training advice for 100m, 60sec and 500m

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: training advice for 100m, 60sec and 500m

Post by cannondalerugby5 » February 5th, 2025, 6:26 pm

I would echo MPx detailed and insightful reply.Become comfortable at 18/20 rate,putting power into your stroke.( check you have a balanced stoke on the monitor force curve).Work up to sets of 750/1000m with a 5 min rest.You can balance this with zone2 18 rate for 30/40 mins.
Do this for a couple of months,the weight will drop off(remember,you don’t lose weight in the gym,it’s lost in the *** DELETE - SPAM ***),you will form good habitual technique.
Then have some fun with the sprints.
Good luck and enjoy.
65 Age Group PBs -100 14.8 WR
60 Age Group PBs - 100 14 . 1 WR,1 min 387 m WR , 500 1.21.8 = WR
50 Age Group PBs 2000m 6.24

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