Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Anth_F » November 14th, 2016, 2:23 pm

hjs wrote::D

100m, you must have a very strong back
No kidding, WOW :shock:

To me, in the 500m one, it appeared on the recovery that you were bending the legs before getting the hands away then hips swing forward :idea:

You have a very good rowers build though IMO!! And nice work and effort in those vids, Steve :wink:
46 yo male 5'10 88kg (Rowing since june 9th 2016) PB's 5k 19:22 30min 7518m

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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by cannondalerugby5 » November 14th, 2016, 5:19 pm

hjs wrote::D

First, you really go for it, nice to see. And nobody ever did better, so can,t be bad :wink:

Laughing out loud Henry - thanks

Technique, in general you pull in your arms early in during stroke, not doing that should be better, but have seen it done on all sorts of levels. Difficult to alter.

It's so obvious when you see the video,didn't realise the arm bend early was so bad,I must work on a better catch/ drive

100m, you must have a very strong back, certainly at the end there was almost zero slide left, but if that gives you the best spm strenght ratio, it works. A bit more slide would proberly help.

I do have a very strong back,evident in dead lift and bent rows.

500, looks powerfull, to me a bit low on the rating, and you pull the handle very hard, instead of leaning back a bit more. You also keep a little pauze After the stroke. Really think you can do a bit better still if you use a more fluend stroke with a bit more rate.

In short, rate, pauze after the stroke, loosing a bit of lenght by not leaning back. For smooth sprintstroke examples, search rob Smith, more controled can,t be found.
Will spend time working on the technique points you mentioned, thanks
65 Age Group PBs -100 14.8 WR
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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by cannondalerugby5 » November 14th, 2016, 5:22 pm

Anth_F wrote:
hjs wrote::D

100m, you must have a very strong back
No kidding, WOW :shock:

To me, in the 500m one, it appeared on the recovery that you were bending the legs before getting the hands away then hips swing forward :idea:

You have a very good rowers build though IMO!! And nice work and effort in those vids, Steve :wink:
Thanks Anth, having watched the vids I realise how much more technique needs to be worked on.

I have very long levers,I am lucky until you get to bench press :D
65 Age Group PBs -100 14.8 WR
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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Shawn Baker » November 15th, 2016, 12:38 am


Missed yesterday, but got to teach my 8 y/o daughter some of the basics of basketball, which is a lot more fun IMO

Anyway back to it today- once again its is very much a mental thing (there is definitely a physical part as well-but it's only pain and it's only temporary) - the mental part is trying to block out the anxiety and build it up into something worse than it is-yes I'm going to suffer for a minute or so, yes it will hurt and make me cough and feel bad for a while afterwards etc....

So, now that I cracked the 3 minute 1k "barrier" up here at altitude I know to not be under 3 min is unacceptable at my current 30spm rate- so today, once again was around 1:29.2 at 500m and again did enough to get just a bit better- happy for another "altitude PR", but was most satisfied that at around 55 strokes in (a place where I have not infrequently HD'ed in the past), I was able to overcome the almost reflexive urge to quit and win a small war against the machine today- 600-700meters is, for me, unquestionably the hardest part mentally- the first 400 or so there is no chance for any pain yet, but then it starts to build depending on my pace- I know if I can beat the little mental demons for another 300-350 meters, then I got it beaten, all I then have to do is count out another 20 hard strokes and just checkout mentally and just think pull hard and stay long, pain is going to stop soon!!

Did 1k cool down afterwards- the sensation of tasting blood up here at altitude I'd much worse than at sea level for me, also way more common for me to develop cough afterwards and definitely did for several hours afterward

After a time- again about 15 minutes I was able to get through some squatting

Did "high box" squats and went up to 500lbs (no belt) and did 10 sets of triples- these were all fairly easy (despite the fact that I was coughing pretty hard throughout the sets

I'd say this was a fairly productive session as the row was tough and I think it did what it is supposed to and incrementally developed a bit more fitness for me and the squats hopefully helped to make sure I maintain a decent level of strength while trying to get ever increasingly fitter (not necessarily an easy task)- again this was fueled by a dozen eggs blended up with some whey protein and a little cinnamon

Steve- it is always easy to pick out technical flaws on a 100 or 500m row, especially when you try and compare it to OTW or OTE 2k form- In my view they are not comparable- I find worrying too much about recovery mechanics to be not that helpful as I think it is not as relevant(unless it is just awful) with the higher stroke rates and the shorter distance- the more important part, by far is the drive phase- like Henry pointed out- length is your friend here- work on stroke so you have just a little bit more layback (and what I do is I practice at rate 20 and use the biggest stroke I possibly can with a huge layback- now I know I can't use that same stroke at rate 30+, but what it does for me is that it shows me I have more leverage the longer I can be and I can use my low back/deadlift strength as part of the stroke! (The 100m stroke is still yet another beast and a stroke rate of 60+ makes it very difficult, so you shorten up by either not leaning back or by not coming forward, although I have managed a few decent 100m times at close to full stroke before)
50 y/o 6'5, 243lbs


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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by jamesg » November 15th, 2016, 5:51 am

Would welcome any feedback
You could drop your feet, given your height, to rotate forwards and help posture.It's easy tested, so maybe worth a try.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Tim K. » November 15th, 2016, 3:29 pm

Shawn Baker wrote: the sensation of tasting blood up here at altitude I'd much worse than at sea level for me, also way more common for me to develop cough afterwards and definitely did for several hours afterward

Would you mind sharing what the temp and humidity difference is between your two locations are?

