The Road To Boston 2008

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
Bob S.
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Post by Bob S. » December 19th, 2007, 1:23 am

Today I started the Pete Plan, but instead of 3 weeks at 6 days a week, I plan to take 35 days, rowing every other day. My theory is that I will do better if I have a rest day after each workout. It is a matter of age and slower recovery time. My one complaint is that it starts out with an interval piece and I hate intervals. Well, I have to do them some time, so at least I have the first one done. The Pete Plan has 2 interval workouts and 4 long, steady pieces for each week, so I have only 5 interval days to go and 12 fun pieces. Well the 10 km pieces are supposed to be done as PB attempts at 2K + 10, but my 10K last August (just before my program fell apart) was at 2K + 6, so I don't anticipate any problem. On the other hand, I am not expecting any PBs either.

Today's was to be 8X500m at 2K - 2/3. They came out with an average of 2K - 3.2, with a range of 2K - 1.5/4.4. A tad faster than called for, but the 2K base, my most recent, was not a very sterling performance. As the range shows, it was a raqged, inconsistent workout (in rate as well as pace), but it is done and over, so I can look forward to 15K and 8K coming up next. After that, it is intervals again, 4X2K. Yikes! But they are only to be at 2K + 5 paces, so I'll see how it goes.

Bob S.

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Post by seat5 » December 19th, 2007, 9:32 am

The Pete Plan sounds interesting. I may take that up after the CrashBs so I have something to follow instead of being aimless. Your modification of the plan (going every other day) seems sensible. It's awesome that you are training so diligently.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by Rowmaniac » December 19th, 2007, 12:35 pm

Keep up the great work, Bob. 10Ks at 2K pace + 6 makes my head spin, I have to tell you. You are amazing.

Yesterday was 1 x 12' AT. I knew when I finished this row that I would hit 41K for 48 hours, so I tried hard to keep in mind the advice I've been getting about training vs. racing, and did not do the interval at 1:56 (4 seconds below my lowest AT band of 2:00) like I wanted to. I also had a vicious physical therapy/training session scheduled for 3 hours post row, and I knew I would need legs to do those God awful exercises on the giant ball. Last time I rowed hard and tried to do those for an audience (PT Nazi), I heard her say for the first time, "Wow, I haven't seen you tired before!" I was not up for hearing that again!

All that said, I figured if target AT was 2:00 I could row the piece at 1:58 and just log the final meters I needed for the Holiday Challenge.

w/u 4601m 21/spm

12' AT Target 2:00 (1:58 goal)

157.8 3055m / 28spm

c/d 5087m / 21 spm

Total meters 12,743

I could definitely feel the fact that I'd logged so many meters in 48 hours and was ready to go do something else when I pulled the last one. I did finish the HC and stupidly miscounted and could have rowed 1K less than I did but who's counting, right? :P

Today is a rest day except for some ab exercises and some upper body weights which I can do without using these somewhat tired legs. I am trying very hard to listen to my body and be smarter about my training. It is very hard to get out of the "more is better" mode and realize that a rest day can be as important or more than what you do when you work. Maybe by the time I am Bob's age I will figure more of this stuff out.

Yes, Carla, I'm doing the 2K test on Christmas Eve. If I make some progress and pull a better time than Thanksgiving, it's a welcome gift. If not, maybe there is still time to ask Santa for the gift of more 'umph!'
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by seat5 » December 19th, 2007, 7:41 pm

So I hope you are on the "nice" list and not the "naughty" one! That is a lot of meters for 2 days!

Tom, how are things out your way?

Today was 5 x 2 TR. Did it with 2 min rest, I am not sure if that is too long or not. Goal was either 1:51 for a 7:24 2K or 1:52 for a 7:28 2K.

2684 1:51.7/30
534 1:52.3/30
536 1:51.9/31
538 1:51.4/31
537 1:51.7/30
539 1:51.3/30

I paddle very lightly during the rests; the first interval of course is from a dead stop. This was hard work. It makes me wonder how I'm going to get my 2Kdown to this pace. Of course the answer is, continue doing what I'm doing and hopefully it will be there when I need it.

Didn't do my squats beforehand and tried to do them after, but only managed one set. I felt a small PING in my lower back and judged it safer not to continue. I think I may only lift on AT and UT1 days and up it to 4 sets to make up for it.

