What Training Have You Done Today?

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Dangerscouse » March 21st, 2025, 4:46 am

46:10.8 10,000 2:18.5 132 753 16 109
5:38.0 1,250 2:15.2 142 787 17 109
5:45.6 2,500 2:18.2 132 755 16 111
5:45.1 3,750 2:18.0 133 757 17 110
5:46.4 5,000 2:18.5 132 752 16 110
5:47.4 6,250 2:18.9 130 748 16 111
5:48.8 7,500 2:19.5 129 743 16 109
5:49.1 8,750 2:19.6 129 742 17 108
5:50.2 10,000 2:20.0 127 738 16 109

I'm having quite a rough ride with this cold, and dynamic pilates yesterday with hindsight wasn't a good idea. I couldn't sleep so I just did something
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

Instagram: stuwenman

Half Marathon Poster
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Sakly » March 21st, 2025, 7:35 am

Another 10 days after my last useful session.
This year my body tricks me again. Since end of January I am facing symptoms like a cold, sore throat, sniffing nose. Every time when it gets better and I start training, it flares up again the next day. Now I remembered that these symptoms could also relate to my allergies, which developed over the last years, but I really forgot about that, as I had no symptoms at all last year. Probably this year it's different and it is not related to a cold, but to my allergies 😵💫

This time I took more rest in hope it sorts out and today I aimed for a 60r18 sub 2:00 average.
Lungs felt fine throughout, little bit dry throat from the middle, but ok. Now waiting for the response. HR got sky high in the first 7 splits, last one pushed pace down to 1:50, so high HR expected anyway.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	❤️
1:00:00	15,111	1:59.1	207	1012	18	154
7:30.0	1,868	2:00.4	200	989	18	144
15:00.0	1,878	1:59.8	204	1000	18	148
22:30.0	1,878	1:59.8	204	1000	18	149
30:00.0	1,879	1:59.7	204	1001	18	151
37:30.0	1,879	1:59.7	204	1001	18	154
45:00.0	1,880	1:59.6	204	1002	18	156
52:30.0	1,880	1:59.6	204	1002	18	160
1:00:00	1,969	1:54.2	235	1107	18	175
Male - '80 - 82kg - 177cm - Start rowErg Jan 2022
1': 358m
4': 1217m
30'r20: 8068m
30': 8,283m
60': 16,222m
100m: 0:15.9
500m: 1:26.0
1k: 3:07.8
2k: 6:37.1
5k: 17:26.2
6k: 21:03.5
10k: 36:01.5
HM: 1:18:40.1
FM: 2:52:32.6
My log

6k Poster
Posts: 626
Joined: September 11th, 2022, 1:24 pm

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by alex9026 » March 21st, 2025, 12:48 pm

Really struggling with calluses on my hand, so dropped today's steady Erg in favour of a 7 mile run.

Some short distance stuff at under 1:30 and weights yesterday.

Looking forward to seeing Justin's marathon attempt.
34 6'2 92kg
1min 368m 500m 1:24.4 2k 6:24 5k 17:27

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by p_b82 » March 21st, 2025, 2:16 pm

given my leg issues I put in something short that I fully expected be problematic at the end, and of course, today no issues at all....

in fact it was "easy" until the last 10 mins when I started to feel a little fatigue & sweat / HR increased a little.

i also saw my Hr down at 58 when I sat down, so that drops my resting down to at least 55 I reckon. (and makes this a UT1 session by HRR until the final 6mins).

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
30:52.4 7,000 2:12.3 151 820 19 159
6:10.7 1,400 2:12.3 151 819 19 146
6:11.2 2,800 2:12.5 150 816 19 157
6:10.3 4,200 2:12.2 151 820 19 163
6:10.3 5,600 2:12.2 151 820 19 162
6:10.0 7,000 2:12.1 152 822 19 169
M 6'4 born:'82
'23: HM=1:36:08.0, 60'=13,702m
'24: 5k=20:42.9, 10k=42:13.1, FM=3:18:35.4, 30'=7,132m
'25: 500m=1:35.3, 2k=7:39.3, 6k: 25:05.4

Half Marathon Poster
Posts: 3733
Joined: January 13th, 2022, 10:49 am

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Sakly » March 22nd, 2025, 9:57 am

Decided to go for the CTC today after the gym session.
Obviously not the best decision for a good performance, aside the 60min session from yesterday still in the legs, but this month I wasn't expecting a helpful result at all, so I have more "room" for TOC and ergenduranceseries upcoming week.

