The Road To Boston 2008

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Post by seat5 » December 31st, 2007, 10:28 pm

TomR wrote:AT 2x10, 5 min R

1.57.4 and 1.57.7

unpleasant experience. remind me why I'm doing this.
Because after you make yourself do that, even though it's hard and it hurts, or should I say, especially because it's hard and it hurts, you can then take a shower, and eat something, and know you're a special part of a small, somewhat mad crowd of people who have the guts to do it?

Trevor--only 2 more increments and you're up to 10K. I expect to see a very nice 10K PB coming along one of these days!

I didn't choose the Brahms--the conductor did--I have until March 3 to learn it--it's 15 pages :shock: Thank goodness not by memory!
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by Rowmaniac » December 31st, 2007, 10:49 pm

Carla, your goals list is inspiring. Why am I not surprised that you sit down and do this with a focused heart?

I pulled out Wilhelm Furtwangler conducting the Berlin Philharmonic in the Brahms 1st to hear what you were trying to learn. I think anyone would have her work cut out for her to learn it!

I wonder what slide speed we'd end up with listening to Shostakovich No. 10 or 11? I might end up flying off the erg and hitting the wall. :shock:

Mr. Rowmaniac and I are enjoying the quietest of New Year's Eves. Well, there is music and wine, but 'quiet' in the sense of no car keys or coats required.

Happy New Year!
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by Rowmaniac » January 1st, 2008, 5:40 pm

Happy new year, everyone.

Today was my first AN workout, and after the Christmas Day debacle of trying to row a 2K when I wasn't quite well, I was pretty determined to do this one right on New Year's Day. Coming up short isn't quite the holiday tradition I would like to start!

The workout was 8 x 1' AN. Target pace was 1:47. I really set out to do a 1:45, but wasn't sure what to expect with 8 reps.

144.5 287m 35 spm
143.4 290m 34
143.0 291m 34
142.0 294m 36
142.7 292m 36
143.4 290m 35
143.4 290m 35
143.4 290m 35


143.2 2327m 35spm

Adrenaline was really in play and I was afraid on each of them that by the next one, I'd be paying for going below the target and not be able to finish, but it turns out a minute felt very doable. I'm just glad the first AN workout is over and I know I was able to finish all the reps.

After pulling the last piece, the lactic acid showed up in the arms and legs that felt a little bit like an elephant had sat down on me. Ouch. I cooled down and it went away, and I now I sit here and am tempted to go row a long piece because I am not too tired. But tomorrow is a UT1 workout, so I'm going to abide by one of my new year's resolutions not to outsmart myself and "have faith in the plan" and behave.

It's sunny and 60 degrees out, so I'm headed out for some Vitamin D! :D
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by seat5 » January 1st, 2008, 6:25 pm

Wow! those are really fast AN intervals and also very high mps. What did you use for rests? It looks like you should be planning on a 2K around 7:10 or something. Very impressive!

I felt so logey and tired today--might have been the heavy snow shoveling after yesterday's workout--that I just did a gentle recovery row. It was supposed to be 2 x 12 UT1 but I just had no energy. Did my lifts and other stuff and then just rowed 30 minutes at a paddle. Hopefully I will be able to do a decent job at 4 x 3 TR tomorrow.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by Rowmaniac » January 1st, 2008, 9:26 pm

Thanks, Carla. I feel somewhat encouraged, but doubt a 7:10 is anywhere in my future. I have no idea how the old IP charts or predictors would gauge these times, but there are so many variables it's probably best for me to just keep trying to pull one stroke at a time.

Our club has an indoor 2K contest on January 26, so I plan to test then. I figure one month before Boston will help me know a little more about how to pace.

I did do the 2 minute rest intervals on this workout, which I think is what you also did on yours. I am not sure how something shorter than the 1:2 ratio would work with these lower splits. The 1:1 worked well for the TR, but I am confident I wouldn't have pulled these splits with only 1 minute rest. Right now I am focusing on trying to build power. I'm a little blind by inexperience, never having done interval training in my life and having no rational basis for my expectations.

As if there is anything rational about going through all of this to pull on an erg for 2K??? :shock: Tom, I hope you found your revived reason to row on this first new day of 2008.

Carla, I was wondering if you've taken a day off since you came back from being sick? It seems you have rowed every day, which might explain the fatigue. Hopefully you didn't play catch-up without taking a little rest before diving into this week. Just checking. Shoveling snow must be hard work, and I can't imagine doing it after that workout yesterday. Hope you put your feet up some today!

7 weeks and 5 more days, but who is counting???
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by Rocket Roy » January 2nd, 2008, 3:53 am


That is a very tidy 8 x 1mins, now if you can say average 1.45's for 8 x 500's then 7.10 is not a million miles away.