Reason I ask is I live, according to Wikipedia, at 1045m/3400ft and we are known for being very dry. Without intervention the house ends up being low high 20s to low 30s. I drive the humidity up to 40 before I start rowing and after 30 min it peaks at high 50s-low 60s. Room temp is usually 21-22. This has seemed to really help my asthma issues and have not had the extreme coughing and taste after max efforts (usually lasts for several days to a week). I know your putting out a greater effort at elevation to achieve the same output, due to density, just wondering if there was an appreciable difference in temp and humidity as well.


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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Edward4492 » November 15th, 2016, 3:55 pm

Steve- very nice WR's! Nobody commented on your pacing which looked pretty dead on. Went out hard, backed off a hair and settled in, then finished strong. Most guys end up with some semblance of a fly and die on the 500m. Like Shawn said, form is far from text book on the sprints. If you watch Shawn's videos he tends to really power through the stroke. Maybe you could benefit from a little more lay back? Far be it from me to offer advice. By definition WR= good form. Nobody else has gone faster!

Shawn Baker
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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Shawn Baker » November 15th, 2016, 7:07 pm

Just enough time for another 1k today

Felt decent going into it and was thinking 2:59.5 was a fair target

Easy 1k wu

Through 500m sitting at 1:29.0 on the nose, stayed fairly decent but eased of just a bit too much from 550 to 750 and while I was able to lower pace a bit at the end just not quite- hit the rate target of 30spm, but suspect the squats yesterday just took a little bit of my stroke power today- heart rate was slightly lower than yesterday so I suspect I am starting to reacclimate to altitude a bit after 5 days- still tasting a bit of blood but less pronounced cough.

200m Spits ended up

1:29.0 @29
1:28.7 @30
1:30.0 @30
1:31.5 @30
1:30.2 @33

Avg 1:29.9 (2:58.8) @ 30spm - DF was 212

Tomorrow, hopefully a bit more pace!

Tim- I don't have the particulars, but it is definitely drier up here, but I row indoors both places so I'd say not much difference in temperature (around 70F)
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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by RBFC » November 16th, 2016, 10:47 am

Humidity here in Albuquerque is typically 10-17%. Tracheitis is common for all types of sprint athletes here.

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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by cannondalerugby5 » November 17th, 2016, 11:14 am

Shawn Baker wrote:Image

Missed yesterday, but got to teach my 8 y/o daughter some of the basics of basketball, which is a lot more fun IMO

Anyway back to it today- once again its is very much a mental thing (there is definitely a physical part as well-but it's only pain and it's only temporary) - the mental part is trying to block out the anxiety and build it up into something worse than it is-yes I'm going to suffer for a minute or so, yes it will hurt and make me cough and feel bad for a while afterwards etc....

So, now that I cracked the 3 minute 1k "barrier" up here at altitude I know to not be under 3 min is unacceptable at my current 30spm rate- so today, once again was around 1:29.2 at 500m and again did enough to get just a bit better- happy for another "altitude PR", but was most satisfied that at around 55 strokes in (a place where I have not infrequently HD'ed in the past), I was able to overcome the almost reflexive urge to quit and win a small war against the machine today- 600-700meters is, for me, unquestionably the hardest part mentally- the first 400 or so there is no chance for any pain yet, but then it starts to build depending on my pace- I know if I can beat the little mental demons for another 300-350 meters, then I got it beaten, all I then have to do is count out another 20 hard strokes and just checkout mentally and just think pull hard and stay long, pain is going to stop soon!!

