Runner seeking rowing advice

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Runner seeking rowing advice

Post by jmoreland4 » November 28th, 2023, 3:33 pm


I’m a 23 year old 6’6 172 runner and I have a month or so of cross training ahead of me. I’d like to put in a training block culminating in a 2k. Two years ago I was injured and rowed about 30-35 minutes per day, some days harder and some easier depending on how I felt. I’d like to build up to more volume and maybe have a shot at sub 6:20 (did 6:34 in 2021, less aerobically fit than now).

I’ve been trying to figure out a training plan, but I wanted to consult some rowers. A lot of the online concept 2 plans have 4-5 interval workouts per week… I find the frequency eye opening but maybe that's normal. Also, what are effort levels like if I were to do this many interval workouts per week? Zone 2? Harder? At the end of the day getting my a$$ in the erg every day is probably going to help at this point in my fitness, but any advice helps. I've consulted this forum before, and remember it being helpful. Really want to get things right this time and crush a 2k. thanks a lot everyone.

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Re: Runner seeking rowing advice

Post by Ombrax » November 28th, 2023, 6:51 pm

jmoreland4 wrote:
November 28th, 2023, 3:33 pm
A lot of the online concept 2 plans have 4-5 interval workouts per week…
First, welcome to the forum!

Lots of "plans" have 4-5 workouts per week, but the majority that I know of have a mix of steady-state and intervals, not 4-5 interval workouts / week.

I'm not a structured workout type of rower, but can tell you up-front that you'll get lots of recommendations for the Pete Plan and Beginners Pete Plan. There's tons of info on the forum and elsewhere online, so at a minimum, take a look at those to get a feel for a standard sort of rowing plan.

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Re: Runner seeking rowing advice

Post by MPx » November 28th, 2023, 7:14 pm

Not clear if your intended C2 training block is in the "month or so" mentioned or targetting a longer period. In a month or so you wont get any fitter aerobically but can sharpen up your speed work very well. That sharpening work will be mostly intervals. If the training block is longer, the Pete 2k Plan runs in 3 week cycles of 6 ergs a week and can repeat for as long as you're prepared to do it. It's a pretty even mix of intervals and longer pieces and there's a thread on here covering all the plans weather 2k, 5k or beginner with many people going through each of them.
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Re: Runner seeking rowing advice

Post by Elizabeth » November 28th, 2023, 7:49 pm

That much true interval work is highly unusual, except maybe as you are approaching a peaking phase. But, you will sometimes see things like 2x30:00/1:30r. That's typically meant to be steady state in intensity, allowing a short break to sip water and maybe take off a layer - harder to do rowing than running given the handle.

I personally like about two days of interval work, a medium session or an equivalent to a tempo run, and then all other sessions easy.
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Re: Runner seeking rowing advice

Post by jamesg » November 29th, 2023, 4:05 am

This seems to be the original Interactive system. If I remember right there are about 200 plans, of various length (up to 26 weeks) to suit various current fitness and technical capabilities. They start with a 2k test and are progressive.

If you only have a month, you could do the last 4 weeks of say a level 3 plan, taking technique, strength and endurance for granted.
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