Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 29th, 2016, 12:47 pm

Well if you just want to get 7:00 under your belt, why not get to 400 log at 1:45 and then bring it home? I am not sure I would give it away too early. Once you do it once, I feel you will go lower next time anyway.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Bloodbuzz Corio » October 29th, 2016, 12:48 pm

@ Luke - nice 4x1000 there Luke - certainly should give you some confidence about going sub 7 when you next test.

@ Piers r.e. limited info on display - to a fair extent yeah - and I think with a clear target in terms of pace at each stage of a piece I get better adherence to that if that's all I can see.

@ Ben r.e. plots - all of the pace by stroke plots I am using Excel (from the csv download from ergdata), all of my heart rate charts from earlier in the thread were Google spreadsheets because that's what I'm using for my overall tracking.

@ Glenn - great 5x1500 - that would be a session best yeah? Just like your 8x500m straight back from your break in top form!

8x500m for me today. Last time averaged 1:43.5 and still allowing some conservatism so just aimed to get all under 1:44.0 today. First 7 felt good so thought I'd try to go a bit harder on the 8th which was only about a second faster, but did empty the tank, so ended up with an average of 1:43.6, +0.1 to last time.


Unfortunately the download of stroke data from ergdata didn't work - only thing I did differently was have the phone screen off so not sure if that could have contributed, but would love to have seen these - I felt like a few of the early ones were as evenly paced as I've ever been, and after a moderate start the 8th would have been all over the shop!
Rohan - 46y, 178cm, ~77kg, Logbook

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 29th, 2016, 12:57 pm

Solid work Rohan. All you need to do really.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Litewait » October 29th, 2016, 4:12 pm

BPP Week 10.4 8000m DF119

36:40.7 8,000m 2:17.5 135 764 22 143
7:20.5 1,600m 2:17.6 134 761 23 138
7:23.5 3,200m 2:18.5 131 750 22 138
7:21.5 4,800m 2:17.9 133 757 22 144
7:21.5 6,400m 2:17.9 133 757 23 146
7:13.8 8,000m 2:15.5 140 781 23 150

2 seconds slower than I did 2 days ago, but working under duress. Had to crash at ex's house last night, got like 3 hours sleep and did some outdoor work before rowing. Plus, got 1500m in and my HRM flew off. Called it a warmup, waited 5' and decided to do the 8000m anyway. HR much the same as last session so I am not unhappy.

Hopefully I will have the grapes to go at the 500m x 7 r2' tomorrow.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by lindsayh » October 29th, 2016, 9:40 pm

pp 2.3.6
hard distance piece
chose 10k again as final CTC entry (last time 38:11, PB 37:48)
goal sub 38 - got it - SB and only second time there
it was hard (9/10) but controlled so pleased with it despite a little lapse in concentration 8-9k in

2k w/u and c/d @2:15
10km => 37:57.2 @1:53.8
df126 SR28 237w
1:54.0 (140)
1:54.0 (145)
1:54.1 (150)
1:54.1 (154)
1:54.0 (157)
1:53.9 (157)
1:53.9 (160)
1:54.3 (162)
1:54.3 (164)
1:51.9 (165)

Another PP week - all the boxes ticked and 70km in all - have to love it!
The plan is one more hard PP week then racing the following one to see where I am placed.
may do one more cycle after that or on to the IP
73yo 93kg
Sydney Australia
Forum Flyer
PBs (65y+) 1 min 349m, 500m 1:29.8, 1k 3:11.7 2k 6:47.4, 5km 18:07.9, 30' 7928m, 10k 37:57.2, 60' 15368m

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by hjs » October 30th, 2016, 4:20 am

Nice work again Lindsay, good consistant training.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by lindsayh » October 30th, 2016, 5:18 am

paul45 wrote:Paced perfectly Lindsay, strong 10k.
Thanks Paul and Henry - seems to be going well for now.
73yo 93kg
Sydney Australia
Forum Flyer
PBs (65y+) 1 min 349m, 500m 1:29.8, 1k 3:11.7 2k 6:47.4, 5km 18:07.9, 30' 7928m, 10k 37:57.2, 60' 15368m

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 30th, 2016, 11:02 am

Good work Lindsay and Paul. I had a sluggish 30' 2 2:08-2:09. May do a little more this afternoon.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Bloodbuzz Corio » October 30th, 2016, 12:25 pm

Great 10k there Lindsay - very strong stuff! I was happy just to get one hard 10k in the for the CTC this month. :)

Paul nice 7500 at under 2:10 there - more great progress for you.

