T6 failure?

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T6 failure?

Post by hkp2ksk » November 17th, 2006, 11:28 pm

Anybody had their T6 go belly up? After successfully downloading one training log, all subsequent attempts have come a cropper with the message: "connection to device lost or corrupted;" and then something like
"%d.%d unrecognized timestamp"

I've cleaned the installation on one computer 3 times and re-installed from scratch; no cigar, same outcome. Installed on brand new windblows laptop, same thing.

any thoughts?


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Post by Citroen » November 18th, 2006, 7:32 am

Have you checked the physical connection between the clip and the watch? Carefully clean the crud/sweat/dirt from the three contacts on back of the watch with a needle.

Does the watch display "PC Interface" when connected?

Plug in the USB cable, then try removing the device from windows using
My Computer --> Properties --> Hardware (tab) --> Device Manager
It should show up as a COMx serial port (under Ports (COM & LPT)).

Unplug the USB cable.

Don't plug the USB cable back in until you've re-installed the Suunto software and device driver.

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Post by Citroen » November 18th, 2006, 2:59 pm

See this thread for some additional discussion on this: http://www.concept2.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12652

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Post by hkp2ksk » November 18th, 2006, 3:29 pm

yep, crap software that 2.1.1. I'm using 2.1.0 and it's working so far.

thanks for your help, C,


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