piece and almost called it a day there. But I had read TomR's entry this morning and decided that if he could soldier on with a heart rate over 170 that I could go on at his pace at least since my heart rate was 20 beats lower. So thanks Tom for the inspiration. I also remembered a post from Tom Kay on the UK forum a while back about how a lower heart rate during a struggle can sometimes indicate trouble ahead. And since I was barely in the AT zone, let alone up to the 155-160 TR zone, while working very hard, I will pay attention. Fortunately tomorrow is a scheduled rest day.

The 4' active rests averaged out to about 2:46 pace at 20spm. Heartrate dropped to around 104-107 by the end of the 4' which is normal for my active rests.

Managed to go over 100km for the week. Not bad on only 6 workouts, and the first time since last August. B) And also not bad for fighting off a stiff and sore lower back all week. :evil: Next week looks a lot less hard in the IP. :D

Anne, like Tom I consider two times resting heart rate to be "full recovery" after a hard interval. I'd been using 90, although it seems lately that my resting heart rate is more like 47-48bpm than the 45 that it used to be. :?


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Post by TomR » January 19th, 2007, 1:05 pm


A noble effort on the 8x4'.

Take care of yourself. Pace yourself so you go into the races fresh.

Good luck Sunday.


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Post by Anne » January 19th, 2007, 6:56 pm

Well team...You'll get your practice races done this weekend at Rick's. Good luck and have fun with one another.

I'm needing some advice for the Cincinnati race next week...on how to persevere. I think it is too late for any physical improvement to help me reduce my time. But, I need to develop the right mindset--just to get through the race!. Any suggestions :?: ???? Either post here or PM me with any advice on the emotional/ mental fortitude required for a 2K. I can't seem to summons it this year!

Today was a 2x3' TR workout....seemed easy enough and the recomended pace was 2:02. I decided to try a 2:00--simply because I'd need that pace for an 8 minute race and managed it a year ago. My goal was to hold 2:00 steadily and see how I felt. Well, I felt lousy! I ended up with a 1:59.8 (both intervals) BUT that was with 5 minutes of rest, and was only a total of 6 minutes...I'd be happy <read: THRILLED> with an 8:05 after all this training, but even that seems a stretch given that my body really remembers the feeling of a 2K and is going into rebellion. :evil:

Any suggestions :?: :?:
Oh, as for recovery, thanks for the information...I always get to below 100 which is 2x resting. But, during the pieces I get up in the 180-185 wonder I dread the 2K!

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Post by TomR » January 19th, 2007, 10:11 pm


took it easy, barely getting heart into UT1 range.


I figured w/ TR yesterday and AT tomorrow and AN Sunday, it didn't make sense to push too hard on the longer row.

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Post by TomR » January 19th, 2007, 10:35 pm


If you would be thrilled w/ an 8.05 time, plan your race to accomplish that.

Remember: You will be (should be) well rested on race day. That's worth some tenths/500.

Plus, race-day nerves (anxiety and excitement) and the accompanying adreneline will be worth several tenths/500.

Plus, are you underestimating what you can do once?

Set off conservatively--2.01.5. You'll probably feel like you can go faster at the start. Don't. You'll feel fine after 500 meters. Stay on pace, or bring it down a tenth or two, but nothing big. Doubts begin with about 1,200 meters to go, but that's pointless monkey chatter. If you feel fine at this point, you can definitely go faster.

With 1,000 to go, you're on the downslope, and you might be ready to crank the pace closer to 2.01. Or you might just be content to hold the pace slightly higher. If you're close to a 2.01 split at this point, you'll be coming in right on target. You might even feel like a final push w/ a minute (250 meters) to go. It's only 25 strokes--more actually, but you tell yourself 25 and then do the extra 2 or 3. You're done.

Wave to the crowd, Apply lipstitck. Big smile.

Piece of cake, you'll report when it's over. Why didn't I shoot for 8 minutes flat?

Good luck.

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Post by Anne » January 20th, 2007, 12:44 pm

Pointless monkey chatter
is a perfect description of the little deamons!...Thanks for the advice Tom!

The end of the "road" means the workouts haave finally gotten easier...almost makes it worth it to have the race on the horizon! Today I did a 1x10' AT (2:08.8) plus some paddling after a 75 minute strength class. Xeno's instruction made me realize I need considerable more strength from my glutes and that's the focus for next year.....Always something to work on!

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Post by Bob S. » January 20th, 2007, 7:12 pm

Burnout? I just kept stalling on Thursday’s interval schedule and finally ended up just doing the regular treadmill and weight routine at the fitness center. Friday was worse. Nothing done but my daily wakeup/stretch routine. Finally, today, with only one week left until the big day, I did the intervals.

3K/2.5K/2K. 5:00r. ~2K+5(2:09.3).

WU: 21’ increasing rate. 4514m(2:19.5). 120bpm.
About 11’ delay for various reasons not under my control.
1st: 3k. 12:51.7(2:08.6). 27spm. HR not recorded.
5:00 pr with pit stop. 94 bpm.
2nd: 2.5K. 10:45.5(2:09.1). 29spm. 146bpm.
5:00 pr. 97bpm.
3rd: 2K. 8:34.9(2:08.7). 26spm. 147bpm.
No break.
CD: 21’ decreasing rate. 4063m(2:35.1). 110bpm at end.

All under target, but sloppy. Rates rather slow, but perhaps it was just as well.

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