Did 1k cool down afterwards- the sensation of tasting blood up here at altitude I'd much worse than at sea level for me, also way more common for me to develop cough afterwards and definitely did for several hours afterward

After a time- again about 15 minutes I was able to get through some squatting

Did "high box" squats and went up to 500lbs (no belt) and did 10 sets of triples- these were all fairly easy (despite the fact that I was coughing pretty hard throughout the sets

I'd say this was a fairly productive session as the row was tough and I think it did what it is supposed to and incrementally developed a bit more fitness for me and the squats hopefully helped to make sure I maintain a decent level of strength while trying to get ever increasingly fitter (not necessarily an easy task)- again this was fueled by a dozen eggs blended up with some whey protein and a little cinnamon

Steve- it is always easy to pick out technical flaws on a 100 or 500m row, especially when you try and compare it to OTW or OTE 2k form- In my view they are not comparable- I find worrying too much about recovery mechanics to be not that helpful as I think it is not as relevant(unless it is just awful) with the higher stroke rates and the shorter distance- the more important part, by far is the drive phase- like Henry pointed out- length is your friend here- work on stroke so you have just a little bit more layback (and what I do is I practice at rate 20 and use the biggest stroke I possibly can with a huge layback- now I know I can't use that same stroke at rate 30+, but what it does for me is that it shows me I have more leverage the longer I can be and I can use my low back/deadlift strength as part of the stroke! (The 100m stroke is still yet another beast and a stroke rate of 60+ makes it very difficult, so you shorten up by either not leaning back or by not coming forward, although I have managed a few decent 100m times at close to full stroke before)
Thanks Shawn

Just started to work on low rate work ,working on a really long pull with layback

Will spend some time at the low rate concentrating on technique and then start to up the rate whilst staying long.

The 100m is horrible,didnt realise that I didn't use my legs at all!! :oops:
65 Age Group PBs -100 14.8 WR
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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by cannondalerugby5 » November 17th, 2016, 11:16 am

Edward4492 wrote:Steve- very nice WR's! Nobody commented on your pacing which looked pretty dead on. Went out hard, backed off a hair and settled in, then finished strong. Most guys end up with some semblance of a fly and die on the 500m. Like Shawn said, form is far from text book on the sprints. If you watch Shawn's videos he tends to really power through the stroke. Maybe you could benefit from a little more lay back? Far be it from me to offer advice. By definition WR= good form. Nobody else has gone faster!
I am laughing Edward,thanks!

Will work on technique for a while, staying long ,trying not to bend my arms and getting a strong catch :D
65 Age Group PBs -100 14.8 WR
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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Shawn Baker » November 17th, 2016, 8:36 pm


So, motivation! Tough- reversed stuff today did some power snatches to 195lbs, then cambered bar bench press to 270lbs

So strength is not too bad, relatively for me at the moment (both are within 5lbs or recent bests over last year or so)

Next easy 1k wu row then onto another 1k

HD around 450m in as I just did not have the mental toughness to get it done today (was sitting on a 1:28.5 pace- so fairly quick for me at altitude)

Not surprised by the failure today as I said the mental part not where it needs to be

A little bit annoyed I went and did a 100m sprint just to salvage something from session- hit 13.8 which ties my best (and would equal 50+ WR, which I'll turn on 10 January- saw quite a few 1:05s on monitor, so not too bad from a power production standpoint, despite all the 1k focus- hopefully it will bode well for a decent 500m in near future as I would assume my fitness is a bit better secondary to all the 1k stuff (which I am coming to not like much recently- I think the altitude just really beats me up when I really get after it)
50 y/o 6'5, 243lbs


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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Shawn Baker » November 19th, 2016, 4:47 pm


Sat morning, just time for a 1k

Easy 1k wu

Target today was 2:59.5 @ 30spm while at altitude, (previous best was 2:59.7 with same conditions) managed 2:59.6- somewhat uncomfrotable but not totally awful- heart rate significantly lower than last few times so certainly started to acclimatize to altitude a bit more) overall not too displeased as I got a halfway decent nights sleep last night and felt fairly decent and confident I'd get through the row.

A easy 1k cool down then outside to play some football with the kids where unfortunately a coughing spell prompted some fairly impressive vomiting from me (much to my kids amusement and horror :D )- took 2 minutes and then back to the football

8 year old then got ready for her piano recital by swinging her 20lb KB 67 times for a new rep record, prior to getting all dolled up in her pretty dress :D

Also of note is Sam Loch's 500m attempt the other day (1:12.7)
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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by hjs » November 20th, 2016, 5:59 am

Back on track. :D

Sam s also only 6.1? enough weight though ;-), but still short ish. Sprinting on the erg is small, but most faster guys seem to be pretty short. On the 2k the really fast guys are much more 6.5/6.7. Talking sub 5.50.

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Re: Sprints and Stuff- training/questions 1k and below

Post by Shawn Baker » November 22nd, 2016, 1:21 pm


First thing this am while fasted, before driving out to California (and thankfully sea level)

1k wu and cd

1k today- felt not too bad as I took last 2 days off to allow lungs a bit of recovery (cold, dry air in winter time up here is fairly bruising for high effort stuff)

Not bad through 900m but just ran out of gas at the end- heart rate stayed in low 150s which is, to me, fairly indicative of finally some altitude adaptation- compared to getting in 180s last week for same effort of row- but now I head backdown to sea level for a 2 week stretch!!

Did some light cambered bar bench pressing to finish prior to hitting the road!
50 y/o 6'5, 243lbs


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