Ranger's training thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by DUThomas » November 10th, 2010, 3:49 pm

ranger wrote:
DUThomas wrote:
ranger wrote:Then, as a 50s lwt, I have rowed 6:28, 6:29, 6:30, 6:32, 6:32, 6:32, 6:32, 6:32, 6:33, 6:36, etc.
The times above were all done fully sharpened.
I haven't sharpened to race since 2003.
If all of the times were done fully sharpened, and you haven't sharpened since 2003, does that mean that all of those times were done in 2003? It must be practically unprecedented to string together a series of very comparable rows in a single year! You must be so proud!
David -- 45, 195, 6'1"


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Byron Drachman » November 10th, 2010, 3:50 pm

Ranger wrote: Oct 3, 2006: Sharpening needs to be done for six weeks or so before you race

July 21, 2010: I will start sharpening for BIRC 2010 on September 1st.

September 12, 2010: I will be sharpening hard from now until WIRC, that is, for the next six months.

September 19, 2010: I am now sharpening, preparing to race, both OTW and OTErg.

Nov 10, 2010: I suppose I won't be fully sharpened this year, either, until WIRC.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by jliddil » November 10th, 2010, 3:56 pm

ranger wrote:
jliddel wrote:There is nothing healthy about weight swings at any age.
My weight swings now are from 10% body fat (which I need to be at in order to race as a lightweight) and 15% body fat, a _healthier_ alternative, which I stay at most of the year, when I am not racing OTErg.

As I mentioned, 10% body fat for a 60-year old male is considered unhealthy.

So I don't stay at 10% body fat all year round.

Most elite lightweights (such as Mike Caviston) do exactly the same thing.

You love just shooting form the hip

Or do a pubmed search
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by DUThomas » November 10th, 2010, 4:09 pm

ranger wrote:My weight swings now are from 10% body fat (which I need to be at in order to race as a lightweight) and 15% body fat, a _healthier_ alternative, which I stay at most of the year, when I am not racing OTErg.
As I mentioned, 10% body fat for a 60-year old male is considered unhealthy.
So I don't stay at 10% body fat all year round.
You put a lot of faith in your body fat measurements. Have you considered calibrating your Tanita (if memory serves) against the most accurate body fat test?

Truthfully, which do you fear more: that your precious body fat percentages might be wrong, or that the test involves an autopsy? I'm better on the former--facing facts isn't really your strong suit.
David -- 45, 195, 6'1"


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by snowleopard » November 10th, 2010, 4:30 pm

ranger wrote:I think I'm going to pull a lwt 6:16 at WIRC 2011, when I am 60.
Of course you think you are. But, then, in your autohomoerotic fantasy you also think you look like Eskild Ebbesen.

Here's a tip. To row like EE you also have to look like EE. And trust me, it will take more than family packs of fart fuel for you to even begin looking like EE.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by luckylindy » November 10th, 2010, 4:50 pm

Ranger - you do realize that if you eat significantly less calories than you burn that you'll lose muscle as well, right? If you're consistently working out for 3 hours per day (without extended breaks), the minimum to maintain weight should be ~3500 calories. If you're eating 1200-1500 (i.e. veggies only), you're likely losing .5-1.5 pounds of muscle per week along with ~3 pounds of fat.

10% body fat is NOT unhealthy, even for a 60 year old. On the other hand, eating 15,000 calories less than you need per week is going to kill your performance potential.
6'1" (185cm), 196 lbs (89kg)
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Bob S. » November 10th, 2010, 5:13 pm

luckylindy wrote:
10% body fat is NOT unhealthy, even for a 60 year old. On the other hand, eating 15,000 calories less than you need per week is going to kill your performance potential.
It seems strange that a guy who is only 5'11", with skinny legs and about average arms and shoulders would have any problem staying at 165# and under.

Bob S.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 10th, 2010, 5:19 pm

luckylindy wrote:10% body fat is NOT unhealthy, even for a 60 year old. On the other hand, eating 15,000 calories less than you need per week is going to kill your performance potential.
But it didn't--and hasn't.

So your claim has been tested--about two dozen times--and is demonstrably false.

You speak speculatively.

I speak from personal experience.

Last edited by ranger on November 10th, 2010, 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 10th, 2010, 5:23 pm

DUThomas wrote:
If all of the times were done fully sharpened, and you haven't sharpened since 2003, does that mean that all of those times were done in 2003? It must be practically unprecedented to string together a series of very comparable rows in a single year! You must be so proud!
Of course I am proud of this record.

