What are your rowing goals for the 2018/2019 season?

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: What are your rowing goals for the 2018/2019 season?

Post by DNA_Rower » April 6th, 2018, 7:33 am

My main 2018 target is to row 8000m in 30min. My PB is only ~50m off that set last year, but I had a couple of *ahem* set-backs so far this year so my current 30min is 77XXm and might take a wee while to get close to previous best.

Other than that I want to put some weight on (i.e. muscle) and seeing as I seem to be stuck at 80-82kg I might start taking some protein shakes or something.

Would also be nice to get 5k under 18min but that seems like too much of a gain given my current PB is 18:37

A 2K 6:4X would be nice too - again that is quite a big gain from where I currently am (6:57)
A: 40; H: 184cm; W: 76kg.
PBs: 2k 6:56.9; 6k 22:40.9 (all 2017/2018). 5k 18:28.9; 30min 8,005m; 10k 38:09.8 (2020)
Doing PP|Hate the heat

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