Lancs, rowing slowly at 6-8 seconds per 500m off of what you used to do, as you are doing now, is not the height of virtue, either.lancs wrote:Not man enough to row any kind of trial?
I have three WR rows.
Nothing to prove there.
My work over the last few years has been on technique, in particular, increasing my stroking power.
So my emphasis hasn't been on just rowing fast.
My emphasis has been on rowing faster.
At my age, when your fitness is declining, you only row faster by increasing your stroking power, by improving your technique.
Working this increased stroking power up into trials is a new experience for me.
Uncharted territory.
So I will just feel my way along.
Sure, I intend to do some at-home 2K trials, but only when I think I am ready.
And anyway, the only "trials" that will count are my 2Ks at BIRC and WIRC.
I started some sharpening today, so this is a good.
Over the next six months, I am going to do a lot of rowing, 13 SPI @ 32 spm, in whatever formats I can dream up.
For you, the 30s lwt WR is 13 SPI @ 35.5.
A bunch of low rate rowing at 10.5 SPI, as you are doing now (1:55 @ 22 spm) is probably not going to do it.