Maybe build up to it by doing, 6 x 300, 6 x 350, etc on a weekly basis. This will get you used to those paces and keep stretching the distance you can cover.
Also increase the rest periods so 1.30 mins at 300 and add 30 sec's every 50 raised.

Good work and I'll be looking for your race at Boston.
Lwt 55+ World Record Holder 6.38.1 (2006-2018)
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2k pb...6.34.7
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Post by seat5 » January 2nd, 2008, 8:13 pm

No, I haven't had a day off & I think I'd better take one instead of doing my "optional" day tomorrow. Today I did my 4 x 3 TR and it was horrible. Actually I quit on the last one so it was really 3 x 3 TR.


halfway through the 4th one my legs turned to lead and just wouldn't push anymore. So a day off is due, I guess. It felt so awful to quit, it really made me feel so good for nothing....

How did your AT go today?
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by Rowmaniac » January 2nd, 2008, 9:21 pm

Very sorry about the tough day, Carla. I had a suspicion that you'd asked too many consecutive days of output from your body, so take the day off tomorrow and remember what I constantly have to be reminded of as well: rest days are as important or more than the rowing days in the overall training plan. (I apologize that this is coming from a novice, but I *really* suck at pacing myself a lot of the time so I am empathetic, believe me.)

Today I had a UT1 row 2 x 12' UT1. I moved the target just slightly because I went to talk to my coach today about my training, and think I need to readjust the paces just slightly, especially on the UT1 (pace for 7:27 was 2:06 at the fastest, which just seemed a bit slow.) I adjusted it to 2:04.

2903m 204.0 24spm
2903m 204.0 24spm

Average 204.0 24spm

w/u 1012
c/d 3203

Total meters: 10,021

The workout felt fine, and the mps was 10.08 for a nice change.

And Carla, don't ever let an honest effort make you feel 'good for nothing.' You've done some amazing things on that erg, and if you forget, just pull that photo of you on the podium last year at CRASH Bs with two Olympians and hopefully you will know in your heart that you are a winner. Hang in there, and rest! And yes, squats or shoveling snow count as exercise, so no, no, no!
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by Nosmo » January 2nd, 2008, 9:43 pm

You don't improve from the training, you improve from recovering from the training!
Training will only make one slower if there is no recovery.


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Post by cynthia » January 2nd, 2008, 9:44 pm


Could you try to show a little consistency between the first and second pieces :wink:

Carla enjoy your well deserved rest day tomorrow. I suspect you will spend the time wisely and check a few goals off your list!


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Post by Rowmaniac » January 2nd, 2008, 10:59 pm

Hey, Cynthia. Ya know? Even I think those splits look too even to be real, but then that must be why rowing is for the obsessive compulsive crowd. :roll: Let's just say I got into a rhythm...

Rocket Roy, I failed to thank you in my last post for your encouraging words. My goal this year was a 7:20. Anything below that would be gravy. Oops, I am a southern girl, and we looooooooooooooooove gravy! I'll keep at it and see if I have what it takes. I appreciate your suggestions.
Thanks again.
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by seat5 » January 2nd, 2008, 11:45 pm

Hi Cynthia,
Already have the time I would have spent rowing planned--but unfortunately not doing anything towards's just amazing how as soon as you get 10 minutes of "free" time something comes along to stuff it full of to-do list things that feel like treading water!

Yes, UT1 at 2:06 I felt was very soft--last year's is 2:04.5 (that's the one I've been going with, that is when I can go at all) :twisted: My goal is also 7:20, but I have the feeling I won't make it--the intervals are just not coming together to give me faith in it. However I shall toil onward (after a break tomorrow!) BTW the only reason I was up there with the 2 Olympians is because other folks (many of whom exist) that were faster just weren't at the venue last year. I didn't expect to be up there, based on what I thought I could do and what the rankings showed, and being up there doesn't change the fact that 7:27.4 has been handily beaten by any number of women 40-49 both before and since--some of the LW, if I'm not mistaken.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by tdekoekkoek » January 3rd, 2008, 2:24 am

60 mins 15849m. Disappointing. Was hoping for an SB on this piece. Was well below target pace for the first 20 minutes, but after that just had to hang on to finish the piece. I don't think I've had enough long recovery rows.

4K warmup/warm down.
Trevor de Koekkoek: 46yrs, 190lbs

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Post by cynthia » January 3rd, 2008, 6:25 am

You earned the medal fair and square Carla. Make no apologies!
Cynthia (45)


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Post by Rocket Roy » January 3rd, 2008, 7:05 am

Debs, I too love gravy, what is your favourite?

Mine is beef gravy with Bisto....mmmmmmmm :) It has to be thick though-- thin stuff just doesn't cut the mustard!
Lwt 55+ World Record Holder 6.38.1 (2006-2018)
World champion 2007, 2009, 2014.
2k pb...6.34.7
25 miles...55;24
10 miles...21.03
Golf best gross 78, 8 over par.

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