New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by AndyH » February 6th, 2025, 11:59 am

KeithT wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 3:51 pm
AndyH wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 3:40 pm
I did a 2k at the Atlanta Erg sprints last week. First ever 2k. For reference I'm 56, 185 lbs and brand new to rowing as of last fall.

When I started rowing back in the fall I wanted to go sub 8. Once I actually started training (first with the Beginner Pete Plan and then crossing over to the Wolverine Plan) I thought 7:50 was reasonable with 7:40 as a stretch goal.

I was thrilled with a 7:34.8!

Glad I now have a time to work off of and improve.

Good job! Always fun to beat stretch goals. Now have to aim for sub 7:30 :D
Thanks - I think breaking 7:30 is very doable...not so sure about sub 7 though.....

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Dangerscouse » February 6th, 2025, 3:52 pm

Ron Ergs wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 2:13 pm
First post in the thread - got a PB! Did my first rowing marathon yesterday (weighed in at 163.6lbs) - rowed it on slides. I'd hoped to row it at 1:59s, managed it in 2:46:26.9 (1:58.3) so that was a great result for me.
The first FM is a bit of an exploration of building confidence and seeing what works and what doesn't, so to manage a 2:46 is a very strong result. Very well done Ron
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

Instagram: stuwenman

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Dangerscouse » February 6th, 2025, 3:55 pm

p_b82 wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 2:13 pm
Given at 3:30pm I had an accidental 40min nap I really expected this to just be full of fail, but i did 5min warm up and felt really good, so just threw in a 2k; in light of bailing on it last week, I decided that I had to finish it regardless.

Target pace was 225W - based on my last really badly paced 223w average (1:56.2 / 7:44.8) last season.

Had to really try to back it off after the 1st few strokes, as I knew I'd pay the price otherwise (like last time).... today vs last - in the top 50% though so go me :D

Had to have a 5 min cool down after this effort... felt so much harder than a measly 5.5s quicker - n00b gains have gone for me for sure! :lol:

Code: Select all

Time 	Meters 	Pace 	Watts 	Cal/Hr 	S/M 	Hr
7:39.3 	2,000m 	1:54.8 	231 	1095 	26 	176
0:57.1 	250m 	1:54.2 	235 	1108 	28 	161
0:58.0 	500m 	1:56.0 	224 	1071 	26 	170
0:57.9 	750m 	1:55.8 	225 	1075 	26 	175
0:57.6 	1,000m 	1:55.2 	229 	1087 	27 	178
0:57.9 	1,250m 	1:55.8 	225 	1075 	27 	180
0:57.6 	1,500m 	1:55.2 	229 	1087 	26 	183
0:57.5 	1,750m 	1:55.0 	230 	1092 	27 	181
0:55.6 	2,000m 	1:51.2 	255 	1176 	28 	182
Congratulations Peter, this looks well paced and more or less where you should have done it.
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

Instagram: stuwenman

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Dangerscouse » February 6th, 2025, 3:57 pm

AndyH wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 3:40 pm
I did a 2k at the Atlanta Erg sprints last week. First ever 2k. For reference I'm 56, 185 lbs and brand new to rowing as of last fall.

When I started rowing back in the fall I wanted to go sub 8. Once I actually started training (first with the Beginner Pete Plan and then crossing over to the Wolverine Plan) I thought 7:50 was reasonable with 7:40 as a stretch goal.

I was thrilled with a 7:34.8!

Glad I now have a time to work off of and improve.

Well done Andy. Five seconds faster than your stretch goal is a great result.

How did it feel for your first race? Did adrenaline help or hinder?
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

Instagram: stuwenman

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Jbrown1215 » February 7th, 2025, 11:26 am

Ron Ergs wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 2:13 pm
First post in the thread - got a PB! Did my first rowing marathon yesterday (weighed in at 163.6lbs) - rowed it on slides. I'd hoped to row it at 1:59s, managed it in 2:46:26.9 (1:58.3) so that was a great result for me.

