Aerobic intervals

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Aerobic intervals

Post by hjs » June 17th, 2016, 1:42 pm

teddyDK wrote:My biggest 'problem' is that i love interval training and have also looked at the very tempting PP 5k. But this isnt what you guys recommend.
No, that 5k plan is not good.

If you like interval work, stick to stuff like 5x1500 on 5, 4x2k on 5, 15x500 on 1, etc. 3 sessions a week is not enough for endurance work, way to less, instead make all your sessions count.
Do the work, don,t talk so much about which sessions, doing serious sessions is much more important, than the exact kind of session.

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Re: Aerobic intervals

Post by Livio Livius » June 17th, 2016, 1:47 pm

What do you mean "on 5"?

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Re: Aerobic intervals

Post by teddyDK » June 17th, 2016, 1:57 pm

hjs wrote:
teddyDK wrote:My biggest 'problem' is that i love interval training and have also looked at the very tempting PP 5k. But this isnt what you guys recommend.
No, that 5k plan is not good.

If you like interval work, stick to stuff like 5x1500 on 5, 4x2k on 5, 15x500 on 1, etc. 3 sessions a week is not enough for endurance work, way to less, instead make all your sessions count.
Do the work, don,t talk so much about which sessions, doing serious sessions is much more important, than the exact kind of session.
Wasnt it you that earlier recommend me 3 x ut1 a week?

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Re: Aerobic intervals

Post by teddyDK » June 17th, 2016, 2:00 pm

@hjs this you write me in another thread:

Problem is hard work, should be really hard.

In general for you with three sessions a week, you imo opinion could best focus on three longer, low rated sessions. Ut1 ish. This will both your stroke and your endurance. More or less what I did this year, with relative not much speed and not much At also. Over the whole spectrum my times where for me pretty good. 5 erg sessions a week. On average 10k ish per sesh. Continues work, strapless, low rated 18/21 ish.

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Re: Aerobic intervals

Post by hjs » June 17th, 2016, 2:45 pm

teddyDK wrote:@hjs this you write me in another thread:

Problem is hard work, should be really hard.

In general for you with three sessions a week, you imo opinion could best focus on three longer, low rated sessions. Ut1 ish. This will both your stroke and your endurance. More or less what I did this year, with relative not much speed and not much At also. Over the whole spectrum my times where for me pretty good. 5 erg sessions a week. On average 10k ish per sesh. Continues work, strapless, low rated 18/21 ish.
Yes, but you don,t want that you say, cause thats boring, you want intervals. So do intervals, a very important aspect is liking what you do.

For best erging fitness, Intervals not best nor needed much. You need fitness and a strong stroke, but you don,t for that, so that option you push aside.

I myself do atm zero interval work, erging is only low rate endurance and my main focus is strenght training. Is this the best for a 2k? No its not, but I like the weightswork more then I dislike getting less 2k fit. So weights it is.

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Re: Aerobic intervals

Post by teddyDK » June 17th, 2016, 2:58 pm

Ok i understand and i didnt believe that you Can be good on three days a week. I did it with running and now i want to prove it to myself rowing.

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