Tomorrow is "my" day. I haven't decided what to do yet. I'll definitely finish the HC by Friday if not tomorrow. This will be the first time I'll have finished it without any struggle--even early :) Other years I've only managed it by cramming in a very poor quality HM on Christmas eve.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by Rowmaniac » December 19th, 2007, 8:08 pm

Carla, I think the interval work you did looks good. I know what you mean about wondering how you're going to get the 2K splits where you want them. I think you are clearly on track to beat last year's time, but perhaps it's counterproductive for us to allow such contemplations during a piece. It can certainly be hard to shut out those annoying thoughts, though. My common one is, "Now how did I hold this for 2000 meters without dying?" To which I often say to myself, "Just shut up and row!"

As for lots of meters in 2 days, it was 3 days of workouts, but less than 48 hours from the first one to the last one. I was like, "hmmm, I'm ready to stop now. My legs are feeling tired" which is when I looked at my log and realized that it may have been 3 workouts but it was all within less than a 48 hour period, and my body probably had a right to feel tired.

I think the effort of sub 2:00 split work for any length of time is exponentially more difficult and draining (with some lasting effects) than UT2 or UT1 work, and we may often discount the effort and think meters are just meters. But in my case I just don't think they are.

Today's tired legs have not been asked to do much more than climb about 40 flights of stairs (a daily thing based on 3 level habitat) and unfortunately some of the lead in my legs has not disappeared. Maybe by morning. I sure hope so.

Now why did I post when I didn't have a workout? Oh yes, to tell you that once again great job on the TRs. I haven't had any yet. Not until Santa shows up to cox my 2K. :shock:

Is Anne or anyone else from last year doing the IP this year?
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by TomR » December 19th, 2007, 9:40 pm

I entered the Crash-Bs yesterday. Does that mean I have to show up and race?

Nice TR Carla. Recovery time equal to work interval is reasonable for TR. Some people rest longer.

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Post by seat5 » December 20th, 2007, 9:35 am

TomR wrote:I entered the Crash-Bs yesterday. Does that mean I have to show up and race?

Nice TR Carla. Recovery time equal to work interval is reasonable for TR. Some people rest longer.

I'll stick with equal time, then. It seemed to me I'd heard of workouts like 8 x 500 with only 1 min rest but that sounds so horrible ....

Deb, 40 flights of stairs--kind of convenient in a way to have a base line fitness level needed just to live in your house! Enjoy your day off from the erg!
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Rocket Roy
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Post by Rocket Roy » December 20th, 2007, 4:27 pm

See ya there Tom! :wink:
Lwt 55+ World Record Holder 6.38.1 (2006-2018)
World champion 2007, 2009, 2014.
2k pb...6.34.7
25 miles...55;24
10 miles...21.03
Golf best gross 78, 8 over par.

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Post by Rocket Roy » December 20th, 2007, 4:31 pm

Any word yet on which will be the team hotel this year?

And don't say the Hyatt Cambridge 'cos that is what was said last year and it turned out to be a hotel in the centre instead.... :roll:
Lwt 55+ World Record Holder 6.38.1 (2006-2018)
World champion 2007, 2009, 2014.
2k pb...6.34.7
25 miles...55;24
10 miles...21.03
Golf best gross 78, 8 over par.

Bob S.
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Post by Bob S. » December 20th, 2007, 7:44 pm

Day 2 of the Pete Plan, 15K @ 2K + 15. I had about 10K still left to go for the HC after my early morning wake up piece, so the 15K plus another 5K or so of warm up and cool down took me well on past the 200K challenge, with 4 days still to go. Better than last year. As I remember, I squeaked by with just 3K to spare for that one, but I think that it was shorter. Thanksgiving was early this year.

The pace came out at about 2K + 12/13, but it was a crappy 2K, my only one of this season. (Note to Deborah: That's one reason why my 10K time trial was at 2K + 6. It didn't necessarily mean that the 10K was all that great.)

As I mentioned, I am doing the Pete Plan as an every other day schedule instead of 6 days a week. On the alternate days. I hope to work in what could be called light cross-training. Yesterday I did 40' on a treadmill (walking only) and a touch of weight work. Tomorrow, I might do the same or just a long hike.

Bob S.

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Post by TomR » December 20th, 2007, 8:28 pm

Rocket Roy wrote:See ya there Tom! :wink:
looking forward to it, Roy--seeing you, not the 2k.

The Boy flies in tonight and we're off to see some in-laws and blood relations. Post-holidays, I'm thinking of going to 2-a-days.

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Post by Rowmaniac » December 20th, 2007, 9:59 pm

Tom, your mention of 2 + days takes me back to a painful time as a volleyball player (in the younger days when my knees had cartilege :? ) so if you decide to go there, you have my complete admiration. Ugh. I did them every summer in the Texas heat and an unairconditioned gym.