I was warned that doing a marathon on the rower would be different than running a marathon or biking 100 miles - and those warnings proved correct. I I found that my cardio conditioning seemed fine for the pace I was going - but my muscles (particularly my right calf at various points and my hip flexors especially) were uncomfortable - and my sit bones hurt a ton starting with about 8k to go. I also knew from previous halfs that I'd likely get some blisters on my hands and they really started hurting which made the last half hour tough (i also had a little numbness in my fingertips towards the end which I've had on long bike rides before but never on the rower...).

Overall I know my prep wasn't perfect (I would've benefited from a few longer rows in the lead up as suggested) and I don't think my performance was what it could've been owing additionally to some fears that mostly came from doing this for the first time (I wanted to speed up w/ 10k left but was too afraid I'd bonk and actually slowed a bit, I wanted to speed up w/ 5k left but with the blisters and sit bones bugging me I wasn't sure if I'd push myself to a place I couldn't deal with...).

Thinking longer term I've always found that longer efforts help me so much in the future. Next time I'm doing a half rather than saying to myself "you've done this before" I'll be able to say "you've done double this before" and that makes a difference for me. I also really got to practice my internal self talk in a way that felt meaningful (my favorite lines - "stay with it ron" and "stay with the row"). I don't have any intent to row another marathon soon but I know I'll take this experience and it'll help with upcoming middle distance pieces.

Last note - managed to get an entry into the male US slides LW 40-49 record list. I'm motivated first by improving myself but it's also nice to grab a time. I want to thank everyone who posts their times to the rankings and to the records - it's been super motivating to see what's possible and to try to see whether I might be capable. It was a over year ago now when I first thought that if I kept improving I might have a chance at a record so finally managing to get one is a meaningful accomplishment for me.
Heck of a first post! Congrats on the marathon PB and record; what an accomplishment. Agree with you on how the perspective of "I've done a marathon, everything else feels "short" by comparison" can help tremendously with training more generally.
p_b82 wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 2:13 pm
Given at 3:30pm I had an accidental 40min nap I really expected this to just be full of fail, but i did 5min warm up and felt really good, so just threw in a 2k; in light of bailing on it last week, I decided that I had to finish it regardless.

Target pace was 225W - based on my last really badly paced 223w average (1:56.2 / 7:44.8) last season.

Had to really try to back it off after the 1st few strokes, as I knew I'd pay the price otherwise (like last time).... today vs last - in the top 50% though so go me :D

Had to have a 5 min cool down after this effort... felt so much harder than a measly 5.5s quicker - n00b gains have gone for me for sure! :lol:

Code: Select all

Time 	Meters 	Pace 	Watts 	Cal/Hr 	S/M 	Hr
7:39.3 	2,000m 	1:54.8 	231 	1095 	26 	176
0:57.1 	250m 	1:54.2 	235 	1108 	28 	161
0:58.0 	500m 	1:56.0 	224 	1071 	26 	170
0:57.9 	750m 	1:55.8 	225 	1075 	26 	175
0:57.6 	1,000m 	1:55.2 	229 	1087 	27 	178
0:57.9 	1,250m 	1:55.8 	225 	1075 	27 	180
0:57.6 	1,500m 	1:55.2 	229 	1087 	26 	183
0:57.5 	1,750m 	1:55.0 	230 	1092 	27 	181
0:55.6 	2,000m 	1:51.2 	255 	1176 	28 	182
Congrats on the PB! It might not feel like it, but 5.5 seconds is a MASSIVE improvement over a 2k distance, it's nearly a full split and a half! Well paced overall, and looks like you left enough in the tank for a solid push at the end. Well done.
Instagram: jbrown1215
40M, 6’3”, 210lbs
500m: 1:20.4
1k: 2:54.7
2k: 6:09.7
5k: 16:35
6k: 20:06
30R20: 8664m
10k: 34:07
60': 17201m
HM: 1:14:23
FM: 2:39:21

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Jbrown1215 » February 7th, 2025, 11:38 am