Strategy was to pull some strong strokes for the 100, but not too hard to beat me up, then drive the pace down a bit for the first 900 and then switch to a kind of cruising mode for the last intervals.
Second 900 my lungs started to feel like in handbrake mode again. Probably need to be a bit cautious next days/weeks, don't know.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
7:58.0	2,400	1:39.5	354	1519	31
0:17.0	100	1:25.0	570	2261	42
r: 0:30	46					
2:56.8	900	1:38.2	369	1571	31
r: 0:30	18					
3:04.5	900	1:42.5	325	1418	30
r: 0:30	18					
1:39.7	500	1:39.7	353	1515	32
Male - '80 - 82kg - 177cm - Start rowErg Jan 2022
1': 358m
4': 1217m
30'r20: 8068m
30': 8,283m
60': 16,222m
100m: 0:15.9
500m: 1:26.0
1k: 3:07.8
2k: 6:37.1
5k: 17:26.2
6k: 21:03.5
10k: 36:01.5
HM: 1:18:40.1
FM: 2:52:32.6
My log

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by PleaseLockIn » March 22nd, 2025, 11:43 am

Did cycling 1h quite hard today. 30.4km/h, 167W, 87 average cadence. So FTP of at least 167 with some to spare.

>2.5W/kg. Not bad. My uni’s rowing team cross trains too and at least I can keep up with their cycling cardio. Ankle’s still a bit injured but oh well. Gotta ease back.

6 months can fly like nothing sooner or later.
18M 175 cm 67kg

(Nov 2024 serious start) 2024 PBs: 6900m 30r20, 12*500m R1 2:04 r24 (last 1:59 r20), 7:58 2k
2025 PBs: 2:27 UT2 pace, 1:34.6 LP, 18:10 4325m r20

500m Poster
Posts: 82
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by bassongirl » March 22nd, 2025, 12:50 pm

Erg Endurance Series today:

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
32:51.0 7,073 2:19.3 129 745 25 171
3:39.0 772 2:21.8 123 722 24 161
3:39.0 773 2:21.6 123 723 24 164
3:39.0 798 2:17.2 135 766 25 173
3:39.0 774 2:21.4 124 725 24 171
3:39.0 774 2:21.4 124 725 25 171
3:39.0 799 2:17.0 136 767 26 178
3:39.0 777 2:20.9 125 730 25 173
3:39.0 781 2:20.2 127 737 25 173
3:39.0 827 2:12.4 151 818 27 182
36yo, FHWT, 1,75m, 64kg, First erg March 2023, PB 2k 8:33.9 10k 46:29:0

Half Marathon Poster
Posts: 3733
Joined: January 13th, 2022, 10:49 am

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Sakly » March 22nd, 2025, 2:04 pm

bassongirl wrote:
March 22nd, 2025, 12:50 pm
Erg Endurance Series today:

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
32:51.0 7,073 2:19.3 129 745 25 171
3:39.0 772 2:21.8 123 722 24 161
3:39.0 773 2:21.6 123 723 24 164
3:39.0 798 2:17.2 135 766 25 173
3:39.0 774 2:21.4 124 725 24 171
3:39.0 774 2:21.4 124 725 25 171
3:39.0 799 2:17.0 136 767 26 178
3:39.0 777 2:20.9 125 730 25 173
3:39.0 781 2:20.2 127 737 25 173
3:39.0 827 2:12.4 151 818 27 182
Based on your last interval I would suggest to overthink your strategy :)
Well done anyway! B)
Male - '80 - 82kg - 177cm - Start rowErg Jan 2022
1': 358m
4': 1217m
30'r20: 8068m
30': 8,283m
60': 16,222m
100m: 0:15.9
500m: 1:26.0
1k: 3:07.8
2k: 6:37.1
5k: 17:26.2
6k: 21:03.5
10k: 36:01.5
HM: 1:18:40.1
FM: 2:52:32.6
My log

