teddyDK wrote:@hjs this you write me in another thread:
Problem is hard work, should be really hard.
In general for you with three sessions a week, you imo opinion could best focus on three longer, low rated sessions. Ut1 ish. This will both your stroke and your endurance. More or less what I did this year, with relative not much speed and not much At also. Over the whole spectrum my times where for me pretty good. 5 erg sessions a week. On average 10k ish per sesh. Continues work, strapless, low rated 18/21 ish.
Yes, but you don,t want that you say, cause thats boring, you want intervals. So do intervals, a very important aspect is liking what you do.
For best erging fitness, Intervals not best nor needed much. You need fitness and a strong stroke, but you don,t for that, so that option you push aside.
I myself do atm zero interval work, erging is only low rate endurance and my main focus is strenght training. Is this the best for a 2k? No its not, but I like the weightswork more then I dislike getting less 2k fit. So weights it is.