After a subpar in-person race day 2k performance last Saturday due to a combination of nerves, anxiety, and otherwise self-inflicted pressure, I decided to try and make amends on Wednesday back in the comforts of my garage.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
6:09.7	2,000m	1:32.4	443	1825	35
1:32.1	500m	1:32.1	448	1841	35
1:33.0	1,000m	1:33.0	435	1797	34
1:32.9	1,500m	1:32.9	437	1802	35
1:31.7	2,000m	1:31.7	454	1862	37
And with that, my ~13 week adventures in 2k training are complete, and I have no desire or plans to do another one for a while. John Davies' plan worked, no doubt about it, but I could feel myself burning out both physically and mentally during the last couple weeks. Took a couple days after my live race to rest and recharge my batteries before the final at-home attempt. Incredibly thankful to have squeezed out the additional few tenths of a second needed to hit my goal. Now, time to make my main training focus to have fun again.
Instagram: jbrown1215
40M, 6’3”, 210lbs
500m: 1:20.4
1k: 2:54.7
2k: 6:09.7
5k: 16:35
6k: 20:06
30R20: 8664m
10k: 34:07
60': 17201m
HM: 1:14:23
FM: 2:39:21

6k Poster
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by alex9026 » February 7th, 2025, 12:52 pm

Jbrown1215 wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 11:38 am
After a subpar in-person race day 2k performance last Saturday due to a combination of nerves, anxiety, and otherwise self-inflicted pressure, I decided to try and make amends on Wednesday back in the comforts of my garage.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
6:09.7	2,000m	1:32.4	443	1825	35
1:32.1	500m	1:32.1	448	1841	35
1:33.0	1,000m	1:33.0	435	1797	34
1:32.9	1,500m	1:32.9	437	1802	35
1:31.7	2,000m	1:31.7	454	1862	37
And with that, my ~13 week adventures in 2k training are complete, and I have no desire or plans to do another one for a while. John Davies' plan worked, no doubt about it, but I could feel myself burning out both physically and mentally during the last couple weeks. Took a couple days after my live race to rest and recharge my batteries before the final at-home attempt. Incredibly thankful to have squeezed out the additional few tenths of a second needed to hit my goal. Now, time to make my main training focus to have fun again.
Enjoyed following the journey of this Justin, pleased to see you hit your target. Time to get at it with your (favoured?) long pieces again!
34 6'2 92kg
1min 368m 500m 1:24.4 2k 6:24 5k 17:27

nick rockliff
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by nick rockliff » February 7th, 2025, 12:57 pm

Jbrown1215 wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 11:38 am
After a subpar in-person race day 2k performance last Saturday due to a combination of nerves, anxiety, and otherwise self-inflicted pressure, I decided to try and make amends on Wednesday back in the comforts of my garage.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
6:09.7	2,000m	1:32.4	443	1825	35
1:32.1	500m	1:32.1	448	1841	35
1:33.0	1,000m	1:33.0	435	1797	34
1:32.9	1,500m	1:32.9	437	1802	35
1:31.7	2,000m	1:31.7	454	1862	37
And with that, my ~13 week adventures in 2k training are complete, and I have no desire or plans to do another one for a while. John Davies' plan worked, no doubt about it, but I could feel myself burning out both physically and mentally during the last couple weeks. Took a couple days after my live race to rest and recharge my batteries before the final at-home attempt. Incredibly thankful to have squeezed out the additional few tenths of a second needed to hit my goal. Now, time to make my main training focus to have fun again.
Nice 2k, well done. Can I ask what time did you pull at the race?
67 6' 4" 108kg
PBs 2k 6:16.4 5k 16:37.5 10k 34:35.5 30m 8727 60m 17059 HM 74:25.9 FM 2:43:48.8
50s PBs 2k 6.24.3 5k 16.55.4 6k 20.34.2 10k 35.19.0 30m 8633 60m 16685 HM 76.48.7
60s PBs 5k 17.51.2 10k 36.42.6 30m 8263 60m 16089 HM 79.16.6

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Dangerscouse » February 7th, 2025, 1:22 pm