6k Poster
Posts: 626
Joined: September 11th, 2022, 1:24 pm

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by alex9026 » March 23rd, 2025, 5:28 am

12:30.6 4,000 1:33.8 424 1758 32
1:35.1 500 1:35.1 407 1700 32
1:34.6 500 1:34.6 413 1722 32
1:34.8 500 1:34.8 411 1713 31
1:34.7 500 1:34.7 412 1718 32
1:33.6 500 1:33.6 427 1768 33
1:33.7 500 1:33.7 425 1764 33
1:33.0 500 1:33.0 435 1797 34
1:31.1 500 1:31.1 463 1893 37

Just haven't got going this week, just felt a little lethargic. 8x500/3:30 today, took a good few sets to find the right pace.

Got a good 1hr 45mins out on the bike for my first ride of the year yesterday.
34 6'2 92kg
1min 368m 500m 1:24.4 2k 6:24 5k 17:27

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Dangerscouse » March 23rd, 2025, 1:13 pm

39:17.5 10,000 1:57.8 214 1035 20 134
5:09.1 1,250 2:03.6 185 937 18 113
5:08.6 2,500 2:03.4 186 940 18 122
4:58.6 3,750 1:59.4 205 1006 20 126
4:58.0 5,000 1:59.2 207 1011 20 135
4:50.9 6,250 1:56.3 222 1064 22 137
4:50.5 7,500 1:56.2 223 1067 22 145
4:42.2 8,750 1:52.8 243 1137 24 149
4:39.6 10,000 1:51.8 250 1161 24 154

First slightly tentative row after coping with manflu (a cold). I'm always guilty of going too hard too quickly after recovering from illness, so this hopefully doesn't tick that usual box. Surely, only 2.5k at something close to a hard effort isn't too much?

Starting HR was almost normal, and HR recovery wasn't too bad either, and probably where it should have been.
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

Instagram: stuwenman

Half Marathon Poster
Posts: 3733
Joined: January 13th, 2022, 10:49 am

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Sakly » March 23rd, 2025, 2:41 pm

Low intensity HM low rate, blindrowing. It felt more like 2:07 or even slower, so I was surprised, when I removed the cover.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	❤️
1:27:45	21,097	2:04.7	180	920	17	131
10:54.3	2,638	2:04.0	184	931	17	134
10:52.2	5,276	2:03.6	185	937	18	133
10:57.4	7,914	2:04.6	181	922	18	129
10:59.9	10,552	2:05.0	179	915	18	128
10:58.4	13,190	2:04.7	180	919	18	131
10:59.5	15,828	2:05.0	179	916	18	132
11:01.0	18,466	2:05.2	178	912	18	133
11:02.2	21,097	2:05.8	176	904	18	134
Male - '80 - 82kg - 177cm - Start rowErg Jan 2022
1': 358m
4': 1217m
30'r20: 8068m
30': 8,283m
60': 16,222m
100m: 0:15.9
500m: 1:26.0
1k: 3:07.8
2k: 6:37.1
5k: 17:26.2
6k: 21:03.5
10k: 36:01.5
HM: 1:18:40.1
FM: 2:52:32.6
My log

6k Poster
Posts: 626
Joined: September 11th, 2022, 1:24 pm

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by alex9026 » March 23rd, 2025, 2:54 pm

Dangerscouse wrote:
March 23rd, 2025, 1:13 pm
39:17.5 10,000 1:57.8 214 1035 20 134
5:09.1 1,250 2:03.6 185 937 18 113
5:08.6 2,500 2:03.4 186 940 18 122
4:58.6 3,750 1:59.4 205 1006 20 126
4:58.0 5,000 1:59.2 207 1011 20 135
4:50.9 6,250 1:56.3 222 1064 22 137
4:50.5 7,500 1:56.2 223 1067 22 145
4:42.2 8,750 1:52.8 243 1137 24 149
4:39.6 10,000 1:51.8 250 1161 24 154

First slightly tentative row after coping with manflu (a cold). I'm always guilty of going too hard too quickly after recovering from illness, so this hopefully doesn't tick that usual box. Surely, only 2.5k at something close to a hard effort isn't too much?

