Well a disappointing result.
I pulled another 1:16.2
You can see the race here -
I think this was a 2nd place for the Oceania Champs, and I think it was a 1st for the NZ champs (as it was a joint event), but official results aren't out.
But I went into this race wanting to get a new PB and to get over 800w (under 1:16).
So thats why I'm disappointed.
What went wrong - I don't know..
Here's what I do know:
1) I felt like I couldn't get any power from my legs. My warmups were a real effort. Typically I do bursts of 7-10 strokes, rest, repeat etc. The first burst I'm looking to hit 800w, then a 900w, then a 1000w - and maybe do 2 or 3 of these, then one final big burst aiming to hit a 1100w...
Today it took me a few attempts to get a figure above 1000w. It felt really hard.
I shrugged it off and put it down to nerves, and figured the race would unleash the power.
2) Nerves - I was super nevrous - have been for the last few days. I thought this would be a good thing. Maybe not? I was using the bathroom A LOT in the hours leading up to the race.
3) Power at the start - there was no real 'pop' like I usually get. I think I had 1 or 2 strokes over 1000w and that was it. My first 100m was only 838w - usually it's around 900 - 950w. And I wasn't trying to pace myself either (I was going for a fly and die race plan again
4) First time doing a full week taper for an event - I thought this should have lead to a good result, but maybe it didn't? Or maybe I got the taper plan wrong? IDK.
5) Caffeine - I didn't feel anything after the 600mg of caffeine. And no performance boost either.
I'm not blaming any of these things - just trying to figure out what happened.
The race was a blur as well - for those that have experienced the 'flow state' - today was the opposite of that lol. My mind was all over the place. It was so strange. Maybe this is a result of all the caffeine lol.
Anyway, this sport is hard work isn't it haha.
I'm still 2 seconds (60watts) from my goal. I really wanted to be around 1:15.8 or so today, and then pull a low 1:15 around xmas/NY. But maybe I need to re-evaluate.
I will note though that twice now I have gone into a 500m - followed a really strict warmup plan, taken all the pre-workout supps etc, and really psyched myself up for it (.e. got super nervous) and then bombed (though I know today's result wasn't a bomb - it was an equal PB, just not where I expected to be thats all). So maybe I need to be more relaxed about these rows?!
One upside from all of this - even though I wasn't feeling 'On' today - and the legs weren't working as expected - I still equaled my best time. So I guess that is a plus right?
And the good thing is I can get back into training mode - as I did miss it this week!!