Cayenne wrote:Leo Young wrote:I'd strongly suggest that using Dr Maffetone's formula, or for that matter, any other formula that uses age as a variable.
Individual max heart can vary by as much as 45 beats or more, above and below age predicted max HR; that's a variance range of more than 90 beats.
Add to that the fact that at any given max heart, HR at the anaerobic threshold or even max steady state lactate threshold, can vary by more than 50% (in relative terms) between indivduals.
Makes the whole process pretty pointless.
Thank you Leo. How then would one best, if at all, utilize a Heart Rate monitor for health & performance considerations ? (Not expecting a treatise, but a point or link to a resource would be greatly appreciated.)
You need to perform a max HR and anaerobic/lactate threshold test on the erg. I'd suggest doing a 'Conconi' style step protocol to identify your deflection point HR and max HR.
To ensure meaningful results, I'd strongly suggest having an easy training week in the lead up to the test, with a rest day the day before, otherwise your not likely to acheive your true potential max HR.
I'm not sure if anyone has develpoped a specific protocol for the C2 erg, which is readily accessible, but if anone knows of one, please post. If not, C2 have recently asked me to design a protocol for them to publish on the website, which I will try to do shortly if no-one can track one down before hand (although I'd be surprised if Navigation Hazard can't lay his hands on one to post).
Even once you've identified your deflection and max HR, these need to be regularly re-tested, as your threshold HR will increase over time, as your fitness imoroves and coversely your max HR may possibly decrease, as your heart volume increases with training (max HR is inversely proportional to heart size).
However, even your individual tested HR values should only be used as a training guide with caution and you should really allow your feelings of 'percieved exertion' during any given training session, to overide your HR as an intensity guide.
Rather than a numeric scale, I personaly prefer a descriptive guide as to how you feel. For example your anaerobic threshold occurs at the the highest steady state workload at which your breathing is still regular, rythmic, voluntary and controlled; where you can still talk properly, if required, but don't want to hold a conversation; and at which you still feel 'only a little uncomfortable'. Your 'aerobic threhold' occurs at the highest steady state workload at which you still feel 'comfortable'.
These two two levels form the upper and lower boundaries of where the majority of your aerobic training should occur, with the lower 'aerobic threshold' level described, or even just below this level, being the intensity at which most training occurs. In world class rowers, these two levels generally correspond to approximately 92% (approx 4 mmol lactate) and 78-83% (1.5 - 2 mmol lactate) of max HR, respectively.