Starting HR was almost normal, and HR recovery wasn't too bad either, and probably where it should have been.
Good to see you back on the horse Stu.
Sakly wrote:
March 23rd, 2025, 2:41 pm
Low intensity HM low rate, blindrowing. It felt more like 2:07 or even slower, so I was surprised, when I removed the cover.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	❤️
1:27:45	21,097	2:04.7	180	920	17	131
10:54.3	2,638	2:04.0	184	931	17	134
10:52.2	5,276	2:03.6	185	937	18	133
10:57.4	7,914	2:04.6	181	922	18	129
10:59.9	10,552	2:05.0	179	915	18	128
10:58.4	13,190	2:04.7	180	919	18	131
10:59.5	15,828	2:05.0	179	916	18	132
11:01.0	18,466	2:05.2	178	912	18	133
11:02.2	21,097	2:05.8	176	904	18	134
Nicely done, not sure I could identify such a subtle difference in low intensity work, I should maybe pay more attention :lol:
34 6'2 92kg
1min 368m 500m 1:24.4 2k 6:24 5k 17:27

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Jbrown1215 » March 23rd, 2025, 7:49 pm

Took a full day off yesterday post-Marathon, followed by a stretch row today. My rear-end is still a bit sore ~48 hours later, but ~80% of the way back to normal.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	
40:20.0	10,000	2:01.0	198	979	21	118
7:58.8	2,000	1:59.7	204	1002	21	118
8:01.6	4,000	2:00.4	201	990	21	118
8:07.0	6,000	2:01.7	194	967	21	118
8:05.0	8,000	2:01.2	196	975	21	120
8:07.5	10,000	2:01.8	193	965	21	119
This row didn't feel as easy as the HR would suggest, which tells me there's still likely another couple days before I'll feel back to 100%. Fingers crossed I'm firing on all cylinders by Tuesday as I'll be tackling the first workout of the Erg Endurance Series that afternoon, and it looks brutal!
YT: https://shorturl.at/crBK5
Instagram: jbrown1215
40M, 6’3”, 210lbs
500m: 1:19.9
1k: 2:54.7
2k: 6:09.7
5k: 16:35
6k: 19:57
30R20: 8664m
10k: 34:07
60': 17201m
HM: 1:14:23
FM: 2:34:34

Half Marathon Poster
Posts: 3733
Joined: January 13th, 2022, 10:49 am

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Sakly » March 24th, 2025, 2:33 am

Jbrown1215 wrote:
March 23rd, 2025, 7:49 pm
Fingers crossed I'm firing on all cylinders by Tuesday as I'll be tackling the first workout of the Erg Endurance Series that afternoon, and it looks brutal!
Sadly we are in the same age and weight group :lol: :lol:
Good luck to be back on time!
Male - '80 - 82kg - 177cm - Start rowErg Jan 2022
1': 358m
4': 1217m
30'r20: 8068m
30': 8,283m
60': 16,222m
100m: 0:15.9
500m: 1:26.0
1k: 3:07.8
2k: 6:37.1
5k: 17:26.2
6k: 21:03.5
10k: 36:01.5
HM: 1:18:40.1
FM: 2:52:32.6
My log

500m Poster
Posts: 53
Joined: September 23rd, 2024, 1:29 pm

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by dmuskett » March 24th, 2025, 8:17 am

Got back late Saturday from a ~16 day road trip with my parents. Not a single rowing machine was spotted on the trip, but I got in several long hikes and walked some golf courses with cardio that was much improved thanks to the erg. Sunday I hopped back on in the afternoon:

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	
50:00.2	10,000	2:30.0	104	656	19	142
10:00.1	2,000	2:30.0	104	656	19	134
9:59.9	2,000	2:29.9	104	657	19	142
10:00.0	2,000	2:30.0	104	656	19	144
9:59.9	2,000	2:29.9	104	657	20	145
10:00.3	2,000	2:30.0	104	656	20	149
Still messing with my 2k intervals with 1m rest. This time I went strapless the last 4 intervals trying to work on form.
5'10, b. 1984, ~235lb. Started rowing September 2024

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