Jbrown1215 wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 11:38 am
After a subpar in-person race day 2k performance last Saturday due to a combination of nerves, anxiety, and otherwise self-inflicted pressure, I decided to try and make amends on Wednesday back in the comforts of my garage.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
6:09.7	2,000m	1:32.4	443	1825	35
1:32.1	500m	1:32.1	448	1841	35
1:33.0	1,000m	1:33.0	435	1797	34
1:32.9	1,500m	1:32.9	437	1802	35
1:31.7	2,000m	1:31.7	454	1862	37
And with that, my ~13 week adventures in 2k training are complete, and I have no desire or plans to do another one for a while. John Davies' plan worked, no doubt about it, but I could feel myself burning out both physically and mentally during the last couple weeks. Took a couple days after my live race to rest and recharge my batteries before the final at-home attempt. Incredibly thankful to have squeezed out the additional few tenths of a second needed to hit my goal. Now, time to make my main training focus to have fun again.
Fantastic result, especially that last 500m. Wow
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

Instagram: stuwenman

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by p_b82 » February 7th, 2025, 2:39 pm

Thanks all (sorry was rude and haven't said/acknowledged it before now)
Jbrown1215 wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 11:26 am

Congrats on the PB! It might not feel like it, but 5.5 seconds is a MASSIVE improvement over a 2k distance, it's nearly a full split and a half! Well paced overall, and looks like you left enough in the tank for a solid push at the end. Well done.
Thanks - as Keith commented, I'd agree with him, I think there was a little bit more in the tank. i only thought to myself "I won't do this" once at about 1100m. (then I told myself to shut up and just get on with it)

- next time I can bite a bit more off.
Jbrown1215 wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 11:38 am
After a subpar in-person race day 2k performance last Saturday due to a combination of nerves, anxiety, and otherwise self-inflicted pressure, I decided to try and make amends on Wednesday back in the comforts of my garage.

I could feel myself burning out both physically and mentally during the last couple weeks.
and congrats - I cannot even imagine how horrible doing 2k at that pace would feel - a) to miss out under race day & b) to go at it again just a few days later!
M 6'4 born:'82
'23: HM=1:36:08.0, 60'=13,702m
'24: 5k=20:42.9, 10k=42:13.1, FM=3:18:35.4, 30'=7,132m
'25: 500m=1:35.3, 2k=7:39.3, 6k: 25:05.4

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Jbrown1215 » February 7th, 2025, 2:58 pm

alex9026 wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 12:52 pm
Enjoyed following the journey of this Justin, pleased to see you hit your target. Time to get at it with your (favoured?) long pieces again!
Thx Alex. Most likely I'll flip back to tackling some longer stuff fun as the shorter sprints are to tackle here and there (e.g. this month's 300m CTC), they don't quite scratch the "itch" that I have. My 6k and HM PBs are looking a bit squishy and will likely be the next ones I go after, but I'm not quite ready to kick into PB-chasing mode again for the moment. Just gonna stick to the basics for at least a few weeks, and focus on staying in shape for the Erg Endurance Series coming up towards the end of March.
nick rockliff wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 12:57 pm
Nice 2k, well done. Can I ask what time did you pull at the race?
Thanks Nick. 6:17.4 on race day. One of those rows where I could tell by 500 meters in that I didn't have it, and just flipped into survival mode from there.
Dangerscouse wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 1:22 pm
Fantastic result, especially that last 500m. Wow
Thanks Stu. Having gone 6:10.5 in training a few weeks back where I'd let the sub 6:10 agonizingly slip through my fingers in the final 200 meters, once I knew I had a shot with ~800 meters left, I was hell-bent on not letting it happen again.
p_b82 wrote:
February 7th, 2025, 2:39 pm
Thanks - as Keith commented, I'd agree with him, I think there was a little bit more in the tank. i only thought to myself "I won't do this" once at about 1100m. (then I told myself to shut up and just get on with it)

- next time I can bite a bit more off.

and congrats - I cannot even imagine how horrible doing 2k at that pace would feel - a) to miss out under race day & b) to go at it again just a few days later!
I didn't want to say it :), but yes, you likely had a bit too much left in the tank if the final split was that much faster. Great learning experience for you though and something you can remember for your next 2k attempts.

