Rowing is like cycling, running, etc.ukaserex wrote: ↑February 28th, 2022, 9:52 amI apologize for my lack of knowledge, but it's always been my understanding that the opposite is true. Aerobic fitness would be developed faster than strength.Dangerscouse wrote: ↑February 18th, 2022, 2:05 amTake comfort in that strength is quicker to build than aerobic fitness, so you're in a decent place to get better quicker
Can you elaborate on what you mean by this? Seems to me that strength improvements take months, aerobic capacity & endurance can be improved within weeks. Maybe I'm mistaken? Or, could it be one way with rowing, and the other way with other sports?
It is also my understanding that improving aerobic performance (measured by VO2max) takes longer than strength gains, and that a strong aerobic base does move from one sport to another.
I couldn't find a good reference, but is some supporting data:
1. In this article the athlete spent 3 years driving improvements in VO2max. Claim is they were tied to heart stroke volume changes and mitochondria density changes caused by lots of long/slow exercise. ... s-vo2-max/
2. cyclists measure FTP which is roughly aerobic wattage (1 hour power wattage). Most sources agree that raising FTP is very hard, that 50 watts per year is a max, with lower changes as you get more highly trained. But you can substantially raise FTP (say 225 watts to 300 watts) it just takes years.
3. Here is one study "Strength training effects on aerobic power and short-term endurance" where "nine men participated in an exercise program (five days a week for 10 weeks) that was designed to strengthen the quadriceps muscles. " "..Thigh girth increased significantly and muscle strength increased 40% with the training..." "..There was a small increase in Vo2max (4%, P < 0.05) during bicycle exercise (3.40 l•min-1 to 3.54 l•min-1) after training, but no significant differences were observed when expressed in (ml•kg-1•min-1). Strength training had no effect on Vo2max when measured during treadmill exercise." which says that strength changed a lot after only 10 weeks, but Vo2max didn't. ... and.6.aspx