What Training Have You Done Today?

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Jbrown1215 » March 18th, 2025, 12:35 pm

alex9026 wrote:
March 18th, 2025, 3:52 am
Jbrown1215 wrote:
March 16th, 2025, 6:59 pm
Sweet! Mine is the same Vapor Fitness seat pad then. Have been very pleased with it and it's been on my erg for a solid year now. Glad it's helped reduce your suffering :).
Nice, so when do the performance benefits kick in? :lol:
Patience, young grasshopper... in due time :D
YT: https://shorturl.at/crBK5
Instagram: jbrown1215
40M, 6’3”, 210lbs
500m: 1:19.9
1k: 2:54.7
2k: 6:09.7
5k: 16:35
6k: 19:57
30R20: 8664m
10k: 34:07
60': 17201m
HM: 1:14:23
FM: 2:39:21

2k Poster
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Jbrown1215 » March 18th, 2025, 12:42 pm

I'm leaning towards giving the FM a go... yesterday's session to get a feel for a realistic target pace and cadence gave me the nudge and confidence boost I think I needed.

3x9999m (the largest interval the PM will accept, who'd have known?), with undefined rest periods that ended up being just over 3' each. First time using the "Undefined Rest" feature. Neat!

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	
1:51:31.7	29,997	1:51.5	252	1168	24	145
37:03.7	9,999	1:51.1	255	1176	24	146
r: 3:20	17						
37:11.9	9,999	1:51.6	252	1166	24	144
r: 3:16	16						
37:16.0	9,999	1:51.8	250	1161	24	147
r: 0:19	23						
Used this as an opportunity to test out my tech (making a time lapse on the GoPro), fuel, hydration, posterior pain mitigation, and anti-chafing measures. Better than expected!
YT: https://shorturl.at/crBK5
Instagram: jbrown1215
40M, 6’3”, 210lbs
500m: 1:19.9
1k: 2:54.7
2k: 6:09.7
5k: 16:35
6k: 19:57
30R20: 8664m
10k: 34:07
60': 17201m
HM: 1:14:23
FM: 2:39:21

nick rockliff
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by nick rockliff » March 18th, 2025, 1:34 pm

Had a go at the CTC this evening but r26

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
8:37.7 2,400 1:47.8 279 1260 25 142
0:21.8 100 1:49.0 270 1230 25 113
r: 0:30 22
3:14.4 900 1:48.0 278 1256 26 149
r: 0:30 14
3:14.3 900 1:47.9 278 1257 26 154
r: 0:30 18
1:47.2 500 1:47.2 284 1277 26 154
r: 0:30 23

Should be able to go sub/around 1:45 if I got the correct head on because this wasn't too hard.
67 6' 4" 108kg
PBs 2k 6:16.4 5k 16:37.5 10k 34:35.5 30m 8727 60m 17059 HM 74:25.9 FM 2:43:48.8
50s PBs 2k 6.24.3 5k 16.55.4 6k 20.34.2 10k 35.19.0 30m 8633 60m 16685 HM 76.48.7
60s PBs 5k 17.51.2 10k 36.42.6 30m 8263 60m 16089 HM 79.16.6

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Location: Liverpool, England

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Dangerscouse » March 18th, 2025, 2:24 pm

Jbrown1215 wrote:
March 18th, 2025, 12:42 pm
3x9999m (the largest interval the PM will accept, who'd have known?), with undefined rest periods that ended up being just over 3' each. First time using the "Undefined Rest" feature. Neat!
Some very specialist info, 'Just Row' only goes to 50k before it resets.

I really like undefined rests, as it gives you good options and a safety net if it all goes against expectations
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

Instagram: stuwenman

Posts: 44
Joined: January 3rd, 2025, 7:25 pm

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by petererg » March 18th, 2025, 4:43 pm

Another 10k at 20 s/m.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
42:15.7 10,000 2:06.7 172 891 20 134
8:27.2 2,000 2:06.8 172 890 20 131
8:24.3 4,000 2:06.0 175 901 20 132
8:24.3 6,000 2:06.0 175 901 20 135
8:27.2 8,000 2:06.8 172 890 20 138
8:32.7 10,000 2:08.1 166 872 20 136
HW, 50 years old, male

5k Poster
Posts: 534
Joined: February 8th, 2023, 7:15 am

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Kerry1960 » March 19th, 2025, 8:25 am

3rd and final go at March CTC. Good improvement again and now roughly what I thought I was capable of so won't be going again.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
9:04.2 2,400 1:53.3 240 1126 33 136
0:19.3 100 1:36.5 389 1640 43 108
r: 0:30 21
3:27.4 900 1:55.2 229 1087 29 137
r: 0:30 20
3:26.5 900 1:54.7 232 1097 29 148
r: 0:30 23
1:50.9 500 1:50.9 257 1183 31 153
M64 6ft 2, 1.90m,14st 4lbs (200), 90 kg, NW England
First erg Jan 2023
PBs 500m 1:34.4, 1k 3:30.9, 2k 7:32.3
5k 20:09, 6k 24:30, 30m 7310m, 30r20 7133m

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