NavHaz wrote:As for ranger's "reply" to Nav' Haz:
In sum it remains nothing more than a thinly veiled personal attack of Jon's prowess on the erg as a sprinter
Not at all, Mike.
20 x 500m @ 1:34 predicts a 2K @ 1:34/6:16.
But at WIRC at least, Jon pulled 1:37.5/6:30.
The disparity between the two is 14 seconds.
As I have been saying, everyone, I think, gets about a dozen seconds each from distance rowing and hard sharpening.
If Jon could learn to do the distance rowing, and did it regularly, he would regularly pull 6:16.
Right now, his training is unbalanced.
As to being jealous of Jon's sprinting, again, not at all.
Pound for pound and year for year I am much faster than Jon in a sprint.
My sprinting is just as good as my distance rowing.
I'll pull 1:24 for 500m when I am 60.
That will be six seconds under the 60s lwt WR.
Nav is pretty far short of the 50s hwt WR for 500m.
And to be six seconds under that WR, he would have to pull 1:13.5, which is under the Open WR for 500m.
I'm not at all jealous of Jon's sprinting.
My sprinting is just fine.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)