whp4 wrote:It certainly is, because you are afraid of competition! No OTW racing, despite rowing for 7 years. And you haven't been in an erg race with any notable competitors in your age bracket since that 7:04.3 in Boston. You've got a yellow streak as wide as Michigan Stadium.
Just trying my best in a world full of all sorts of complexities.
In 2009 and 2010, my planes didn't fly to WIRC.
Not my fault, dude.
I qualified and therefore had a ticket in hand, paid for by C2, and was in airports trying to fly to Boston, but couldn't get a plane to take me there.
Races with "notable competitors"?
Not sure you are in with the program.
I pulled a lwt 6:28 in 2003, as a complete novice who didn't know how to row.
My project has been to get better.
The best my "notable competitors" have done is 6:38, and even so, only once.
The best these "notable competitors" have pulled at WIRC is 6:43.
Fully trained, I have no interest in pulling 6:38 or 6:43.
I am going to pull 6:16.
This year, I pulled 6:41 without even preparing for it.
The best my "notable competitors" pulled was 6:47, and even so, that wasn't at WIRC.
The best my "notable competitors" pulled at WIRC was 6:50, nine seconds slower than what I pulled this year, without even preparing for it.
The only thing that is "notable" about these competitors is how slow they are.
Fully prepared, I'll pull _waaay_ better than 6:50, 6:47, 6:42, 6:38, etc.
I'll pull 6:16.
The distance trials will tell this tale, if things like 500r30 @ 1:30 and 1Kr24 @ 1:38 didn't.
No one can do these things who can't row sub-6:30, perhaps sub-6:20.
Erg races have nothing to do with competition.
An erg race is a race against the clock.
It can be done anywhere.
What you can do in a race is entirely determined by your training.
There is no such thing as an erg racing strategy.
You just hold a steady pace and pull what your training has enabled.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)