I accepted my race day performance for what it was and didn't overly beat myself up about it. I know why I struggled that day (all between my ears), and perhaps in contrast to many, I much prefer to erg in solitude, so although it was far from a sure thing, I believed that the fitness was there to go sub 6:10 in the right conditions.
Instagram: jbrown1215
40M, 6’3”, 210lbs
500m: 1:20.4
1k: 2:54.7
2k: 6:09.7
5k: 16:35
6k: 20:06
30R20: 8664m
10k: 34:07
60': 17201m
HM: 1:14:23
FM: 2:39:21

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by PleaseLockIn » February 8th, 2025, 6:45 am

Knowing that I might get into the pre-University team in 1-2 months, I decided to do a trial TT to see what I could do. I decided to make it a r20 5k to prepare for its trial 30r20 (of 2:02-ish). My last 5k PB was way back in early November, when my technique was like a monkey.

Unfortunately my psychology went against me and I couldn't maintain 2:05.x for 5k while keeping the average rate at r20. My pace slowly drifted to around ~2:05.8 average pace before I gave up (even without losing vision or sweating quite a bit). My HR was 195 at max.

Guess I can try again next week and aim at 2:06 r20 then at the last 1000m ish I start picking it up, for a 5000m. That would be a hair under the median for lightweight 19-29 year olds and barely over the 25th percentile for heavyweight 19-29 year olds, for ranked pieces (all pieces) of 5k.

That would not be bad if i manage it, considering my rate would be at 20.
18M 175 cm 67kg

(Nov 2024 serious start) 2024 PBs: 6900m 30r20, 12*500m R1 2:04 r24 (last 1:59 r20), 7:58 2k
2025 PBs: 2:27 UT2 pace, 1:34.6 LP, 18:10 4325m r20

500m Poster
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by AndyH » February 10th, 2025, 2:46 pm

Dangerscouse wrote:
February 6th, 2025, 3:57 pm
AndyH wrote:
February 5th, 2025, 3:40 pm
I did a 2k at the Atlanta Erg sprints last week. First ever 2k. For reference I'm 56, 185 lbs and brand new to rowing as of last fall.

When I started rowing back in the fall I wanted to go sub 8. Once I actually started training (first with the Beginner Pete Plan and then crossing over to the Wolverine Plan) I thought 7:50 was reasonable with 7:40 as a stretch goal.

I was thrilled with a 7:34.8!

Glad I now have a time to work off of and improve.

Well done Andy. Five seconds faster than your stretch goal is a great result.

How did it feel for your first race? Did adrenaline help or hinder?
Thanks. Felt really good for the first 1250 lol.

Overall I think the adrenaline helped, although only because I had someone pacing me and keeping from going too hard until the last 250.

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by ahooton » February 11th, 2025, 3:43 pm

An unexpected 2K PB today. 6:36.5

Can only attribute this to technique improvements as I’m not nearly as fit as two months ago. Certainly not complaining. :)
M 6’4. 94KG 44
2k - 6:36.5
5k - 17:35
6k - 21:43
10k - 37:09
30 mins-8179
1hr - 16058m
HM - 1:21.44
FM - 2:49.19

Half Marathon Poster
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Sakly » February 11th, 2025, 4:40 pm

ahooton wrote:
February 11th, 2025, 3:43 pm
An unexpected 2K PB today. 6:36.5

Can only attribute this to technique improvements as I’m not nearly as fit as two months ago. Certainly not complaining. :)
Hey, well done, mate!
What do you mean with "not nearly as fit as two months ago"? You should be training hard for the marathon :lol:
Male - '80 - 82kg - 177cm - Start rowErg Jan 2022
1': 358m
4': 1217m
30'r20: 8068m
30': 8,283m
60': 16,222m
100m: 0:15.9
500m: 1:26.0
1k: 3:07.8
2k: 6:37.1
5k: 17:26.2
6k: 21:03.5
10k: 36:01.5
HM: 1:18:40.1
FM: 2:52:32.6
My log

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