When I prepare fully, I am one of the most consistent racers who ever pulled the handle.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by snowleopard » November 10th, 2010, 5:31 pm

ranger wrote:
DUThomas wrote:
If all of the times were done fully sharpened, and you haven't sharpened since 2003, does that mean that all of those times were done in 2003? It must be practically unprecedented to string together a series of very comparable rows in a single year! You must be so proud!
Of course I am proud of this record.

When I prepare fully, I am one of the most consistent racers who ever pulled the handle.
Er, well you were for a season (maybe two) and that was nigh on eight [8] years ago. Nothing since :roll:

Unless you count your consistent sequence of DNF, DNS, HD etc.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by aharmer » November 10th, 2010, 5:50 pm

ranger wrote:
aharmer wrote:Okay ranger, I have a question that I'd like to get your thoughts on. Let's assume you show up at BIRC. Let's also assume you sit down and race at BIRC. Finally, let's assume you pull your heart out and end up with a 6:45.

Leading up to the race, you've done all the workouts indicating you'll pull much faster than 6:45. You are already at weight, so there will be no need to dehydrate or starve yourself leading up to the race.

What explanation will you have if and when you pull a 6:45 or something similar? Is there any other variable that could rear its ugly head on race day and slow you down to what would equal an easy workout for you, or would you finally acknowledge that everything here is for entertainment purposes only?

This is a serious question...having a 'bad day' on the erg over 2k probably accounts for about 3 seconds. What could possibly cause you to miss your mark by 20+ seconds?
If you sharpen (and if you are a lightweight, make weight easily), as I am doing, a 2K is entirely predictable.

You don't miss your target by 25 seconds.

You just pull the pace your sharpening predicts.

BTW, I don't know yet, but if my other sharpening indicates that I am capable of it, I would like to do a 2K trial, 1:37 @ 30 spm, on Thursday morning, before I get on the plane for England.

If I pull a 6:28 2K four days before BIRC 2010, it would be odd in the extreme to pull 6:45 four days later.

To prepare for BIRC 2003, where I pulled 6:28, I did several at-home 6:32 2Ks.

The USIRT coaches suggested negative splitting these at-home trials: 2K + 2 for 1K, 2K + 1 for 500m, then all out to the finish; so that was the pattern I used.

To nobody's surprise, you didn't answer my question. According to dozens of posts, you already know that your sharpening routine has you locked in on 6:20. Don't start to backpedal now. You and I both know you're not going to do (or at least wont show) a 2k on Thursday. Don't be ridiculous. Based on everything you swear you've done, 6:20 is a lock.

My question is...again...if you pull a 6:45 at BIRC will it be due to poor training or is your training actually like everybody else's and you just have a strange need to lie?

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by DUThomas » November 10th, 2010, 6:06 pm

ranger wrote:When I prepare fully, I am one of the most consistent racers who ever pulled the handle.
But if you're fully prepared in only one year out of the last eight, that means that you're pretty consistently unprepared. Not sure why you're proud of that, but de gustibus....
David -- 45, 195, 6'1"


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » November 10th, 2010, 6:35 pm

Note to:
Bob S.
Byron Drachman
(to name just a few)

all of us should be ashamed!!
we're nay sayers, each and everyone... and it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

The game is up: ranger isn't going to make the grade... and we're lording it over him...
shame - shame - shame... :D :D

The best thing we could do now is just leave Von ManBatt alone... to twist in the wind...
He put the noose around his own neck... just jumped off the step ladder...
What if we all just didn't post for the next few days and simply watched him foam at the mouth.. ?

The no-silence option is pretty darn tempting though. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's more than a little sickening to be relegated to discussing the "% body fat" issue again: ad (bulimic) nauseum!

Right now ranger is probably on-line looking for an invite to a not-to-be-missed metronome conference in Estonia... :idea: :mrgreen: :idea:... on the same day as BIRC :wink: :roll:

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by DUThomas » November 10th, 2010, 6:49 pm

mikvan52 wrote:all of us should be ashamed!!
we're nay sayers, each and everyone... and it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

The game is up: ranger isn't going to make the grade... and we're lording it over him...
shame - shame - shame... :D :D
I'm going to feel really bad if you tell me he has feelings just like a real boy. Same nose, though.

David -- 45, 195, 6'1"


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by BrianStaff » November 10th, 2010, 7:08 pm

ranger wrote:If I stick to what I am doing now, I should lose another five pounds by the 21st.

That will be good.

International travel, waiting around in airports, living in hotels, waiting around to race, etc., is hard on normal training and eating routines.
Watch out for the fish n'chips; British beer and pub pies though
M 65 / 6'3" / 234lbs as of Feb 14, 2008...now 212
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