Bob, nice work on finishing the HC. I am picking up my father-in-law (77 years young still erging indoors but you put him to shame, BIG time!) from the airport tonight and I have half a mind to show him that video of you rowing the 2K with Xeno to see if I can light a fire under him! He rowed Harvard sometime around 1955, and at 6'3" was the shortest guy in the boat. I keep threatening to get him out on the water, but I'd settle for just seeing him go for even a fraction of the workouts you do. I think he thinks that the 'all out' rowing and workouts are only for the youngsters. Boy do you prove him wrong!

Nosmo, I forgot to tell you that your comment about children being better than dogs b/c if they get pregnant you can sell the babies was probably the funniest thing I've heard all week. Mr. Rowmaniac and I had a super big laugh over that one. Thanks.

Just what is the Pete plan? Our here in CA, we have a great Starbucks competitor coffee chain called Peet's, and every time I see Bob reference it, I think it's a plan where you drink lots of strong coffee and espresso and pull like Hercules. Is there a link to the plan? Just curious--I'm not changing anything now.

Carla, did you treat yourself to a HM today? :P My money is on a long, long row when you got to do anything you pleased.....
Deborah - F 45 HWT

Bob S.
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Post by Bob S. » December 20th, 2007, 11:34 pm

Rowmaniac wrote:
Just what is the Pete plan? Our here in CA, we have a great Starbucks competitor coffee chain called Peet's, and every time I see Bob reference it, I think it's a plan where you drink lots of strong coffee and espresso and pull like Hercules. Is there a link to the plan? Just curious--I'm not changing anything now.

Check out: ... highlight=

As you can see, the date on the message is July 27, 2004, well over three years ago. Note that the thread has gone on for 174 pages and is still going. At 15 messages per page, that's on the order of 2600 messages. The Pete Plan is also referred to in countless other messages on the C2 U.K. forum.

As one who avoids coffee like the plague, I hope that there is no connection. However, I believe that Pete's wife is an American rower from Washington, perhaps even Seattle, so who knows?

Bob S.

P.S. There is even a Starbucks here in the Owens valley (area about 5,000 square miles, population about 18,000), but fortunately I have never heard of Peet's. There is a Looney Bean coffee house in Bishop only a stones throw from the Starbucks, but I don't know if that is a chain.

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Post by seat5 » December 21st, 2007, 12:15 am

:cry: Roy, no HM today, just seem all tired and snotty so figured I was better off resting today instead of rowing at all. I will do my scheduled workout tomorrow, whatever it is, and make sure I nail it. I had a feelinf if I rowed to day I would not even get up tomorrow.

It's snowing like mad here. good day for a nap
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by Rowmaniac » December 23rd, 2007, 12:07 pm

Everyone is quiet, which I take as evidence that the holiday and family time are in full gear. I am taking the weekend off in an effort to get a "real" read on my 2K test on Christmas Eve with some rested legs. On that note, I did my last 2 workouts at the lowest AT and UT1 bands but did not go below.

Thursday was 3 x 10' UT1 Target 2:06

2380m 206.0 / 24spm
2380m 206.0 / 24spm
2381m 206.0 / 24 spm

w/u 2027
c/d 1014 (had to dash off to appt)
Total meters 10, 082

The workout felt very easy, like the quasi-recovery day I think it's intended to be.

Friday was 2 x 8' AT Target 2:00

2001m 159.9 28spm
2001m 159.9 28 spm

w/u 4032m
c/d 3017
Total meters 11,051

For some reason (I am wagering it was the 41K done earlier in the week at some pretty quick paces) my legs felt heavy. Although I had pre-decided not to allow myself to deviate from the IP bands and go faster than the fastest "allowed" paces on these intervals, I am unsure how it would have felt to do it anyway given what I perceived was some cumulative leg fatigue.

For some unrelated back issues I had also had to take some Vicodin the night before both of these workouts, and have no idea what or how this affects your body's power or stamina the following morning. I was able to stick with the targets, but I imagine some of my missing umph was due to the slight drug hangover. Not sure. I didn't push it. I keep thinking about what others with more experience have warned about overdoing it and frying later. I don't want to go there. I am hoping these workouts will be enough as devised without my thinking I need to always do more and go faster than prescribed. I am hopeful, however, that I won't have to do any more workouts with a narcotic hangover. Anyone have any thoughts on what that would do to a person's ability on the erg?

Carla, I hope you are feeling better and did not get a cold.

Bob, thanks for the info on the Pete plan. That's a long thread.

Ho Ho Ho 9 more weeks to go. :)
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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