by Cyclingman1 » November 14th, 2014, 2:00 pm
5K: 18:23 @1:50.3 DF/SPM 135/30 W/stroke: 8.7. 5min: (L,1) 1:49.0; (H,2,3) 1:51.1.
5K: 18:39 @1:51.9 DF/SPM 100/31 W/stroke: 8.1. 5min: (L,1) 1:51.3; (H,3) 1:52.8.
5K: 18:42 @1:52.2 DF/SPM 115/31 W/stroke: 8.0. 5min: (L,4) 1:50.7; (H,1) 1:53.6.
Not really planning on turning this into "What training have you done today," but in the interest of continuity since I started this topic, FWIW:
30min: 7895 @1:54.0 DF/SPM 135/28 W/stroke: 8.4. 5min: (L,3,6) 1:52.0; (H,1) 1:58.3.
Obviously, a lot goes into erging besides DF. I've come full circle from 11/1, back to DF 135. The first 5min jumps from 1:49.0 to 1:58.3. I think that is called fatigue. So, decided to go longer and not fight the intensity battle. I finally got a little warmed up. BTW, I never do warmups unless I'm doing fast intervals. I just start in on "Just Row." Today felt like an extra concrete block was tied to the handle. I'm not sure any of this is going anywhere.
Re fatigue: Interestingly, since I retired over a year ago, the thought was that there would be plenty of time to erg and to be well rested likewise. Wrong & wrong. When I "worked," I sat on my butt all day writing software. I rowed in the early evening and usually was not tired. Now, my days are filled with mowing, raking, painting, building projects, walking the dog, kayaking, sculling, etc. And I stay about 2/3 tired. I may have to get a job to get my erg times back to a decent level.
JimG, Gainesville, Ga, 78, 76", 205lb. PBs:
66-69: .5,1,2,5,6,10K: 1:30.8 3:14.1 6:40.7 17:34.0 21:18.1 36:21.7 30;60;HM: 8337 16237 1:20:25
70-78: .5,1,2,5,6,10K: 1:32.7 3:19.5 6:58.1 17:55.3 21:32.6 36:41.9 30;60;HM: 8214 15353 1:23:02.5