PP 4(?).1.2 - SS 15,000m as 3x5000m/2:00r. Paces very consistent across the three intervals (2:11.8, 2:11.8, 2:11.6) which is what I was paying attention to, interesting to see after the fact that the spm did increase as I went (20.3, 21.0, 21.9). HR didn't get out of UT2 - got above 140 quicker in intervals 2 and 3 but then flattened right off.

Rohan - 46y, 178cm, ~77kg, Logbook

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mudgeg » October 30th, 2016, 3:27 pm

PP Beginners Week 9 Optional Day 5

2 x 10mins. Targeted similar pace to the last time the BPP did this session (Week 5).

Actual (W5 in brackets)

1. 2349 / 10mins / 2:07.7 (2234 @ 2:13.4)
2. 2380 / 10mins / 2:06.0 (2321 @ 2:09.3)
Gordon, 67, 6', 205lbs

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 30th, 2016, 4:57 pm

got another 8K in. 2:09 r20 etc etc
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Pie Man » October 30th, 2016, 5:03 pm

Great 4x1k Luke, the end of this week is going to be interesting :)

Glenn, looking at your 5x1500 challenge, I may have to remove you from my Christmas card list ;) really strong times. I know exactly what you mean about setting a 5k PB, to me my predicted pace seems daunting especially after my failed 30' attempt last week. I'm going to do a 5k this week as my hard distance, but I'm not going to hang it all out I need to bank an improvement for my own peace of mind.

Super 10k Lindsay, great pacing.

Good 8x500 and SS Rohan.

that is a great improvement in 4 weeks Gordon, has your weight changed since your started?

Three hours sleep Tim! I'd probably fall asleep on the erg rather than do 8k! Well done.

Looking forward to see how fast your 5k is after all your great training. It's going to be so much faster.

Pyramid for me today, last time 1:46.7 @ 35 with the middle 750-1000-750 @ 1:47.4

Balked at doing this morning as it would of been rushed, ended up doing it this afternoon, 45 minutes after eating...

250m @1:46.2 35spm
500m @1:46.1 34spm
750m @1:46.9 34spm
1000m @1:46.9 33spm
750m @1:46.2 35spm
500m @1:45.9 36spm
250m @1:43.0 38spm

Av 1:46.2 @ 35 750-1000-750 av 1:46.7.

This hurt, a lot, last two reps i burnt out with 60m to go, the eating a heavy meal just before didn't help but it was my legs that let me down. But testing to failure is useful, and my stroke felt a lot better in the 750-1000-750 section so nice improvement, but this time is getting close to my limit I feel. Really (not) looking forward to the 4x2k ;)
BTW to give you an idea of how I felt afterwards, I only needed 2750m as my cool down to make it 1 million meters for the season, I managed less than half of that. So the million meters will have to wait tell tomorrow.
Piers 53m was 73Kg 175cm to 2019 now 78kg
500m 1:34 (HW 2020) 2k 7:09.5 (2017 LWT) 10k 39:58.9 (2016 LWT) HM 1:28:26.9 (2017 LWT)

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mudgeg » October 30th, 2016, 5:29 pm

@Pie Man - Piers, no my weight hasn't changed significantly. It has gone down a few pounds but only a few, I am about 5/10lbs more than I would like to be. Sadly my age has ticked around by another year!
Gordon, 67, 6', 205lbs

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Pie Man » October 30th, 2016, 5:52 pm

I bet the composition has changed Gordon, I must admit the only reason I am looking forward to 50 is that I'll be a youngster in the rankings so I may get a bit nearer to the top.
Piers 53m was 73Kg 175cm to 2019 now 78kg
500m 1:34 (HW 2020) 2k 7:09.5 (2017 LWT) 10k 39:58.9 (2016 LWT) HM 1:28:26.9 (2017 LWT)

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mudgeg » October 30th, 2016, 6:06 pm

Piers, yes you are right. I am probably carrying a bit of excess fat that I could do without, but I do think my muscle bulk has increased a bit and my core strength and posture are noticeably improved.
Gordon, 67, 6', 205lbs
