Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » October 23rd, 2016, 7:27 pm

Did the 8 X 500 today. Don't have my phone in front of me, but it was not a terrible session, not a great session either.

1:46.7 / 500 / 30
1:46.5 / 500 / 31
1:46.9 / 500 / 31
1:46.9 / 500 / 31
1:46.9 / 500 / 31
1:47.0 / 500 / 32
1:47.0 / 500 / 33
1:48.2 / 500 / 31

4000 / 1:47.0 / 31

Couldn't push on the last one or even hold it. Didn't want to start too fast seeing if I could drop it at the end but out of gas. Lifted heavy in advance so I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. Sundays are always a heavy workout day for me.

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by john_n » October 23rd, 2016, 7:48 pm

@paul45 Paul -That’s a big hit you took, in 4 years. You’re moving in the right direction again.

@S-man Sanz-Thanks, Sanz. Yes about the rabbits and a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. I closely read what everyone says about their weight training. Maybe I can absorb some benefits by paying attention and trying some things to see if works for me. Rowing is great for aerobic fitness alone. The competitive rowers sometimes but not always add weight training. Older people, I’ve read, can slow down muscle loss if they add some strength training. If you care to post a summary of what you do when you try to fit strength training in, like the summary Jack did in his recent post, I’ll read it with interest.

You’ve got a lot to multitask, working full time.

Your PP3.3.2 SS30r20 was solid. I read somewhere that 30r20s should only be done at most once a week and that they are excellent for enhancing the aerobic & lactic acid metabolic systems. But I think the “no more than once a week” restriction was strictly in reference to doing a 30r20 at maximum effort.

Nice cascading endurance waterfall, too. Nice low rating, solid negative -nterval-style pacing. Sounds like maybe what you referred to as “struggling to get workouts in” may have given you some unwanted time off from rowing which helped you recharge.

@aussieluke Luke- Thanks! that’s definitely worth trying. I have a Gymboss interval timer that needs a new purpose in life and so I clipped it to my belt and set it to beep once per hour. So far today, I’ve done quite a few sets of two. Looking forward to seeing its effect by testing once or twice weekly to see what max number is. That’s an inspired notion and might be the first step for me to finding a way to include some strength training

Your 4x2K looks good, after unplanned time off. You beat your goal. Congratulations on getting a new erg.

@jackarabit Jack-You seem to be testing us, to see which of the two types of people we are: those who can extrapolate

The picture tells me you had about 83% success in having and using time to do the plan and that you were persistent and pushed yourself. The big picture looks solid, energetic and completely in the spirit of the plan.

@lindsayh Lindsay- Looks good! Four days off that at least your back appreciated. Then, three days of about 11K/day SS at a bit faster pace each day. Here’s hoping it was more of a blessing than a curse, if your systems got some healthy rest during the unplanned leave of absence from training.

@Pie Man Piers- nice 8x500 R3:30. Looks like you were feeling your oats and couldn’t hold back to start going faster until the 8th split. Noticeable accelerating during the last three. 1:38 at the end!

@mudgeg Gordon - you’re doing it when you can and that’s 100% in that regard.

@G-dub Glenn, no need to get nervous about getting back on intense workouts next week. If the FAQs on Pete’s blog are listed in order of most frequently asked, that is the second most frequently asked question which he answers in the FAQ area of the regular PP.

@mdpfirrman Mike - looks like you’re getting very intense in the cycles, judging by that 8x500.

Oct 23 rowing: PP Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 1
2500m warmup
4x1K R5:00
Did first 3 as set of 3 with 4 minutes instead of 5 minutes active rest programmed to follow each interval. Waited additional 60 seconds after each 4 minutes, for total 5 minutes after each interval, before each subsequent 1K. The extra 60 seconds after the 3rd interval rest finished gave me time to setup for the standalone 4th interval. Did the last 1K separately, beginning it (4 minutes+60 seconds=) 5 minutes after the 3rd 1K ended. Did it that way because was certain it would be a season best and wanted to rank it.
Targets, in order of priority
1. Pace: 1:57 for first three
2. rating: free rating
3. HR: whatever
Straps: loose but available to pull & cinch tight one-handed if desired.
DF 135
3K warm down
3x1K session report, 3x1K charts, standalone 1K report & standalone 1K charts below:
Blogged it at: ... k-3-day-1/
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by aussieluke » October 23rd, 2016, 9:32 pm

Good idea on the gym boss John. Just don't stress too much about doing them every single time if you don't feel like it etc.

But I have personally found it a very effective way to get stronger at something, and proper push-ups are a real full-body strength movement.

I used this method to go from essentially zero pull-ups to being able to do several in a few weeks. And earlier this year I couldn't really do many push-ups without struggling so I started doing sets of 10 when I had time, now I'm doing 100 or so every evening.

Also, Pavel, the originator of the Grease the Groove idea once told me that doing a few sets in the morning and a few in the evening is fine if you can't during the day due to work etc

Hope it works for you

If you feel any sort of shoulder pains or elbow pains etc take a rest for a day though
Male, 35, 5'10", 78kg
Started rowing Feb 2016
500m 1:33.2
2000m 6:57.4
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » October 24th, 2016, 6:57 am

Luke - that was a really strong 4 X 2K! Very nice. Glad the new rower is working well.

Piers - very solid 8 X 500. Really strong finish! You're getting much faster.

Gordon - you did all you could this week. Nice work.

John N - nice intervals on the 4 X 1K. Very solid consistent work. Take it very slow on the weights.

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by lindsayh » October 24th, 2016, 7:28 am

PP 2.3.1
4x1k/5'r @1:43.5
still being a little cautious after last week
last time @1:42.5
sr31 df128 314w
2k w/u and c/d
1:42.3 (157)
1:43.3 (162)
1:43.9 (164)
1:45.0 (164)

that will do for now!!
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PBs (65y+) 1 min 349m, 500m 1:29.8, 1k 3:11.7 2k 6:47.4, 5km 18:07.9, 30' 7928m, 10k 37:57.2, 60' 15368m

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » October 24th, 2016, 7:52 am

Piers, lots of bang per beat on HR. Strong final 3 reps of 8x500. Heaven at seven soon?

JohnN, you can never have too much (219W) warmup for 2k. Your WP is my main event and then some. HR signal drops out twice right at intermission on the 3x2? That PM3 remote receiver umbilical always acted pretty sketchy for me.

Sanz and Luke: smokin the chain!

Mike: off the DL back in action on the 8 x 1/2k
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » October 24th, 2016, 8:36 am

Nice to see Lindsay rowing again too. Glad the back is allowing you some work again.

I'm leaving on vacation this Saturday. I'll be out for two weeks. Worried about my older dog (have a good friend watching him at our home both weeks) and the thread getting by. Jack - can you and some of the others watch the thread and keep it polite, positive and civil for me? I would really appreciate it.

I'm leaving till around the 9th of November. I might have Wi-Fi at times. For fun, I'll report in my workouts (won't be rowing as I can't find a C2 in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico). Might be daily swimming -- I actually bought swimmer fins to go with my snorkel and goggles so I could swim at least a lot while there. Might try my hand at paddleboarding or kayaking too while there (never done either). They have a weight room there but it's bare minimum - just some dumbbells. I'll be doing a ton of walking but want to get some intense work in too while there.

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by aussieluke » October 24th, 2016, 9:42 am

PP week 5 day 4

3 x 20' 2:07.9 r22
Male, 35, 5'10", 78kg
Started rowing Feb 2016
500m 1:33.2
2000m 6:57.4
5000m 18:47.6

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by JohnAd » October 24th, 2016, 10:52 am

PP 4.1.1 8x500m 3'30"
Previous 1:42.8
Target <1:42.5
01:42.3 r30
01:42.3 r29
01:42.2 r30
01:42.2 r30
01:42.1 r30
01:42.1 r30
01:41.6 r30
01:38.6 r32
Avg 1:41.7 r30

First few were a bit tough with a bit of fade at the end but from about half way got my act together and paced them a bit better, last one was a nice sprint at the end seeing the odd 1:33.

@luke, nice 4x2k, I know you hate it but a second off is great stuff.

@mike, nice sprints, I'm in the same boat as you after tomorrow, off away from an erg but with access to dumbbells, any good ideas for sessions using them, I was planning to do mostly body weight type stuff, squats, lunges, press ups, planks etc and work on my running rehab but would happily take any advice on good strength sessions.

@john n, love the pace graph from you last 1k, very controlled, racing start, settle and bring it home and sprint at the end.

@lindsay, good to see you back.

@piers, :shock: phenomenal improvement in your 500s there, the stronger stroke is clearly working for you

@Sanz, over a second off the waterfall is very good going, great session.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by bisqeet » October 24th, 2016, 11:46 am

how many rotations are you all doing?
some great work being done by all - you can see the improvements on all.
had my last OTW "race" - have a little back pain, but feel that i could jump back in, but would hate to be the only one.
my season target of 100 HM seems to be safe at #073 in the bag - but you know what they say about eggs and chickens... still crazy bear (9th Nov -> 24.Dec - 30 HM or more) is coming up - i did plan to do the whole 9 yards there (actually its something more like 692159 yards)
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 24th, 2016, 11:51 am

Dean, I'm back in this week after a small respite.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by JohnAd » October 24th, 2016, 11:55 am

bisqeet wrote:how many rotations are you all doing?
I've got 10 days away after tomorrow then I'm back in for at least another cycle and a half

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by aussieluke » October 24th, 2016, 12:21 pm

bisqeet wrote:how many rotations are you all doing?
My initial plan was two three-week cycles with a 2k test at the end, which means just over one more week for me.

If I can get a sub 7 2k at the end then I might go back to pure steady state for a while, or steady state and just one speed interval session a week to keep sharp.

If not then I will see if I feel up to another cycle.
Male, 35, 5'10", 78kg
Started rowing Feb 2016
500m 1:33.2
2000m 6:57.4
5000m 18:47.6

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by S-man » October 24th, 2016, 1:00 pm

bisqeet wrote:how many rotations are you all doing?
I'm away for first 2 weeks in Nov, but intend to get back into the PP at least until the end of the year. Gains are still steady so intend to keep milking them!

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » October 24th, 2016, 1:48 pm

John A - your interval work is amazing. Really nice times and great last interval. You guys are making me jealous! I know if I didn't lift my times would improve vastly on that session, I might have to do one or two in the next month or so without lifting (not that I'd have near your speed, but I think I could gain a second or two on mine). I plan on doing roughly the same things John - pushups, lots of light squats and deadlifts, overhead presses, some back work (bent over rows and such). I'll be running stairs at my resort along with swimming every chance I get too. Does a bar crawl count for exercise?? :twisted: I am looking forward to it. We got a time share a few years ago in Cabo. Though they are a terrible "investment", it's a way I get all 3 of my adult kids together (with their significant others) for my wife for two weeks -- hopefully we don't get on each others' nerves too much!

Dean - would love you to jump back in. I have two weeks of vacation, but I'm planning on doing the PP through until my race in February, then modifying it slightly to allow for more strength training and more slow rate work (less reps of the intervals but at faster pace with roughly the same format). I just hate that I'm finally feeling nearly back up to speed and now I'm on vacation two weeks. At least this will be a respite for fun, not for being sick!

Glad you're working back in too Glenn!

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)
